The name is not her knowledge.

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Rose's POV

I thrashed violently at my restraints, as they rushed down the vast halls. The faster they ran the more distorted I became, as the doors flew open with each impact. The things standing over me looked nowhere near alien, but seemed far to menacing to seem human.

 The only difference was their teeth and eyes, their teeth sharper than knives, and eyes glowing with a dangerous red hue. Finally we made an abrupt stop, at a teal and white room with equipment; including another bed decorated with more restraints.

The aliens roughly grabbed on, strapping my limbs down as I screamed in protest. "Let me go! Doctor help! Why are you doing this?" I question.

The tallest male smirked his face inching closer to mine. "We can stop this all now, you just have to say his name." He stated, his tongue pulling through his teeth.

"I don't know it, and if I did I wouldn't bloody tell you!" I barked.

"You're lying, I'll give you one more chance love." He hissed, while his long tongue slid over the shell of my ear. I shuddered quickly turning my head away, tears welling up in my eyes. The female assistant slid several things over my forehead and shoved the mouth guard in my mouth.

The alien gripped a lever, slamming it down. My body jolted up, while electic shocks coursed through my veins. It stopped suddenly, as the mouth guard fell from my mouth.

"What is his name?" He shouted. "I don't know," I whimpered, as the female assistant replaced my mouth guard before he pulled the lever again. I strained against the metal, as it cut through my skin lightly. Every nerve in my body screamed; while they burnt by the harsh assault of electricity. After hours or at least what seemed like hours passed, they escorted me out. My body was limp, while my mind felt so sore.

Passing the threshold of the door, the Doctor shouted. "What did you do to her?" He thrashed, strapped down to a metal chair. The alien set me down in the Doctor's lap, as I buried my face into his neck for protection. The alien walked out, as the Doctor's hearts pounded against my side.

"Rose," The Doctor whispered, kissing my temple lightly. "Rose please turn, I'm going to try to untie you." He pleaded, as I shifted in his arms. He tugged with his teeth, as the restraints fell off my wrist.

"Rose," he gasped, at my injured wrist stained with dry blood. I still felt very disoriented, as I untied my legs with an evident struggle. I slowly untied the Doctor, as he jumped to his feet pulling my body to his. His hands framed my face, checking the slight bruising on my temples. His eyes widened in shock when he realized what they had done, but quickly turned dark.

"I'm so sorry," He apologized, inspecting what I assumed was the dry tear tracks on my cheeks. His hand gripped mine tightly, as I squeezed lightly back.

"They kept asking me if I knew your name," I whispered. I didn't think it was possible for his eyes to get darker, but they did. As soon as I noticed he pulled me into his chest, as he pulled the sonic from his pocket.

"Stay behind me, Okay?" He asked, pulling me to his side.

"Doctor, I can't run," I whimpered. My legs lightly buckling, my head spinning lightly. He nodded, his arms sliding beneath my legs and behind my back as he held me bridal style.

"Let's get you back to the TARDIS, do you think you will be okay alone while I handle this?" He asked, the sonic whirring at the lock.

"Do you know how long you'll be gone?" I ask, gripping to his lapels tightly.

"No, but not long." He brushes off. As he checks the hall, and runs for the TARDIS.

My head rested comfortably in his neck, as he finally arrived at the TARDIS. My heart skipped a beat, home my lovely blue home.

I knew I was hurt and afraid, but what about the aliens who did this to me? What would the Doctor do to them? I kissed his cheek lightly, in hopes of him calming down a little.

"Hey, I'm okay. I'll be okay, please be careful. Just because they did this doesn't mean they deserve the oncoming storm, okay?" I whispered, cupping his cheek.

He nodded, but his eyes didn't meet mine. The TARDIS hummed happily and then in concern as we stepped inside. The walk back to my room was quiet, as he set me on the bed. He lovingly kissed my bruised temples, a sorrow filled look plain in his features.

"Night my Rose, get some sleep." He whispers, his hand pushing my hair back from my forehead, kissing me again. Our hands slowly move apart, until he's staring at me from the doorway.

"Doctor," I whisper, "When you get back can you lay with me?" I question, pulling the covers up around my torso.

"Yes Rose," The Doctor agreed. I drifted to sleep, waking in the morning wrapped in the Doctor's arms in a safe and protective embrace.

His face was soft and rested, as he seemed very content with me in his arms.

"I love you," I whispered.

TenRose/TenPetals one shots Doctor Who -COMPLETED-Where stories live. Discover now