Be Lazy at Your Own Risk

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"Really? This is your idea for an AT? And I thought the one about the cruise was interesting," I said.

"Are you saying that the stories I give are boring," Demi asked, feeling insulted.

"No, no, I'm just saying. This is... well, very out of the box. I wouldn't have even thought of it."

"That's why I'm the one giving you the ATs instead of yourself," Demi smirked. I frowned.


She loved him. She really did love him. Otherwise, she wouldn't have married him. It wasn't that he was boring or inconsiderate. He was the most thoughtful person she had met. And after what happened to him with his father's death, she had no right to say he wasn't doing his part.

But she could use some help. Tigress gave a puff of air when she finally came inside the house. She looked around to see the kitchen in the same array that she had left it. Untouched and messy. Tigress grumbled. She put her things away and headed to the couch where she knew a certain panda would be sleeping. He had been doing a lot. The loss of his father did take a lot out of him emotionally. But it was five months after the funeral. Tigress couldn't help but feel he was milking it a little. Tigress fussed as she looked at the peacefully sleeping panda. "Po!" She said firmly, loud enough to get him awake. Po yawned and noticed Tigress.

"Oh, hello honey," Po said sweetly with a smile, "How was your day? Do you need something?" Tigress sighed. Every time she thought she could get angry enough at Po to tell him what was exactly on her mind, he would always show his loving considerate side. And she just couldn't bring herself to complain about it.

"No, I was just going to make sure you were still alive," She sighed. Po sat up and kissed her on the lips.

"With you around, I never feel more alive," Po commented. Tigress smiled. It was those sweet affectionate things that Po did that always made her feel better and feel guilty about thinking he never did anything. Truth was that Po did do some things. He used to work, but the amount of money that he received from his father's inheritance made it unnecessary for them to work. The only reason why Tigress was still working was because she loved her job as a business director. But sometimes she felt exhausted and would like to come to a house where she didn't have to do more work. Po noticed the tiredness in her eyes. "Are you sleepy? You can have the couch if you're that exhausted," Po offered. Though the thought of spending quality time with him on the couch was tempting, she had work to do around the house.

"I'm fine Po," She said, going to work. Po shrugged and continued to sleep. "How can I tell him if all he does is compliment me and make my heart race with each affectionate thing he tells me?" Tigress asked herself. "It's not like I hate him for it, but I would like to be able to spend some time with him. Not worry about the dishes, the clothes, the food, everything." Tigress sighed, as she folded out the clothes. "And I don't want to seem like I'm ungrateful for what he does to cheer me up and keep me happy. How can I tell him without telling him?" Tigress asked. She picked up a shirt that belonged to Po. It said, 'Keep calm and pass the pie'. Tigress chuckled a bit at the shirt. Then she got the idea. "Of course! That's it!" She quickly got to a computer and launched her plan in action.

About five days later, Po was eating some leftovers that Tigress made for him. Then Tigress came in with a small package that Po simply thought was something from the office. "Hello Po," Tigress smiled, kissing him on the forehead. And went into the bedroom.

"Hello, Po? That's all I get," Po smirked. Tigress came back out with a cute sad face.

"I'm sorry," Tigress said, kissing him on the lips. With that, she started tending to the dishes. Po then noticed that Tigress had changed clothes very quickly. She had on a black shirt with the inscription, 'Be lazy at your own risk' on the front. Then it had a skull on the back. Po was a little weirded out by the shirt. Tigress noticed his reaction and covered her smirk. "What's wrong Po?"

"Um... nothing. I'm just wondering where you got that shirt?" Po asked.

"I custom made it. I just wanted to get something... unique," Tigress replied.

"But why have that inscription on it?" Po asked. Tigress innocently shrugged.

"It just came to mind. Are you okay with it?" Tigress asked.

"Um.. sure. It's fine," Po said, still a little uneasy about the shirt. Tigress smiled from ear to ear.

For the rest of the week, Po kept seeing the shirt on Tigress. It made Po consider... different reasons as to why Tigress had bought the shirt. The one he stuck to was that maybe Tigress bought the shirt as a warning that laziness would cause him to end up like his father. His father had died of a heart attack. After Tigress left the house to go to work, Po spent the rest of the day cleaning the house. He did the dishes, folded the clothes, and even prepared the food. But then Po started going overboard. He RE-made the bed, waxed the floors, dusted areas of the house where there was no dust in the first place, and rearranged the storage in the attic. Po was exhausted by the time he finished, which was the exact time that Tigress came back. "Hello, PoAAAHH!" Tigress screamed slipping on the waxed floors. Fortunately, Po was already on the ground from the exhaustion and Tigress fell on his big soft belly. "Why are the floors so slippery? And why are you on the floor?"

"I waxed them," Po panted. Tigress's ears perked up.

"You waxed them? What else did you do?" Tigress asked. Po told her. Tigress felt sorry for making Po overwork. "Oh Po, I didn't think you would overwork yourself when I bought the shirt," Tigress said stroking his sweaty cheek. Po's closed eyes popped open and his head snapped up. He glared at her. "Oops," Tigress said.

"What did you say?" Po asked in a monotone voice. Tigress was caught.

"Okay, please don't be mad. I... made the shirt because I wanted to... motivate you to help around the house. I didn't mean to manipulate you or anything! I just wanted some help around the house and I didn't know how to ask without hurting your feelings," Tigress said. She looked at Po. He had an emotionless face on for a while then laughed. He surprised Tigress by kissing her. "Hmph!" She gasped. Po smiled as he pulled away.

"You're a cheeky little cat," Po whispered to her. Tigress was glad he wasn't mad. "You should have just said something."

"I know, but every time I wanted to tell you, you would shower me with affection and I couldn't stay mad at you. I'm not saying you don't do anything for me. I just want to have some quality time with you when I come home. But every time I try, there's something to do in the house."

"I'm sorry, honey. I shouldn't have been lazy," Po sighed. Tigress kissed him on the cheek.

"It's okay. Though looking at the way you cleaned the house, I don't think we need to clean it for a while," Tigress said. "I'm sorry for making you work so hard."

"It's okay, I needed the exercise," Po smiled. "Although now we have all the quality time we need," Tigress smiled wickedly.

"We do indeed," She said.

"Let me get showered. I'm sweaty," Po said. Tigress kept his arms pinned to the floor. She whispered close to his ear.

"Don't worry, I like the smell. It's very musky and manly," She said seductively.

"Really Tigress? Here on the floor?" Po asked, not really stopping her.

"Well, we are spending quality time together," Tigress smirked. Po shook his head with a smile as he kissed her.

The End

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