Our Future (part 1)

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Lovely request from none other than KamiJohnson ! Hope you like it!
Rose's POV

I was simply bored, I had this crazy thought that the Doctor and I could have a future. If only I could tell him, but he would just run off like the coward he claims to be. I wanted my forever, I hate to toot my own horn but I deserve it!

Rose Tyler! Defender of Earth for christ sake! We can't I have a happy ending? I really shouldn't complain, who else will get to travel all of time and space? I sighed at this, I knew after he was done with me, he could simply find a new companion.

The Doctor landed, at least 5 years in the future. I walked out, as I aimlessly walked. The Doctor followed, putting a goofy grin on his face. He could tell I was upset, but he didn't seem to know how to cheer me up.

I stopped dead in my tracks, as a few blocks away stood me and the Doctor. Jack and Ianto were there as well. I looked a little more mature, in a small dress. The Doctor secured around my waist, as I was at his side my head on his shoulder.

My current Doctor saw, as he tilted his head putting on his glasses. I saw myself kiss the Doctor's cheek, as he kissed my hairline. I saw small light glints on both of their hands, wedding rings. My jaw dropped, I wanted to run over there desperately.

"We should go," The Doctor insisted tugging my hand. I didn't budge, as I saw Jack and Ianto's fingers loop together. They all laughed, as the walked into a local diner. Did I really get my future with the Doctor?

"We had wedding rings, but I would never," The Doctor sputtered confused. My heart broke, as I looked down trying to hold back tears.

"Nononononoo," He said franticly. As he pulled me into a tight hug, "I meant I wouldn't since I know I could loose you, nothing against you at all. If I could marry you, I would in a heartbeat!" His voice heightened with his nervousness.

I sniffled, as I shook my head in his chest. I pushed him away, as I ran into the TARDIS. His somewhat love confession isn't what had me upset, it was that I knew I couldn't be there for him. What we saw was just something that could happen, but that chance was very low.

I stared at my TV, the TARDIS showed me what was going on at the cafe.

"How's your honey moon going? Miss two hearts!" Jack asked, holding Ianto's hand under the table. Wait, did he mean I had two hearts? Maybe it was because I apparently married the Doctor who had two.

"Rather fun," I giggled, snuggling against the Doctor's shoulder, as he laughed, "It is, isn't it?" His arm wove themselves around my future figure. As he smiled into her hair, Ianto and Jack laughed.

"Ours was quite the blast," Ianto laughed, as Jack began to wiggle his eyebrows suggestively. I then noticed their rings as well. Good for Jack, no more flirting because he has finally found the one!

I heard knocking at my door, as it opened lightly. I quickly shut off the TV, as I crawled under the bed like a child. I didn't want him to see my tears, as I felt a wrist around my ankle. He carefully pulled me out, as I tried to hide. The Doctor sighed, as he sat me in his lap.

"Maybe if we find a way, If you'd like that is! We can see if I can increase your lifespan, and make sure you don't age. Then only then we can get married," He gulped unsure of his words. I sniffled, as I hugged himL

"I could always go look into the TARDIS, I am the BÄD WØŁF after all," I suggested.

"That could kill you," The Doctor sighed, "But theres still a chance of me surviving," I encouraged.

"I will think about it," The Doctor advised, knowing him he still won't let me. But maybe he won't have to know, it wouldn't matter the outcome. I would be happy, but for now I was just going to stay in his arms. Maybe we will get our forever, lets hope so!

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