Hair time!

321 28 10

Sorry its so short, been so packed but i'm trying!

Doctor's POV

"New you has a lot of hair, I wonder what it would be like spiked up!" Rose giggles excitedly, running her fingers through my sadly not ginger hair.

"Spiked up?" I ask rather interested, staring at the light blush on Rose's cheeks. My features felt warm as well, especially with Rose this close.

"Yup! Come on, I really wanna sees what it would look like, we will be needing quite a bit of hair gel though," Rose calls, as she drags me along to the TARDIS restroom.

"Sit," she instructs, reaching for the hair. I noticed Rose couldn't exactly reach, so I carefully grabbed it causing Rose to lean back against me. 

"Thanks," she laughs, as I return to my seat. Rose carefully grabbed the comb, playing with my hair. Her fingers nearly massaging my scalp, I almost purred at the sensation. As she grabbed the gel, getting to work.

I tapped my foot, wishing I could see a mirror. I liked the warm feeling of Rose so close, as she had fun doing her work.  After about an hour or so, Rose stood in front of me, her eyes filled with excitement. 

"I knew it would look nice, but you look Fantastic!" Rose giggled, handing me a mirror, as I absolutely fell in love with the hair style.

"Rose tyler you're bloody brilliant!" I jump, pulling her into a hug. After a while we both laughed, as Rose began to wash her hands.

"All that gel, I wonder if my hands will stop being so sticky," Rose joked, as she walked back to the console room. 

"I do love this hair, to bad its not ginger," I pout.

"Really Doctor? Personally that hair cut and ginger hair is a no go! Especially with everything else, ginger should never be an option," Rose explains, raising a brow.

"Fine no ginger for me," I sigh. 

"Plus you wouldn't be as foxy being ginger, night Doctor," Rose yawns, walking back to her room. 

My face instantly heats up as she leaves, "She thinks i'm foxy?"

TenRose/TenPetals one shots Doctor Who -COMPLETED-Where stories live. Discover now