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Po and Crane were playing a game of football, one of the oldest games in the world. (Understand that most countries call soccer football) Po smirked as he stood in front of the make-shift goal that they had, which was actually some old silk panel they had thrown out. Crane bounced the ball on the top of his clawed feet. He looked for every entry past the panda. The goal was fairly small and Po was covering most of the goal. Crane bounced the ball up in the air and kicked it straight at Po's goal. Using his belly, Po bounced the ball off and it flew through the air, straight into a set of private rooms. This place was away from the barracks and was used for the Furious Five and Po as meditation rooms. However, they usually used them for storage or if they want to keep something private. And this wouldn't have bothered Po and Crane-


-had the ball not crashed into something.

Both Crane and Po cringed when they heard the smashing sound. "Well, I'm gone. Nice knowing you, Po," Crane whistled. Po grabbed him.

"Oh no, you don't! You know full well that I'm not going in there alone," Po said.

"I'm innocent!"

"You're the one who kicked the ball!"

"You're the one who bounced it," Crane remarked.

"Hey, hey, maybe we can fix whatever is broken before anyone comes back," Po suggested. As quick as a flash, Po and Crane went to the private rooms. They examined the hole. "We can patch that up really quick," Po said, touching the hole. That only made it larger. "Let's just get the ball and see what broke." When they got inside the room, they could see a lot of pottery.

"Who's room is this?" Crane asked.

"It's not mine or yours. Viper doesn't have one. Mantis's is full of...stuff," Po groaned. "And Monkey's private room is used for his joke book collection. Then this must be Tigress's."

"Why would Tigress have a bunch of pottery?" Crane asked.

"I don't know. But I do know that we have to figure out what the ball hit quick," Po said.


"Do you want to explain to Tigress what happened to her pottery?" Po asked. Crane's eyes widened as he suddenly looked around. Finally, Po found something that made him relieved. "We're in the clear!"

"Shh! You don't want anyone hearing," Crane whispered. "Why are we in the clear?"

"The ball only hit her mistake sets. She labeled them. See?" Po said, pointing to the wooden bin labeled "Rejects". Crane looked into the box to see the discarded lot. Some were still intact and some were broken. Crane really couldn't tell which was and wasn't broken. "She'll never know what happened. All we have to do it fix up that hole and we're fine." So they quickly got the materials and fixed the hole they made.

"Done! She'll never know," Crane sighed.

"I think she will," Said a voice behind them. Po and Crane winced and turned around to see Tigress leaning on the doorpost. She stared at the two with her arms crossed. Crane and Po couldn't tell if she was angry or contemplating ways to strike them down. Either way, Tigress stood emotionless on the doorpost.

"How long have you been there?" Po asked.

"I actually hid in the next room when you figured out you hit my 'rejects' box with your football," Tigress said.

"So, you've been here the whole time just watching us cover up our mistake?" Crane asked. Tigress nodded. "We're so sorry, Tigress. We didn't mean to intrude. Po hit the ball and-"

"Ahem!" Po coughed loudly.

"We accidentally kicked the ball and it landed here," Crane apologized.

"But," Po said hopefully, "We didn't hit anything valuable so we can just leave and pretend none of this ever happened." Po was casually trying to get Crane and himself past Tigress, but she blocked their way. "We're in trouble, aren't we?" Po nervously said. Then Tigress finally gave a small smile.

"No, you're not. You wouldn't have been even if you damaged one of my pieces. It was just an accident," Tigress said.

"Whew! Thank goodness," Both of the boys sighed.

"But-" Tigress said, making them snap to attention, "In the future, try to move your... little competition where it won't damage anything."

"You got it," Crane replied. He wanted to get out of here before she changed her mind, but Po was curious.

"Tigress, why do you have all of this pottery in the first place?" Po asked. Tigress walked into the room and wandered around as she explained.

"Well, when I was little, I found some piece of wet clay on the side. I didn't know what it was at first, but one of the servants told me and showed me. After that, I figured out how to make pottery," Tigress explained.

"Oh, wow. Hehe, it's a good thing we didn't break anything, right?" Po said, who was about to lean on the shelf, but Tigress stopped him.

"I know you enough to know when I should worry about my pieces," Tigress said. Po nervously grinned.

"Hey, I like this one," Crane said. Tigress and Po looked at a piece of pottery that Tigress made. It was a figurine of Po.

"Hey, that's me! Waaaaaaaait! My belly's not that big anymore," Po complained.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you so... robust," Tigress said. Po thought she was joking, but he saw her face to see she actually meant it. Po smiled.

"It's okay. I like it too," Po replied.

"I see that you made replicas of all of us. In good detail, too." Crane noticed.

"Yeah, you really did some amazing work Tigress," Po celebrated. Tigress gave her small smile.

"Thank you, you guys. But do try to not destroy anything else," Tigress said. Crane and Po both rubbed the back of their heads as they were about to leave the room.

"By the way, which one is your favorite," Po asked. Tigress's face didn't show that she really thought about it. She looked around and finally said.

"I don't have a favorite actually. They all have a certain... part of me. Even the rejects," Tigress explained.

"Oh, well, we're sorry again for being so reckless," Crane apologized. With that, the two left her in her pottery room. Tigress looked at the clay Po figurine and picked it up. She gingerly turned it around and examined it. She was about to put it down, but couldn't find the power to do so.

"Maybe I should keep this one with me," Tigress said to herself. "Just in case they hit another wild ball."

The End

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