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The daylight showed through the paper window. Crane carefully moved his feet holding the brush against the paper. He had gotten good at doing art and regularly did it to keep up his skills. It was a portray of the Jade Palace Mountain. He tried his best to do it by several flybys around the mountain and he was doing pretty good for only seeing it a few times. "Finished," He declared. He picked the paper up, making sure that the art was dried. He hung it up on the wall and stepped back to see it. Just then, Po came into the room.

"Wow, that's a great painting," Po said. Crane jumped a bit but calmed down when he saw it was Po.

"Oh, it's just you," Crane breathed, "Don't scare me like that."

"I'm sorry. I just couldn't help but noticed the amount of realism you used. It's very lifelike, aside from the brown background," Po replied. Crane looked at Po with a weird face.

"You seem to know more about art than I do. I just wanted to paint a picture of the mountain," Crane said.

"I know, but it's just very lifelike. I can see where you used the focal point. Very interesting," Po answered. "Well, I'm hungry. I need to get some food. See you." Crane thought about what Po had said. He went to his cabinet and pulled out some old paintings and pictures he had drawn over the years. He quickly brought the stuff into the kitchen where Tigress, Viper, and Po were dining.

"Whoa Crane," Viper exclaimed, "What's with all of this?"

"I think I've just figured out something interesting about Po," Crane said excitedly. "Po, look at this painting. What do you think of it?" Crane presented one of his messed up writing painting. Po chuckled a bit.

"I think this is a fine attempt at doing calligraphy, but I think I know why this painting is this way. I remember you working on a painting when someone was doing some amateur acupuncture," Po replied.

"I heard that," Mantis said, walking past the kitchen door.

"So you know about art?" Tigress asked.

"I dabble," Po replied.

"What about this?" Crane asked, pulling out a painting of an ancient temple that was under ruins. Po looked at it. The painting was dark and dismal. It seemed like the shadow of a temple and not the front of it. A picture of the moon was next to it, so Po could only assume that it was painted in the projection of night. This is unusual, however. Most painters have to paint by day. It's very hard to see at night and also make pictures in the dark. It was very unique.

"Crane, I would sell this painting at a very high price," Po simply said.

"Why?" Viper and Tigress asked.

"Very few people can paint in the night and paint in realism. Most try to do it abstract or at least give an impression of it. You've figured out how to do it very well," Po commented.

"Thanks, Po," Crane replied.

"So, Po knows art jargon?" Viper asked. Crane took out another piece of painting. This one got an immediate response from Tigress.

"I don't want you to show that one," Tigress said, blocking the view of the painting.

"Oh come on Tigress," Crane grabbed it from her. "It's fine. And besides, my art isn't that horrible."

"It's not your art. It's just this one is...personal," Tigress argued.

"Tigress," Po said, "I'm sure it's not that bad or that personal. Why are you so attached to it?" Tigress was silent for a while. She finally sighed as Crane finally presented it. It was a beautifully painted picture of Tigress doing something very rare. Smiling. Po gasped at the painting.

"I know, it's bad," Tigress sighed.

"This has got to be the most beautiful painting I've ever seen," Po said. They all wondered why Po was so entranced by it. If you imagine being in Po's world, this is the equivalent of seeing the Mona Lisa for the first time. "How did you get her to smile?" Tigress actually chuckled as Crane grumbled.

"It wasn't easy," Crane grumbled lowly. "What do you think it's worth?"

"Oh you shouldn't sell this," Po said, gingerly holding the painting. "It's too beautiful to merely sell it to someone." Po thought about it. "I'll keep it if you don't want it."

"Why do you want it so much?" Tigress asked.

"It's mysterious, beautiful, and exotic wrapped all into one smile and a fine picture," Po replied as he rolled up the painting.

"Po, how do you know so much about art?" Viper asked.

"It's one of the pleasures I have. I had a great friend of mine who did a lot of art for a living. He made me appreciate it greatly. I've acquired a mass knowledge of different art," Po explained.

"Wow, I never would have guessed," Crane marveled. "What about this painting?"

"That one you don't want to let people look at," Po grimaced.


"Because... it looks like a bare women's behind," Po replied looking away from the painting. Crane, Viper, and Tigress looked at it. It did look like a woman's behind. Crane quickly took the picture away blushing.

"Um...thanks Po," Crane said. "I'll try to improve on my talent." With that, he and Viper took the paintings to a place where they could auction the paintings off. Tigress stayed there looking at Po staring at the picture of her.

"Why do you like it so much?" She asked.

"It's a wonderful painting of a beautiful person," Po said in a matter-of-fact tone. Tigress blushed.

"It's not that great, is it?" Tigress said, looking at the painting. "It just shows how my lines and stripes aren't straight, my whiskers aren't all there, and my-"

"It's perfect, Tigress," Po interrupted her. "I mean, there is one problem."

"Of course, there is. I told you it wasn't perfect," Tigress sighed. "What's wrong with it?"

"It's not as beautiful as the original," Po said. Tigress blushed.

"You're a natural charmer, aren't you?" Tigress smirked. Po smiled.

"Not at all, you're really pretty Tigress," Po said.

"Thank you, Po. That means a lot to me," Tigress replied shyly.

"How did he get you to smile so long though?" Po asked. Tigress giggled.

"Let's just say you're not the first one to create 'Level Zero' in the Training Hall."


"What kept me smiling was the fact that his head feathers kept burning," Tigress chuckled. "Do you really think I'm that pretty?" Po stood up and looked her directly in the eye.

"You're thousand times better than any picture that anyone can paint," Po smiled. Tigress smiled back. Then she kissed Po on the lips, greatly surprising Po.

"Thank you, Po," Tigress smiled as she left the panda standing there confused.

Po's advice to Crane did help him greatly. That night picture that Po told him to sell was sold at a staggering 4million yuan. Needless to say, Crane was motivated to make more art. With Po's help, his talent prospered. Crane's newest painting features something that he couldn't sell but hangs on the front of the Jade Palace Hall of Heroes. It's a picture of Po and Tigress kissing. At first, Crane didn't tell them that he was painting them, so he had to do it in secret. But when he was caught Po convinced Tigress to let him paint. Not that Tigress or Po minded kissing for that long. It has hung there all the way till Tigress and Po got married.

The End

This started out very interesting. I was just trying to make a one-shot about Crane's art. It's interesting how things develop.

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