If He were Alive...

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Many interesting things begin with just the subtle words of curiosity and interest. Po and his friends, the Furious Five, were resting on the green landscape of the Jade Palace mountain. The soft grassy meadow, far from the barrack near the Jade Palace, was calm, cool, and inviting. The silent breeze that brushed over the grass was the only thing that could constantly be heard through their ears. It blew and whistled like a soft lullaby. "You were right Po," Viper sighed, relaxing. "This is a very comfortable place. I'm surprised we have never found it before."

"That's because you guys were busy training," Po reminded her.

"Oh yeah."

"Training is something that we should be doing instead of this."

"Come on, Tigress. You have to learn to relax a bit. I'm sure those muscles of yours will get a cramp if you don't let go once in a while," Monkey said. "So how long have you kept this place a secret, Po?"

"It wasn't my secret. I just found it and decided to come here when I needed to think about some things," Po replied.

"What do you think about that needs absolute quiet," Mantis asked, who was on Po's belly. The bug hopped off as Po tried to swat him away.

"I do think about some things from time to time. I just come here to think about them. But most times, I just fall asleep in the grass. It's so soft," Po yawned. "Ah! It's happening again," Po said as he sat up and shook his head.

"I wouldn't blame you," Crane said, looking out at the beautiful far off scenery of the village, the valley, and beyond. "This place is very peaceful," Tigress grunted annoyed.

"Yeah, yeah, we get it," She said, rolling her eyes, "It's a place of beautiful quiet."

"Just relax, Tigress," Crane soothed the annoyed tiger. "We've been working hard for a while. We deserve some kind of breather." Tigress grumbled in silence as the others rested in the grass. Then it happened. Po came up with a question.

"Do you guys ever wonder if Tai-Lung was alive?"

"What?!" Tigress exclaimed.

"Uh, no!" Mantis added.

"Why would we ever?" Viper commented.

"That's a ridiculous thing to say," Monkey replied.

"And there goes the quiet," Crane sighed defeated.

"Come on, have you ever wondered if Tai-Lung were alive? Where would he be? Is he happy where he is?" Po asked.

"Um... I would think and hope that he would be in the spirit realm like Kai was," Tigress said.

"Yeah, but I'm just saying if he just happened to be alive," Po replied.

"If he is, that something we need to worry about Po, not wonder if it will happen," Monkey said.

"Guys, it's been years since I've fought Tai-Lung. If he was going to attack me, he would have done it by now. No, I imagine he's off with someone special, having a family for his own."

"Ugh," Tigress groaned.

"What else are you thinking about in that head of yours," Mantis chuckled.

"Oh, a lot. Like what would have happened if Tai-Lung didn't destroy the village and take the scroll by force?" Po asked.

"But he did," Tigress argued.

"But what if he didn't?"

"But he did."

"But what if he didn't?"

"But he did," Tigress finished. Po huffed.

"You're not going to win," Monkey, who was resting on his back, smirked at Po. Po looked down at the monkey for he had stood up.

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