The Annoying Thing

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Tigress walked through the barracks of the Jade Palace and found Po in his bed, resting. They had just come back from their fight with Kai and Po was resting up from all the excitement. Po was relaxing on his back with his hands behind his head. Tigress gave a half-smile at the sight of the panda. Then she looked and saw something interesting. Po's right toe twitched very rapidly. It was like the toe was having a seizure. Normally, whenever a person stretches their body, they tend to shake a little, correct? And also they give shivers or shudder in emotional situations or in the cold. Po was doing neither of the two. It seemed just to spasm without stopping. "Po?"

"Yes Tigress," He responded.

"Are you okay?" She asked. Maybe there was some nervousness he was having for something like this to happen.

"I'm fine," He smiled in his cheerful tone. "Why do you ask?" Tigress continued to look at the twitching toe and decided to just leave it be.

"No reason. I was just making sure," Tigress replied. With that, she left Po in peace.

After a week, however, Tigress began to notice how many times Po actually twitched his toe. When they were in the kitchen, she heard the light patting of Po's toe against the floor. When Po was doing some scroll studying or just sitting, his toe would twitch again. Most notably, his toe would always twitch when he was resting or relaxing on his back. Tigress's curiosity began to get the better of her. "Po, why does your toe twitch like that?" Tigress asked. Po looked down at his foot. He had to look around his gut to do it.

"Oh, I don't know. It's just something that happens," Po shrugged. Then he went back to looking over the scroll. Tigress's curiosity then became mischief. Po's eyes widened as he felt something on his twitching toe. He looked at Tigress holding his toe in place. "Tigress, why are you holding my toe?"

"I don't know," She smirked, repeating his words.

"Grrr," Po emitted low grumble.

And that's how their arrangement started. Any time Po was twitching his toe, Tigress would either grabbed it or lightly step on it. Then Po would give a low grumble, a little annoyed that she stopped his toe from wiggling. "Why do you keep doing this?" Po asked her one day. Tigress smirked.

"I guess it's my little annoying thing," she said. Po grumbled as they watched their friends sparring from the sidelines. Viper and Monkey were the ones sparring. Master Shifu was right in front of the two as the others spar. Po was still sore looking at the spar as Tigress still had a smug look on her face. Po began thinking of ways to pay Tigress back. Then Po noticed something with Tigress's tail. The tip rapidly swept the floor. Po looked at Tigress's face. She seemed completely unaware of her tail moving back and forth. Po smirked as he put his plan into action. He lightly stepped on Tigress's tail. Tigress's eyes widened and then narrowed at Po's smirking face. She growled, but Master Shifu's ears picked it up.

"Master Tigress? Are you alright?" He asked.

"Yes, Master Shifu. I was just clearing my throat," Tigress recovered. She still glared at Po's smirk. After their training was done, Po gleefully went to his room. Tigress immediate came behind him. "What was that about?"

"You have something that annoys me, I deserve something that annoys you. I didn't know your tail twitches like," Po commented. Tigress rolled her eyes as she went away. For the first two days, Po had fun with lightly stepping on Tigress's twitching tail. Then Po had an opportunity to really surprise her. He caught Tigress reading on her belly in her room. This is unusual because Tigress usually lies on her back. She does this to make sure no one sneaks up on her. So when Po came in, she knew it was him.

"Po, what are you doing," She asked, not even looking up from her scroll.

"I'm looking for Crane's brush," He lied, "He said he lost it passing your room." He slowly went up to Tigress's bed, pretending to look for Crane's brush. Then he saw his target, Tigress's twitching tail. Po finally grabbed it, causing Tigress's head to jerk up. Po chuckled as he gently rubbed it.

"Po," Tigress said in a warning tone.

"What's wrong? Panda got your tail?" Po teased. Tigress smirked as her tail slowly wrapped around Po's hand. "Tigress?" Po said, more unsure now. The tiger stood up with her tail still wrapped around Po's hand.

"And why do you like playing with my tail?" Tigress asked. Po chuckled nervously as Tigress came closer to him.

"I just wanted to give you some payback for annoying me with the toe thing," Po replied.

"Well, I'll promise to stop grabbing your toe if you stop stepping on my tail," Tigress suggested.

"Okay," Po said. He noticed that Tigress's tail was still wrapped around his hand. "Um... Tigress, can you let go of me? I'm not supposed to be touching your tail."

"I said to stop stepping on my tail. I didn't say you couldn't touch it," Tigress smirked. She grabbed hold of Po's other hand and held him close. "I kind of like it." Po blushed as she got closer to him.

"Hehehe," Po nervously chuckled as Tigress purred closely to him. Well, on the bright side, he couldn't say he was annoyed.

The End

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