The Tiger's Back

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Warning: This WILL get weird. Please Enjoy!

Tigress was never one to admit defeat. Even when she was down for the count, she still had a way of coming back up unharmed. In fact, Po had a very interesting suspicion about Tigress. Master Shifu and the others had told him about when Kai attacked the village. Shifu noticed the ring of golden Qi that emitted when Tigress struck Kai's chained daggers. Po also noted that Tigress had taken the shot from Shen's cannon almost the same way Po had and survived. Master Rhino, on the other hand, didn't. Po had a suspicion that Tigress could be as powerful and strong as he was.

But all of this put aside, Po did know one thing about Tigress and him. They were good friends. And over the years they had become close friends. To the point that Tigress had helped Po with his back pain. Po wanted to return the favor some kind of way, but he didn't know how or what to give.

His chance soon came. Po had been left to himself in the kitchen. The others were battling some bandits. He had finished eating when they returned. Everyone seemed in good working order, except Tigress. "I'm going to bed." She stated. Bed? It was noon.

"What's wrong with Tigress?" Po asked the others. They all shrugged.

"She did seem a little more angry than usual. It would be best not to bother her, Po," Viper said. Po considered that weird. Tigress had gotten a lot friendlier over the years and to see her revert back to her stone-cold state worried Po. Po stayed where he was until the others decided to go into the village for some patrolling and potential relaxing. "Are you coming, Po?" Viper asked.

"You guys go on ahead. I'll be doing some odd stuff around the Jade Palace. When will you be back?"

"Probably about nighttime. Master Shifu won't be back until tomorrow on his spiritual journey," Crane replied. Po nodded and waved them goodbye. After they were down the mountain, Po went to Tigress's room and knocked on the door. He could hear her groan.

"What is it, Po?" Tigress asked. Po was surprised.

"How did you know it was me?" Po asked, still talking to the closed door of Tigress.

"One, you're the only one with a big enough shadow," Tigress replied opening the door. "Two, you're the only one who would bother me after seeing me in this condition."

"I didn't mean to bother you. I just-"

"What is it, Po?" Tigress asked frustrated and wearily.

"I was just wondering if you're okay," Po quietly asked.

"I'm fine," Tigress replied plainly. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to rest." Po stopped her from closing the door and walked into her room.

"Tigress, please. What's wrong? I want to help," Po pleaded.

"Well you being here isn't helping with that, is it?" Tigress remarked. She could see Po's slightly hurt face. "Po, I just don't want to talk right now."

"Tigress, you helped me when I was in pain. Please let me return the favor," Po asked. Tigress's face reddened a bit at the thought she had of Po repaying her. She sighed, figuring that he wouldn't leave if she didn't come out with it.

"My... body is in a lot of aches and pains. I guess I overworked myself when I trained last night." She didn't want to tell Po that because he and Master Shifu always warned her about overworking.

"Hypocrite," Po muttered.


"You told me that even you guys get hurt and battered. And yet you're trying to do the exact same thing I was doing: cover it up," Po explained. Tigress found herself caught. "Where does it hurt?"

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