Pillow fort

403 33 18

Doctor's POV

Rose has been in her room for hours, what could she be doing? I causally walked to her door, as I hesitated to knock. I took a deep breath, as I knocked waiting for her to respond.

"Come in!" Rose called, as I slowly stepped in. Inside there was a giant pillow and blanket fort, I stared at the "KEEP OUT" sign.

"Not even a few days ago, you were calling me a baby. Next thing you know, you have your own fort." I rant, plopping to my knees. As the pink blankets opened lightly, as Rose peered out at me. Her hair was in pigtails, as she was wearing glasses similar to mine.

"You wear glasses?" I ask, as she sighed.

"Only for reading, I don't really like them," She admitted, as she took my hand. She pulled me inside, curling up against my torso. As she continued to read a Stephen king book, her head resting under my chin.

Her laptop was on, as some fairytale movie was playing. I chuckled at the stuffed animals, as Rose was curled up in her pink footie jim jams, intently reading. I kissed her head, as I lightly pulled at one of her pigtails.

"You seem to be set up in here," I advise. As I nuzzled into her hair, holding her tightly. Rose nodded, as she began to eat some pocky. I rolled my eyes, as I picked up her teddy bear which resembled me. In the far corner was a grey bear with a green shirt and leather jacket, as I pulled it over staring at it intently.

I set the two in her lap, as I pulled her back against my chest. My legs wrapped around her, as I rested my chin on her shoulder. I simply began reading to my little Rosie, as she leaned against me, kissing my cheek.

She hugged the bears, letting me flip the pages. As in the corner of my eye, I saw a blue bear. With suspenders, a belt, and a trench coat. I knew it was Captain Jack, it even had his time vortex manipulator!

I growled, a little jealous. As I threw the bear out of the fort, as Rose looked up confused. She knew I was jealous, as I turned away hiding my face. Rose simply kissed my cheek again, as her hand rubbed my knee.

"Yours, Doctor," She cooed, returning her attention to the book.

"Mine," I muttered, as I buried my face in her hair. My arms snaked around her, as I held her tightly. I continued to think, about how much I love my lovely pink and yellow human. Well I love her a lot, I certainly know that.

I snapped out of thought, when I heard Rose slam the book shut; Rose simply turned, as she leaned into my arms. Her legs also winding around me, as her head resided on my shoulder. I caressed her back, as she yawned.

Typical humans, always so tired. I held her tightly, as I got us to a better spot to lay inside the fort. I simply used the leather Jacket bear as a pillow, as Rose cuddled the small me plush. Her head snuggled deeply into my neck, as she curled up on my chest.

After a few minutes she had fallen asleep, as I pulled the blanket over us. My lovely little human, always so adorable. I started to stare at the laptop, as Cinderella was playing. I noticed Rosie had left her glasses on, as I pulled them off.

The jim jams had a hood, as I pulled it up. I smiled softly, I was truly in love with my pink and yellow human.

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