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I'd love to dedicate this chapter to   dancingfangirl01  and I hope I exceeded your expectations.

Rose's POV

I felt like crying, I should have just let Mickey tag along. He's much better than Reinnette. Then again was I any better than her? The Doctor welcomed her with open arms, even when he knew not too.  As soon as she walked through the TARDIS doors, the atmosphere grew dark.

It was fairly obvious the TARDIS was on my side, not liking or wanting her here.

"What's wrong girl?" The Doctor asked, stroking the console gently. Oblivious as to why the TARDIS was upset, and not even noticing my discomfort. 

"I could kill him," The TARDIS told me, through telepathy. I nodded in agreement, as Reinette looked around in awe. I sighed, as the Doctor showed her around. 

"Rose hold onto something," The TARDIS instructed, as I gripped the console railing. The TARDIS then there us around, both the Doctor and Reinette flying over the railings, until she stopped. I held back a laugh, as the TARDIS made a satisfied hum.

"What was that?" Reinette asked, as the Doctor helped her up. 

"Well.." The Doctor replied, his hand at the back of his neck. "I don't know,"

"Isn't this your sip, shouldn't you know?" She asked, as I slipped from the room. Solemnly walking to my room, tears threatening to fall. I noticed my normal door, now had two. As my room was huge, fitted for perfection.

"Rose I'm sorry, we will figure this out. No way she's getting this nice of a room, best I'm giving her in a broom closet," She hummed, as I smiled.

I shut the doors, my back pressed to the doors as I slid down to burry my face into my knees. I couldn't hold back my sobs,  I was at least hopeful we could figure this out. Get rid of the blasted Madame!  It was just to much, does he not know I love him?

Just then there was a knock on the door, as I locked it tightly, pressing my back further against it.

"Rose did you get a new room?" His voice called, as I felt like punching him in the face.

"Well the TARDIS won't listen and I'm trying to get her to give Reinette a room but she won't seem to listen, can you help?" He asks.

I shuddered, he's breaking my heart and thinks he can ask me to help him replace me? I dried my eyes, and applied some makeup to make it see as if I hadn't cried before, I practically ripped open the door.

"I want to go home," I practically commanded, as the Doctor looked both heartbroken and confused. As I saw Reinette grinning ear to ear from behind him.

"Why? Did I do something wrong?" He asks, looking like he was about to bust into tears.

"You think?" The TARDIS hummed.

"You really don't know?" I ask, almost shout. "You are bloody oblivious to everything aren't you?" I shout, slamming the door in his face. As I could hear him talk to Reinette through the door.

"Reinette could you wait in the console room?" He asks, his voice hoarse.

"Of course," she giggled. She actually giggled, as I practically heard her skip off in delight.

"Rose, I know its wrong of me to ask. But what did I do to upset you, I'm sorry," He begs. I open the door staring straight at him.

"Who would you rather travel with, me or Reinette?"


"You heard me, me or Reinette?" 

"Rose you can't be... Rose i'd never replace you," I could tell he finally realized why I was upset.

"I want to go home, since you're to ignorant to tell I've been in love with you this whole time. While Reinette just comes along, trying to push me out of the picture. While I know you won't return my feelings, but you're to much of a coward to even address them!" I shout, absolutely done.

"I love you too..." 

"What?" I ask, looking up at him teary eyed. As I hear a gasp from behind, obviously Reinette.

"C'mon where taking Reinette home, and after that I promise you I will prove it to you, how much I love you." He smiles, as I smile brightly back. Jumping into his arms, are lips in sync. The TARDIS hummed fondly, as we heard the angry clicking of heels walk away.

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