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It was starting to get really annoying. First Song, then Mei-Ling comes for a visit, then Peng, now this too innocent looking Asian lioness was here on a business trip. Normally, Tigress wouldn't have a problem with felines coming into the village. She rather liked it that there were more of the...feline variety in the village. What did bother her was that Po seemed to be attracting them like moths to a flame. Po seemed to be so well oriented to these different cats. Why these cats always seemed to come Po's way was beyond Tigress. She seriously couldn't figure out how Po did it. Most of the felines that came in contact with Po either immediately liked him or was trying to kill him. It was at this time Tigress actually wished that they were trying to kill him. At least she would have an excuse to hit them.

"I just don't get it," Tigress sighed as she looked from the entryway at Po sitting at a table talking with this Asian lioness, Ayu. Ayu seemed to really enjoy Po's company. Why? From the conversation that Tigress was..."overhearing," she could tell that they had nothing in common. How were they still talking to each other?

"Stalking panda again," said a voice. Tigress turned about to see Crane smirking behind her. Tigress grumbled.

"I'm not stalking Po. I'm just trying to figure out something," Tigress said defensively.

"What would that be?" Crane asked.

"Why these cats seem to be so comfortable about Po. I mean, it makes no sense. This lioness is a pacifist and is talking to someone who hits people daily. How are they having a conversation? And why are all these cats coming to Po?"

"That has been bugging me for a while," Crane nodded in agreement. "But you have to remember that Po is a unique kind of person. He can make friends with almost everyone. He just has that kind of personality." Crane pondered something in silence. "As for the second question," He began again, "I don't know. My better question is why they haven't made advances toward Po." Tigress glanced at her bird friend with a confusing look.

"Why would you be thinking that?"

"Well, Po is a good guy, and most of these cat people are females," Crane said.

"Maybe they aren't looking for a mate," Tigress suggested.

"Could be. But then the question is why these cats don't last long around Po. They almost always have to leave." Tigress didn't know the answer to that question either. She saw that Po and Ayu were done talking and Ayu left the shop. Ayu and Tigress's eyes looked at each other. Tigress saw the smirk on the lioness's face. There was something...unnerving about that smirk that made Tigress uneasy. "What was that about?" Crane asked. Tigress couldn't say.

Two days after Ayu came to town, another feline came to the Valley of Peace. This time, it was a female tiger. She was much shorter than Tigress and looked a little younger than her. And just as before, Tigress found the tigress and Po sitting in Mr. Ping's shop, talking and laughing. Tigress just huffed. "What's the matter?" said a voice behind her. Tigress looked to see Ayu. Tigress was a little shocked to see her talking to her. "You seem angry and perplexed."

"I'm just...thinking," Tigress quietly said. Ayu looked into the shop and saw the female tiger laughing with Po.

"She seems pretty," Ayu casually said. Then she looked at Tigress. "You're not...worried about Po are you?" Tigress was silent for a while.

"A little bit," She finally said. "I'm just wondering why all of these felines seem to gather around Po."

"Simple," Ayu answered, "He's cute, cuddly, friendly, and sweet." Tigress rolled her eyes. She didn't expect Ayu to be that blunt. She was right, of course. Po's personality did attract many people to him.

"Okay, that answers one of my questions," Tigress muttered.

"What's the other question," Ayu curiously asked in a cheery fashion.

"Why do none of these female felines date Po," Tigress wondered.

"Oh! That's easy. It's because of you," Ayu said. Tigress's head snapped to the lioness.

"M...Me?" Tigress stuttered. "Why me?"

"Well, there's a couple of reasons," Ayu started. "One, he always talks about you first so we know that he likes you in particular."

"He...he does?"

"Of course, he really does appreciate you and cares for you. To be honest, it was a bit annoying to hear," Ayu said honestly.

"Sorry about that," Tigress said blushing a bit.

"Next, we smell your scent on him."

"My scent?" Tigress asked. Felines can smell each other's particular scent. If that scent rubs off on someone, it's seen as theirs, especially when it comes to mates. "But I'm not around Po that much," She protested. Ayu looked at Tigress with an unbelieving smirk.

"Really?" She said, "You're not around Po that often?" Tigress started to think. She actually couldn't remember a time she and Po weren't in the same room, save the bedroom, missions, when he's working, or when she's training, and... well there was that one time in the bathroom but that's another story.

"I am around Po a lot," She realized.

"And that's why" Ayu explained. Tigress bowed.

"Thank you Ayu for telling me this," Tigress respectfully said.

"Anytime," Ayu smiled as she left her alone. Tigress looked into the shop and saw the female tiger was leaving. As she left, Tigress went in to check on Po.

"Oh, hey Tigress! What's up?" Po smiled. Tigress had a mischievous smirk on her face that Po failed to see because his back was facing her. The shop was at the moment empty.

"Nothing, I was just thinking of hanging around," Tigress said. Po stopped what he was doing and looked at Tigress with a strange face.

"Oookay," Po said slowly. Suddenly, Tigress hugged Po and rubbed her head against his fluffy fur. "Um...what are you doing?" It wasn't like Tigress to show this much affection.

"Just making sure," Tigress casually said.

"Of what?" Po asked. Tigress backed up a bit and kissed him. When she pulled away from the shocked panda, she smiled, saying,

"I'm just making sure others know you're mine."

The End

Lion's Oneshot of Kung Fu Panda OneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang