A Burning Rose

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Rose's POV

The Doctor and I were coughing furiously, We were running out of a security building which was on fire. I was able to keep up with the Doctor for a while until I slowed down a little. His hand instantly gripped mine, pulling me to go faster. My coughing got progressively worse, and so did the Doctor's.

The security breach doors closed behind us as we ran, there was now one more door we had to get passed. My legs went limp making me let go of the Doctor, as soon as he turned the doors shut locking me inside.

"Rose!" He yelled as the doors shut. The concern and guilt in his voice causing him to cough made tears fall from my eyes.

I could hear the banging at the large mechanic door and the sonic screwdriver. Even with the sonic I knew the doors would not open. He said so himself , the sonic won't work against them.

My throat was dry and my body was hot. What if this place exploded? I instantly regretted thinking it would when it really could explode. At least the Doctor is safe, thats all that matters.

"Rose! can you hear me? Rose, answer me!" The Doctor cried, banging on the door. I wanted to cry out I'm here, but whats the use my throat was so dry I could barely squeak.

I could hear the Doctor's sobs. My body shivered, was I really that important to him?

The roof started to collapse a bit. I large piece of the ceiling fell on me crushing my leg. I could hear the loud snap causing me to let out the best scream I could manage. I panted and kicked the piece off with my other leg.

"Rose!" The Doctor whaled and was now coughing himself. I pulled my body closer to the door. If only I could get closer.

The room continued to get warmer, and the roof gapped in a little more. Pain was dominating my body. My leg was twisted and bleeding and I could no longer breathe.

I gasped for air but was clouded with more smoke into my mouth. My heart felt as if it was burning. I knew what was happening. I was having a rather bad panic attack.

I tried to yell, scream and cry, but I could only whimper. I knew the Doctor had heard my whimpers since he was now banging much harder at the Door.

"Rose! I'm coming! I will get you out, please stay awake and try to breathe! He bellowed.

My world was turning black, I wasn't sure if it was the smoke or I was passing out or ,worse dying.

Doctor's POV

Rose and I were caught running away from a blazing fire, I couldn't help but cough. I nearly winced as I heard Rose's coughs. I had to get her out of here. She was only human, this fire must be hurting her more than I at the moment. If we did get stuck I would bury her in my arms and try to conceal her body.

I felt her slow down, I grabbed her hand pulling her farther. There was one door left and I would make sure she got out and if we didn't, I would conceal her body with mine.

Then I no longer felt her hand in mine, I turned , and saw her on the floor as the doors shut locking me outside in the snow. "Rose!" I yelled all to late.

I began to bang at the door viciously, I tried using the sonic. Tears fell when I realized I knew that wouldn't work.

"Rose! can you hear me? Rose, answer me!" I cried. I was banging at the doors hard enough to give me bruises. She meant the whole universe to me, I wasn't letting her go that easily.

I suddenly heard a snap and a scream, I was certain I knew who the scream came from. I then heard coughing, I was fighting back most of my coughing. But I knew Rose couldn't.

"Rose!" I whaled. I kept barging my shoulder to the door, suddenly I felt it dent.

"Rose! I'm coming! I will get you out, please stay awake and try to breathe!"I fret.

I rammed my self against the door until it was fully broken down. Smoke flew out the door as I ran in. "Rose!" I cried. Her body was bruised, broken and a little burned. I was thankful the burns weren't to serious.

I picked up her body, running her outside to the cold winter air. She wasn't breathing. I laid her down on my jacket and pressed my mouth to her own , I then began to adjust her head finding a better angle for her to breathe.

I laid my ear near her mouth listing for her breath, and there it was. Her breath was very rugged and hoarse. She began to cough violently as I now held her body in mine.

I began running, Ive been running all my life but never this fast. The TARDIS came into view and I slammed my back against the door causing them to open. I got into the med bay crying and panting as I laid her body on the bed.

I was about to grab the oxygen mask and IV'S but the TARDIS had already changed her outfit, covered and wrapped her wounds, and placed the oxygen mask on her.

I soon realized I was strapped to a chair receiving treatment as well. I fought back trying to be close to Rose, the TARDIS knew I would do this so she just lightly hummed until I was relaxed. I stared at Rose who was still limp across from me and let my tears fall.

A whole day had passed and the TARDIS had let me get up, Rose was still not awake but she was doing fairly well.

My hand laid on hers, as my forehead was on the bed. I sprung up when I felt her hand move.

Her beautiful eyes were open looking rather frantic. "Rose." I whispered staring into her watery eyes as mine watered as well. I leaned over her holding her close to me. I then pulled her head into my shoulder and whispered into her ear. "I'd thought I lost you."

She leaned against my embrace, to weak to hug back. "Rose Tyler, I love you so much, and I'm so so sorry." I cried.

Rose's POV

I suddenly felt such a loving and protective force grab me and pull me into cold air. It felt so refreshing, and so much better than the heat. Lips were now on mine, improving and helping my breath to come back. I could feel my body being adjusted until I was breathing a bit more properly.

My body felt as if it was being carried, we were moving fast from what I could tell. My back landed on a soft surface, and my wounded leg and body felt as if they were now wrapped and cleaned. Something was helping my breathing, sadly it wasn't lips which were hopefully the Doctor's.

I let my body rest and fall into a more comforting world of sleep. A hand was placed over mine causing my eyes to flutter open. My eyes frantically searched for the Doctor.

There he was, he lightly said my name in relief. His body then embraced mine and held my head against his shoulder. He breathed near my ear " I'd thought I lost you." He cried. I nodded and snuggled into his embrace scared that I had almost lost him as well.

"Rose Tyler, I love you so much, and I'm so so sorry." He whimpered.

I knew I was now home, and safe in my Doctor's arms.

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