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"Not the weirdest thing I've seen out of you, but go ahead," Demi shrugged.

"Come on, after doing Poa and Tiger, I have to," I smiled.


It just wasn't right between them. They were happy with each other, and they really did enjoy each other's company, but something just didn't seem right. It felt as if they were forcing love to happen. Po didn't know if she could sense it as they walked down the cold streets of the city. His red scarf around his neck, his big leather jack around his torso, hands in his pocket as the damsel next to him wrapped her arm around his. Her jacket white with a cheerful blue scarf around her neck and the white hood of her jacket on her head. Poa was quiet, too quiet for Po's taste. Maybe she could sense his growing concern for the two of them. Ever since they dated, things didn't sit well with Po. It felt as if the chemistry wasn't right between them. He just wasn't attracted to her in an intimate way. Po felt sorry for thinking about it. Was it bad? Of course not, Poa deserved to have a two-way attraction, but Po didn't know if she knew that he was thinking these things. Suddenly, the female panda sighed, "Po, can we sit down here?"

"Sure," Po replied as they sat down next to an old coffee shop that was about to close for the night. They sat in silence for a while. Po sighed as he decided to finally come out with it. "Poa, there's something that I need to tell you."

"What is it?" She perked up. Po nervously twiddled his thumbs. He knew how Poa took bad news. He really hoped it wouldn't hurt too bad.

"Um... I... I think we... What I mean to say is...Ugh, why is this hard?" Po muttered.

"Are you trying to break up with me?" Poa asked. Po's eyes widened. So she did notice. Po fearfully nodded his head. "PHEW! Good thing you said it because I was not going to be able to say it," Poa sighed.


"Listen, Po. I really do like you, but... there's just... something just...Ugh, it's something that just-"

"The chemistry is wrong," Po said, knowing exactly what she meant.

"Exactly," Poa sighed. "When we first dated, I didn't notice it, but three months in..."

"It's alright, I was feeling it as well. I just didn't want to hurt you," Po said, looking down at the ground in shame. Poa smiled as she hugged Po tightly.

"It's okay, Po. We'll just be close friends from now on. And don't worry, I'll be on the lookout for your rebounds," Poa smirked. Po grimaced.

"Please don't," Po whimpered. Poa laughed as she rested her head on his shoulder. Then she became serious.

"Was there anything wrong with me?" Poa asked. She was really asking this for future romantic endeavors.

"Of course not, except for being a little awkward, but yours is cute," Po explained honestly, "You do need to be a little more courageous. You're very shy sometimes."

"I know," Poa sighed.

"What about me?"

"You have the same problems I have," Poa smirked. Po chuckled as the light of the coffee shop switched off. "Come on, let's go home. It's getting late."

"Okay," Po smiled as they walked down the night streets.

"So you two just ended it?" Po's friend asked. "That must have been rough on her."

"Not really, she noticed the chemistry wasn't right either," Po said as he adjusted his tie at his work. Working at a business job made him have to wear formal attire, but the panda always went with a white shirt and black tie. His friend, on the other hand, had on a white shirt, gray vest, and bright red tie. He had been working here for only five months, but he and Po really hit it off and became great friends. "So we decided to just be friends," Po replied, typing something into the computer.

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