Journey of love and courtship

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King John Smith's POV

Lady Rose was beyond beautiful, she was fitting of being my queen. But she didn't seem interested, her gaze never met mine, and her voice never directed itself towards me. It was slightly infuriating, being king meant everything came my way but her;

She was an eligible women, and was in an upper class family. The feeling in my chest was a throbbing pain, reaching for her in every aspect. She could cure my loneliness, and she would be a very promising bride. I wonder how she would be as a Queen.

"Lady Rose," I smile, taking her hand and kissing it. She blushed lightly, something that made my heart flutter. She bowed, and greeted.

"King John,"

"It's nice to see you lady Rose,"

"The pleasures all mine, King John,"

"Lately King John I've been hearing I've been the object of your affections," She giggled. Staring deeply into my eyes before having to tear them away.

"It would be foolish for any man to not want to praise a walking goddess,"

"Thank you," Rose smiled, hanging her head in embarrassment trying to hide the pink hue spreading over her cheeks.

The first thing I noticed is when she said my name it felt beyond right, as it was simply meant for her. The 'king' part was odd, because I felt as if she was my equal. The pride of it with all others was gone; and I knew she was something I needed.

"And where do your affections lie?" she asked suddenly in a worried but curious tone.

"I'm not quite sure," I sigh. "Everything comes to me so easily, but you sit there like your taunting me with something I just don't have. I've been lonely for long, and when I see you I see so much potential, so much beauty. I can't tell if I want you, or I just need you."

"Court me then, seduce me, make me fall in love. I want you to want me for body and soul, when I earn your love I can give you back my own. I want to love you, but I just can't if you don't love me back." She encouraged, holding my face in her hand's.

"I will," was all I could say. She smiled, rising on her toes to kiss my forehead. She nodded, before slowly giving us distance once again.

"Goodbye John, I'll see you soon."

"See you soon, my purest flower." I smile, as I watched her leave. Her long pink ball gown dress followed along, and all I wanted to see were her brown eyes again.

Night was here, and I was dreading and loving the thought of sleep. Sleep could be quick, or it could an eternity. I guess I would just have to wait and see.

There she stood in front of me with teasing glances, her tongue sticking out through her teeth. Her pink dress she gently lifted so she could run. She ran with her giggling as I chased her. She ducked through the castle's corridors, as her voice echoed.

'Make me fall in love,' 'Seduce me,' 'Court me then!"

"I will," I shout back. She's so fast, but I will keep up with the minx that hold's my heart. She's like a wolf, luring in prey with her predatory glances that you want to challenge. That is what she has done to me, as this I will challenge. This precious girl a wolf at heart.

Her heels click every time they hit the marble floor, and my heartbeat quickens at the sound. The wolf makes me work for her love to prove my own. Prove that love I will, as my arms wrap around the purest of all flowers pulling her back to me.

She giggled as she turned to face me, as I smiled right back. Cupping her face in my hand, that lovely pink returning to her features before our lips met.

"I love you,"

"I love you too,"

My eyes fluttered, and my heart was numb. A dream; of course it's always just a dream. I quickly bounced off the bed, this was it. This was the start of something new, I had a goddess, a wolf to prove my love to and I intended on succeeding.

Of course I had Rose escorted to the castle, today her dress was a deep red. Like a crimson rose such as her name. She smiled, and bowed as I instantly did the same.

I slowly took her hand, as we walked hand in hand towards the garden. I assumed she was the adventurous type, it wasn't hard to tell with her joyous attitude towards the world.

"Everything is so lovely here," she commented, swinging our hands back and forth.

"Not as lovely as you," I say without preamble.

"You're a real romantic aren't you?" she laughed, leaning her head on my shoulder. I chuckled, picking a pink rose from the brush, settling it in her golden hair.

The pink returned to her cheeks, before she smiled with her tongue through her teeth. Her large doe eyes casted down, and I realized why she never looked me in the eyes. She got lost in them.

"So King,"

"John's fine, get rid of all the boring King stuff." I chuckle, as we sat down on a stone bench. I held her hand between my own, tracing my thumb on the back of her hand.

Her hand's were soft, and extremely small compared to mine. She was relatively small compared to me, she seemed like she was the perfect size for me. She could fit in my chest and under my chin, and her hand fit nicely in mine.

"Wanna go on an adventure?" I ask suddenly, knowing maybe this wolf wanted something more than a palace, and a journey seemed like just the thing. Maybe we could fall for another along the way. Her eyes lit up like stars, as she nodded.

I held her hand more firmly, as we stood up.


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