lost and found

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The Doctor was repairing the TARDIS while rose began exploring the Tardis since she had nothing else to do.

"I wonder how hard it is to actually fix the Tardis." Rose pondered as she ended up getting lost.

"Rose can you pass me my sonic?" The Doctor asked not aware she left about an hour ago while he talked to no one.

"Rose?" The Doctor called climbing out from under the console.

"Did I seriously get lost?" Rose criticized "oh Tardis why are you so big?"

As Rose turned she bumped into the Doctor and jumped with surprise.The Doctor laughed.

"There you are! Oh sorry for scaring you." The Doctor chuckled.

"Sorry I got lost." Rose explained."Oh and its fine you just surprised me.

The Doctor intertwined his hand with her's and started to lead her back to the console room.

"It's fine,she is pretty big its understandable you could get lost." The Doctor rambled.

"Did you fix the Tardis?" Rose questioned.

"No I'm almost done , I just went to find you since I might need some help." The Doctor replied as the reached the console room.

"Thanks for finding me." Rose said quietly trying to hide her blush.

"No problem and of course I will always find you if your lost!" The Doctor chimed as he finished the last of the mess under the console.

TenRose/TenPetals one shots Doctor Who -COMPLETED-Where stories live. Discover now