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It seemed that every day was another festival or party. Tigress had begun to get really tired of it. That was until she saw how much fun a festival was with Po. His clumsiness accompanied by his fun-loving nature seemed to always get her out of her shell. This time, it was a festival at the Jade Palace then the village. It was...the something festival. Tigress couldn't really remember but she did remember that it was a party to show the high serving the low and the low appreciating the high. It was something that Tigress and the others really liked seeing. The symbolism of the whole party from the Jade Palace going down the steps was something she really did enjoy seeing, just not interacting with. It was fun to see Master Shifu laughing with some random village stranger, or Monkey carrying a bunny child. Crane giving rides to small children in a basket. And Po. Tigress always chuckled at Po's way of getting people down the mountain. He would always use the old wok to slide down the mountain. He usually took young kids because the older people were more fragile.

Right now the people were beginning to go down the mountain. Tigress usually stayed up at the Jade Palace to keep it safe, she would say. In truth, though she's gotten past it, Tigress didn't really have a thing for social gatherings. If she needed to be there, she had no problems, but she just wasn't the social kind of person, not that anyone had a real problem with that. The village had gotten used to Tigress's introversion and let her be. So as the people filed out of the Jade Palace into the night and down the steps, Tigress was left alone to help the servants clean the arena, though there wasn't much to clean. The music was still being played as three musicians played a quiet song. Tigress sat down as her work was done and the servants slowly disappeared. Then she saw a hand offered for her to stand up. Tigress looked up to see Po with his nervous smile looking down at her. Tigress was confused. He was supposed to be with the villagers. Why was he still here? "Po?" She simply asked.

"I... I wanted to do something different at this festival but I didn't know what. So I finally decided to stay up here," Po said nervously. "Hey, the music's still playing. you want to dance for a bit." This surprised Tigress. She was silent for a moment then she grabbed Po's hand.

"Sure," Tigress smiled a bit. Po smiled back as he lifted her up from the chair. The three musicians noticed this and began playing a slow and romantic kind of song. Po blushed and glared at the smirking musicians. Tigress took no notice. "Let them play around," She said to him, "We're just here to dance." Po wrapped his arms around Tigress's waist and Tigress did the same around Po's neck. "What made you decide to stay here?"

"I always go down to the festival to hang around the village people," Po said. "I guess it was you actually. I never really liked going to parties or festivals without you. I know you don't like those kinds of things but after playing around and having fun, it's nice to come to a quiet table where you are so I can just talk."

"We could go down there if you like," Tigress replied. She didn't want Po to skip out just for her sake.

"Nah, I'm usually in the village anyways. They won't mind if I take some time out," Po smiled. They danced in silence for a moment. Then Po chuckled.

"What's funny?" Tigress asked.

"I'm just surprised that I haven't stepped on your foot or something yet. I'm a horrible dancer," Po confessed.

"So are half the people in the village," Tigress replied. "But you seem to be doing pretty good."

"That's because I'm doing the Two-step dance," Po chuckled. "One, two! One, two!" Po announced each little step that just went from side to side. Tigress shook her head with a smile.

"Well, I don't feel my tail being squashed yet," she commented. Po made a nervous laugh.

"Yeah, I'm not really one of those guys that do, 'Five, six, seven, eight.'" And Po broke from his hold on Tigress and started doing some crazy freestyle dancing. Tigress quietly chuckled. Po stopped and then went back to holding her waist and doing his Two-step dance.

"I think it was okay," Tigress smirked.

"Yeah, sure. That's because you were laughing the whole time," Po replied. "I know it's nothing compared to what you can do." Tigress's head tilted a bit in a questioning look. "Well, you're so graceful with your Kung Fu fighting and moves that I would think it would transfer over pretty easily."

"I can't dance either," Tigress stated emotionlessly. "Crane tried to teach me, but that didn't go over well."


"Let's just say there's a reason why Crane puts balls underneath his feet to relax them," Tigress said looking away from him. Po just smiled.

"I guess we're both in need of dancing lessons," Po smiled. Tigress's head turned back to him and smiled.

"I guess so." She said. "Another thing to put on the list of 'Things the Dragon Warrior needs to accomplish.' Along with '50 bean buns in your mouth and saving China'" Po chuckled.

"You make it sound so ridiculous," Po said.

"It's not. It's hard getting 50 bean buns in your mouth," Tigress replied, smirking.

"What about saving China?"

"Eh, that's easier." Po simply shook his head. Then he heard Tigress laugh. "I just can't believe it."

"Believe what?"

"I'm dancing with the Dragon Warrior. Several years ago the words 'dancing' and 'Dragon Warrior' would never be in the same sentence."

"You're not dancing with the Dragon Warrior. You're just dancing with your friend, Po," Po corrected. Tigress smiled. She liked how Po wasn't ever overly cocky. He was down to earth and very humble at times.

"That's another thing," She said. "'Friend' and 'Po' wouldn't be in the same sentence. I'm having a hard time remembering a time when you weren't around."

"Really? I remember it as if it were yesterday," Po joked. Tigress shook her head. "But why is that so special to you?" Tigress was silent for a while.

"I guess it's because I never thought we could or would be friends, especially after the way I treated you. But even after being friends, I never thought I would be dancing with you," Tigress quietly said.

"Yeah, me either," Po shakily replied. Tigress noticed this.

"Po, why are you shaking? Are you nervous or something?"

"Yeah, kind of. I mean, I never thought I would be dancing this close with... you." Po said. Tigress smiled.

"I guess tonight is just a night of surprises, huh?"

"Yeah." They danced quietly again.

"You know, there's a question I've been meaning to ask you," Tigress said.

"What's that?"

"Why haven't you had a girlfriend yet? You're nice, sweet, selfless, and cute. Clumsy and clueless sometimes, but all around a nice person. You should've been in a relationship with someone by now." Tigress stated bluntly. Po dropped his head a little ashamed.

"You really think someone would go out with a guy like me?" Po sadly asked. Tigress understand the reason now. She moved her hands up to Po's cheeks, causing him to lift his head a bit. She stared into his green eyes. So calm and tranquil she couldn't help but stare.

"I would," She quietly whispered. Slowly and softly, Tigress kissed Po on the lips. Po gave no protest nor shout of exclamation. Po kissed back with equal passion. It took them two minutes of kissing to even realize that the musicians had stopped playing a long time ago.

The End

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