French rivalry

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This was a request from none other than isabelle1099 Hope you enjoy it!
Rose's POV

The Doctor had returned with Reinette, as he took Mickey to investigate. It was evident she wasn't too pleased with me, I didn't care since I had to admit I hated her as well. She rolled her eyes, as she looked me up and down.

I calmly smiled, as I took a seat. It was hard not ask her to stop staring, very rude for a Queen. What did the Doctor see in her? I was furious, I stayed with him so long trying to earn his love. After about a day he fell for her.

She paced around until she finally spoke.

"Are you always dressed this unpleasant? It's very un-lady like!"

My blood boiled, as I was ready to slap this so called Queen. "Yes, but this is normal in my time zone." I retorted. Turning my head away, as I began to skim through photos on my phone. I knew to stay polite as her last remark was stinging my brain.

Un-lady like my ass, she was being extremely rude. Then she thinks i'm the un-lady like one here!

"What's could be taking him so long?" Madame asked aloud. I shrugged my shoulders in response, as I just wanted to go in my room. But no, Reinette had to be watched, and wasn't allowed in the TARDIS.

"Answer me!" She commanded, staring at me. Really? Did she really just say that? I looked up at her, my facial expression one of as if I was saying excuse me.

"Pardon?" I respond, raising an eyebrow. I shuddered knowing It was best to be polite, but she was making it so difficult.

"You heard me," Reinette gawked. She was asking for me to break her pretty little face, wasn't she?

"I meant excuse you, I really wish you wouldn't talk to me in that sort of way," I clarified, rude tone in my words. Screw being nice, she had no authority over me in any way.

"Big words from a tranny like yourself," She gasped, not intending my words. As she rolled her eyes, crossing her arms turning away in a fit.

"Really Madame De Pompewhore," I snapped, as I began to walk away. I couldn't care any less if those things got her anymore. I heard her gasp loudly, as her heels slammed against to floor following me.

"I'm am the Queen of France! How dare some peasant talk to me in such a way! Plus the Doctor loves me anyway! So stop being so upset, its obvious," Madame shouted.

"Peasant?" I retaliated, ready to break her nose. "Excuse me, but I'm from the future! So you may be a queen now, but where I'm from you'renot. So you have no authority over me, got that? Sooner or later you're going to die anyway," I yelled.

I ran to the TARDIS, as I passed Mickey and the Doctor. I heard shouting, I knew it was the brat queen. I locked the TARDIS doors from the inside. I knew no one could get in now, even with a key. The monitor turned on, as I saw the Doctor against the wall being snogged by Reinette.

Tears fell from my eyes, as Mickey tried opening the door. " Doctor the doors locked," The Doctor instantly pulled away as he ran to the door. I ran to my room, hearing the Doctor yell presumably at Reinette.

"What did you say to Rose? Rose open the door!"

I made it to my room, as I sobbed. Pushing my dresser in front of my door, I scrambled in my bed. My eyes like Niagara Falls. I pounded my fist down, why did he love her? What was wrong with me? Am I just not good enough? Was it because she's a Queen?

After a few hours, I heard my door hit the dresser. "Rose?" A voice questioned. I didn't move, as I stayed curled up in my knees. As I couldn't stop my tears, as I heard the door bumping at my dresser.

"Rose, please move the dresser," The Doctor asked, sympathy and hurt in his voice. After several attempts her had got in, I knew he did when I felt the bed indent. His hand fell on my shoulder, as he tried to get me to face him.

I slapped his hand away, I didn't deserve his care. He could give it all to Reinette, he loved her anyway. I felt his lips on my temple, as I tried to hide my face further in my knees. The Doctor scooped his arms underneath me, as he held me in his lap.

"Rose, please look at me," He pleaded, kissing all over my hair line. I hesitantly wrapped my arms around him, as I hid my face in his shoulder.

"What did she say to you?"The Doctor asked, holding my head to his shoulder in comfort. I didn't answer, as I didn't want to talk. I knew she would bat her eyes, as I took the blame. His hand forced me to look at him, as he kissed my lips lightly.

"Anything she said isn't true, I love you. Why would you ever think I loved her?" He inquired. As he kissed my forehead, holding my face in his hand. As our foreheads touched, are eyes in a content gaze with one another's.

"Now what did she say to you?" The Doctor questioned, kissing my lips softly again.

"That I'm a peasant, un-lady like, and I'm a tranny. Also so suck it up since you love her," I sobbed, as I held myself into his chest. Loosing everything, I had no self esteem whatsoever. But who was I to compare to her anyway.

"You're beautiful, Reinette is something you can't compare to. She is a terrible pile of snails, as you're as beautiful as an angel," He cooed.

"Really?" I asked in disbelief, as he wiped away my tears.

"Absolutely," The Doctor chuckled, as he pressed our lips together again. Well who cares if I'm not a Queen! I have all of time and space, and best of all! The Doctor.

TenRose/TenPetals one shots Doctor Who -COMPLETED-Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt