Don't let it deceive you

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Rose's POV

"Come with me,"

I heard, as I shifted from my slumber. 

"I can bring you back, wolf come."

A light male voice spoke, in a very trance like state. I felt as if I had to go, as it drawled leading me forward. The TARDIS hummed in protest, but my limbs began to pull back to the covers, and sliding to my feet.

"Rose, don't listen to it. Keep your attention on me," The TARDIS pleads.

I shake my head, trying to take the TARDIS'S advice. But the voice called again, and my head didn't feel as if it was in my own control. My legs kept going, as I gripped the handle tightly; my knuckles turning white.

"Valiant child, wolf to be. Run to the light, and see who you can be,"

"No," I mumble in protest. As I turned the knob, wondering aimlessly toward the voice. My head feels cloudy, but I couldn't stop to help. My lips seemed as if they where stitched shut, as I found myself in the console room.

Arms suddenly pulled me back, as my face was shoved into the Doctor's chest. 

"Rose, don't think about it. It's tricking you, focus on me. What did it tell you?" He rambled. His hand cupping my face, but my body and head felt to heavy; causing me to collapse into his chest.  The world around was blank, as I was carried off by who I assumed was the Doctor.

My eyes snapped open a while later, to find myself embraced by the Doctor in my bed. His arm tucked around my waist; keeping my body close to his. My pillow is his other arm, which kept my head tucked against his two beating hearts.

"Rose?" He asked, as he handed me a glass a water; my body leaning against him as he sat up, taking me with him. 

I drank it eagerly, as the Doctor cradled me tighter. "Slow down," He pointed out softly, his lips touching my hair. I handed the glass back once I was finished, as he placed it back onto the bedside table.

"Do your remember anything that happened?" He asked, his hand brushing through my hair. His voice slightly covered, as his lips constantly brushed against my temple with each word. 

"No, what happened?" I ask confused. Concern spread across his features, and then something dark. His grip tightened, and it was obvious he was very upset. What happened? Why is he so upset?

"Why does it feel like I'm hungover?" I mumbled. Causing the Doctor's face to soften, while his hand swept to my forehead.

"Just a side affect, luckily you're not sick." He said through his teeth. 

"Side affect of what Doctor?" I ask, concern filling my tone. 

"Something got into your head, like how the TARDIS does to make sure you can understand languages. You got all the way to the console room, I don't know what is was trying to make you do. Could have made you throw yourself out the bloody TARDIS doors," he rambled, the last part sounding rage filled.

"Why?" I whimper. Snuggling into his arms, not helping much to calm him down. 

"I don't know, and I'm going to find out." He states, tucking me under his chin. 

"Do you have any idea who would want to get in my head?" I question. 

"No, but that worries me even more. The TARDIS is working through all transmission, blocking what she thinks may harm you." The Doctor sighed.

"Are you sure you don't remember?" He asked, his voice so soft.

"It felt cloudy, and like I couldn't control what I was doing." I whispered, trying to focus on what happened. 

"What led you to the console room?" The Doctor whispered, his embrace now protective. Stroking my hair and back, as he leaned us back. As he pulled me on top of him, leaving me tucked into his arms.

"Talking, someone was talking."  I murmur, my head clouding in a very familiar and unpleasant manner. The Doctor's hand went up the side of my jaw, holding my face against his chest.

"Who was talking?"

"I don't know,  it... it..." I pant, my mind clouding, sweat breaking from my skin. 

"TARDIS!" He worried, holding me tightly.

"Run, get away from him. He's holding you back, wolf. Valiant wolf, bite, hurt him and run. Come to the light, follow my voice," 

I shuddered, at the now menacing but hypnotic voice. 

"Don't listen to it, listen to me Rose," The Doctor commanded, trying to get me to look at him.

"Wolf run, do as your told!" It shouted. Causing me to scatter, as the TARDIS locked the door. I yanked at the knob, not even knowing what I was doing. I couldn't stop my actions, a feeling a didn't want to experience again.

The Doctor's arm wrapped around my torso, as I quickly tried wrenching them off to no avail. I heard him hiss, as I dug my nails into his arm, mentally crying not able to stop what was happening. Before I knew it my hands where behind my back, and I was pressed to the door.

The fog in my head cleared, and I fell back. The Doctor caught me effortlessly, carefully putting me back on the bed. 

"Rose, look at me. Next time this happens, if you'd let me; i'd like to um..." He mumbled. I nodded lightly, knowing he wanted to look into my head. I blushed at the thought, knowing that was actually a very intimate thing.

"You'd let me?" He asked in disbelief.

"Some creepy menacing voice just told me to run, and hurt you. I'm pretty sure i'd like for you to fix it." I sigh, feeling exhausted. 

"Hurt me?" He asked, as my eyes grew heavy. The TARIS suddenly alarmed, she had found what was causing me this distress.

The Doctor grabbed me tightly, wrapping me tightly in a blanket. Then doing that again with another blanket, as he kissed my head and ran out of the room. A large wave of fog crashed in my head, causing me to tremble.

"Listen closely wolf, run. I'm doing you a favor, why be a worthless human when you can be a wolf....."

It screamed, as a gruesome pain shot in my head and then stopped all at once. Sweat covered every length of my body, I cried softly; feeling very vulnerable and exhausted, but was happy to know it was over. Which was ensured with the gentle hum of the TARDIS, and the Doctor who helped get the blanks off, and pulled me into his arms without a word.

"Doctor what was it?" I asked.

"Someone who wanted you to be BÄD WØŁF again, they where going to use you against me. The promise of more, but they only wanted you as a bloody dog after they got what they wanted." He growled, his grip growing tighter.

"Oh," I sighed, my eyes drooping for hopefully the last time today. Until I fell asleep, waking up to a very cuddly Doctor.

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