Rose's monthly

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Ok I know it may be a weird topic, but this book has 0% of men readers. So if you're a female like me, we could only hope for someone to comfort us in times like these. So if there is men reading this, take some notes on how to help your girl!

Rose's POV

These cramps where unbearable, having the TARDIS be timeless on the inside made me loose track of my monthly. Normally I stay with my mum, so the Doctor doesn't have to get involved. I wonder if he even knows what a period is, does he?

I couldn't help but sob, I didn't have anything for this. I ran out, and forgot most of them at mums. What am I going to do? I saw my blanket it even had blood on it, as I continued to bawl. Damn you hormones, I thought to myself.

"Rose are you hurt? I can smell blood," I hear the Doctor call frantically, as he was outside my door. I shut my mouth tightly, trying to make sure he couldn't hear my cries. I curled up further, as I winced causing the Doctor to rush in.

I instantly yipped, as I chucked my pillows at him.

"Get out!" I yelped. As I tried to bury myself into the covers, as I sobbed uncontrollably. I could feel the Doctor carefully pull back the blanket. As I rubbed my thighs together, as my eyes shut tightly. He was staring at me, as I sobbed in bloody panties and a white tang top.

My watery eyes opened, as I felt a kiss to my temple. I sniffled, wiping my nose as the Doctor curled the blanket around me, carrying me off to the bathroom. Running the bath, the shower also poured down.

"Clean up with a shower okay? Then take a bath," He instructed. His eyes shifted, as if he was looking for something. As he started looking through drawers and cupboards.

"Rose, where are you utilities?" He asked, still in search.

"Ran out," I whispered. The Doctor nodded, as he grabbed my phone. Instantly he pulled out a search engine, handing it too me. Knowing what he meant, I searched up what I needed. Brand and all, as he kissed my temple again.

"You can clean up now, don't worry. I'm going to go, you know." He rambled. As he left, me still surprised at how he didn't seem bothered at all. I quickly undressed, the TARDIS washing my clothes as I washed up.

After a cool shower, my cramps didn't get much better. So I stepped in the hot bath, the warmth helping the pain tremendously. I must have drifted off, since the water was cold when I opened my eyes wearily.

There was a slight knock on the door, as I could hear the Doctor.

"Rose? You indecent? Actually its alright, theres two towels on the side of the tub. I set an outfit for you, and your things on the bed. I'd like it if you could tell me when you're ready," The Doctor informed. As I heard his footsteps shuffle away, along with my bedroom door shutting.

I smiled, nearly crying. I was beyond touched, as I wrapped myself in the fluffs of towels, hoping that the Doctor would someday wrap me up this way. I slowly entered the bedroom, as the sheets where changed, as he got three packs of utilities for me.

I took my time, sliding on the silk Jim-Jams as I got myself situated. Placing the utilities in the bathroom. As I carefully peered out into the corridor, Nothing. The feeling of dread came over me, as if I was alone. My eyes tearing up, some tears falling.

"Doctor," I whimper, as I instantly heard him running down the hall. His hands where instantly stroking my cheeks, as he cleared any fallen tears, kissing my forehead as well.

"I'm here," He cooed, as he pulled me into a loving hug. After about standing in one another's embrace for an hour or so, he carried me off to the bed.

"I promise to be right back, just getting 'us' a few things. If that's alright that is," The Doctor explained, as he emphasized the word us, meaning I wasn't dealing with these trivial things alone. I nodded lightly, as he left me to the silence of my room.

As promised he returned not long after, with loads of stuff in his hands or in his mouth. He had blankets, pillows, an array of candies, especially chocolate, and some crackers. Also some tea, and fish and chips, as the vinegar bottle was in his mouth.

I giggled, as he set everything down, running out again. Only to instantly return with a bunch of movies, and books.

"Anything in particular you would like to watch Rose Tyler?" He chirps, as I eagerly shouted.


The Doctor laughed nodding in agreement, as he set the disc up. I laughed as he kicked his trainers off, as he pulled his tie and suit jacket off. My cheeks went pink, as he smirked making a clinking noise with his mouth.

Hopping on the bed, he cradled me closer. As I was constantly jumping, yelling at the screen as if they could hear me.

"John save him! He loves you!"

The Doctor laughed, pulling me closer until his arm was around my shoulder blades. His lips attached to the crown of my head, as I slowly began to drift into a comfortable sleep.

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