Insecurities of being Mine and yours

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3rd Person

"Mine," Rose muttered. While burying her face deeply into the Doctor's chest. The Doctor chuckled and nodded, rubbing his companions back. Ever since they became a couple, Rose became a little more protective, but the Doctor did as well. He felt a sense of pride and sadness about her declarations of him being her's due to the day's events.

She was upset because she had felt threatened by an alien who attempted to seduce the Doctor. She obviously didn't get very far, but Rose still felt highly insecure.

"My heart's only belong to you Rose," The Doctor coos. Rose agrees, her grip nowhere close to loosening.

"Mine," she mumbles again while taking his hand; proceeding to lead him back to their reliable ship. He smiled triumphantly, following like a love-sick puppy.

The Doctor's smile faded when he saw the men of the planet staring at his companion. He sped up his pace, loosing his grip on his hand only to wrap it around her waist. Rose complied by resting her head on his shoulder, and holding him tightly.

"I hope I am as much yours than you are mine," She giggled.

"Oh Rose, there's many marks on you to prove you're mine. If you'd feel better you can make your own," He smugly replied.

"Don't think I won't take you up on that offer Time-Lord." The pink and yellow human teased, smiling with her tongue through her teeth.

"I insist you do love," The Doctor chimed, unlocking the door to his sentient ship. He led Rose inside first with his hand on her lower back, glancing at the furious men with a wink.

Seconds after entering, the Doctor pulled his lover to him keeping his back against the doors.

"Mine," The Doctor purred, lavishing the bite mark on his companion's neck. She nodded in agreement, rising on her toes to kiss his lips.

The kiss was simple and sweet, a slight possesiveness was in the Doctor's eyes when they pulled away.

"Your's Doctor," she hummed. Slowly returning to her full height, and trotting around the console.

"Rose, you do know I'm yours, right? You shouldn't have to feel threatened by others." He acknowledged. Staring intently at his lover from the other side of the console.

"Doesn't make me feel any less insecure, you're a hot, young, smart god. It's just when all these aliens that are better and smarter, and just overall sometimes a lot better looking than I. Sometimes I just don't feel worthy enough being in the same room, let alone be your girlfriend." She admitted, tearing up slightly.

The Doctor slowly walked over to his lover cupping her face, and kissing her tenderly.

"You are far more important than I, you are more than worthy. I've been gifted by something amazing to have you in my life, you are all I want, all I could ask for, and you're what I always needed. Rose Tyler I am nothing without you, and no one could ever take your place." He stated firmly.

"Okay," she whispered, kissing his cheek. He smirked knowing she had to use her toes to even reach his height, then returning the favor by kissing her forehead.

"Now I don't ever want you to think like that again because I am as much your as you are mine."  He replied, while escorting his companion to their room.

"Maybe I can make those marks you where talking about!" She giggled with a yawn.

"I'd be offended if your didn't,"

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