Zeng Hangs

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Servant work is a very demanding job, especially working for Royals or officials. Appeasing the masters is hard and balancing one's own life is hard enough. The conversation between servants is very different from what people may think. Or at least, that's what Po thought. "I'm telling you, Zeng probably has a whole gossip party about us. Aren't you curious about what he tells others about us?" Po asked.

"Zeng isn't the kind of person to gossip," Tigress explained, "I've known him long enough to know that." Po couldn't argue with that. Tigress was practically born in the Jade Palace and Zeng served at the Jade Palace for a while.

"But Tigress, you don't know if he acts completely different at work and in personal life. We've all put on our professional face when we're in those Kung Fu Council meetings," Po explained.

"You have a professional face?" Monkey asked.

"Not helping, Monkey," Po muttered.

"Why is it so important to you all of a sudden if Zeng has some kind of secret life?" Crane asked.

"I'm just saying. Sometimes the ordinary people have extraordinary lives," Po explained. Tigress sighed.

"If you say so," Tigress finished. Meanwhile, said duck was walking down the Jade Palace mountain to acquire some things needed for food and materials. During this time, Zeng usually used the time to talk to his friends. Yet lately after Po's biggest accomplishment, things started to get a little... hairy. Zeng walked to the village carpenter.

"Ugh! Why do we keep having to get these things? Just make the dummies out of metal," Zeng muttered to himself. The wood was needed to make the wooden army dummies because Po and Tigress had destroyed most of them.

"AHH, my good friend," Shouted the loud old duck.

"Hey, Seller," Zeng replied. No one knew the old duck's real name and he never would say. He would just call it 'History here and there."

"The usual?" Seller asked.

"Yep. Actually, can you send it up the mountain? I need about three dozen of them," Zeng replied. Seller's eyes nearly popped out. He blew out a puff of air as he rubbed the back of his head.

"That's going to take a while maybe three days," Seller replied. "Did the Dragon Warrior destroy all of those dummies? He must really be strong!"


"What is he like? He must be different from the panda that we all knew," Seller suggested.

"Well, I don't know if-"

"Anyways, I'll get your dummies in a jiffy," Seller said, retreating to the back. Zeng sighed as he went on to the next vendor. Next, Zeng would have to go to the market. Ever since Po came to the Jade Palace, he had to go to a special kind of market outside of the village. It was a massive market, selling things from exotic flowers to ordinary rice. It was also where people experimented with many kinds of different foods and spices. Po's father knew the place and came here regularly. Zeng liked this market because it sold in bulk for low prices. Ever since the Grand Canal was made over the Yellow River, people were able to transport goods more readily. As the busy market spun around him, Zeng went to his usual vendor.

"Hey, Mr. Gin," Zeng greeted.

"Zeng!" Shouted the pig, "It's good to see you. What shall I get you for your busy house?" The reason why Zeng liked this place was that people didn't know he worked at the Jade Palace.

"Just your usual order will do," Zeng replied. Normally, this would be problematic since the Jade Palace was high and had stairs. But Zeng had a special plan for this. Instead of carrying the materials himself, he made an arrangement with Mr. Ping for him to store the items they needed and have Po and the rest to take them up the mountain. Po didn't know who was giving them this stuff, but Mr. Ping would just say it was one of the servants. Zeng didn't want anyone from the Jade Palace helping him here because then people would know that he worked at the Jade Palace. But that secretive deal was about to go sour.

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