The Rules of Fanfiction

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"Oh come on," The Dimension Ripper said, "You need to make this a longer story."

"I'm starting to have a real knack for these AUs. The problem is life," I muttered.

"Well, might as well get something out," Demi sighed.


The panda walked up to the house and the small red panda opened the door. "Good evening, Mr. Shifu, sir," he said nervously. Remarkable. Even after dating his daughter for two years, he was still nervous about him. Shifu smiled. He knew the panda was only trying to respect the boundaries. Not that he really felt he needed any. Po was a boundary in himself. He was nervous about anything that involved Tigress. When she would kiss him, he would blush and give this goofy grin then snap back to place when he remembered that Shifu was in the room. Shifu smiled.

"It's good to see you, Po. Tigress is coming shortly," Shifu replied.

"Thank you, sir. And I promise that-"

"Po, you don't have to tell me. You literally live right across from me," Shifu explained. Po was still nervous. Shifu sighed. "Let me get Tigress." He left the panda outside to check on his daughter. "Tigress, Po's waiting for your date," Shifu said.

"You answered the door? Dad, you know how Po is around you. He's probably nervous," Tigress said.

"Honey, the panda's nervous about everything. He's probably nervous that he's a panda," Shifu commented. Tigress rolled her eyes. "Don't be late."

"We live right across the street," Tigress said, seeming as if she repeated it for the millionth time.

"You mind telling Po that," Shifu replied.

"Ugh," Tigress grumbled as she went out the door. "Hey, Po. Ready for our study date?" She smiled.

"Sure," Po nervously said.

"We'll be back, Dad," Tigress called back as they walked across the street. With Shifu away from them, Po was a little bit more calm with Tigress.

"Explain to me again why we're having a study date at my house?" Po asked.

"Because you're a walking bundle of nerves that can't seem to act normally around my dad," Tigress said plainly.

"I just want to show respect," Po replied, defensively.

"There's a difference between respect and utter fear," Tigress replied.

"I know. I just want to make sure everything goes perfect," Po said as they crossed the street.

"Po, let me tell you something. When you focus, when you concentrate on how to be perfect... you stink," Tigress said bluntly.

"Funny, I thought you were going a different route with that," Po sighed.

"Just be yourself," Tigress smiled as she kissed him on the cheek. "That's what I like about you." Po chuckled nervously. They finally reached the house where Tigress noticed something. "Where's your dad's car?" She asked as they entered the house.

"He had to make a late drive to the shop. We have the whole house to ourselves," Po said plainly. Though normally this would either excite or make other women nervous, Tigress just sighed in frustration. Po was so innocent and nervous at times that one time Shifu said to his daughter,

"If you try anything funny with Po I'll know you did it," Shifu said.

"Why me? Why not Po?" She asked.

"Po is way too nervous to try anything," Shifu replied. Tigress sighed. In the two years that they've started dating in their college years, that was true. Po was honestly too innocent to harm or cross any line with Tigress. Which both comforted and annoyed Tigress because it would mean that they couldn't have any make-out sessions or other couple things. But that aside, they needed to get on with their homework.

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