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"I just finished cleaning table three, Mr. Ping," Monkey said, relieved.

"That's nice. Did you make sure table seven was clean as well," Mr. Ping asked, pointing to the table with a heaping pile of food mess. Monkey sighed.

"Don't worry, I'll get it," Po said, starting to clean the mess. The Furious Five and Po were helping out Mr. Ping with the shop. There had been a lot of customers today, and the Five had offered their help. After Po was done with the table, a group of ladies passed him by the entryway and giggled. Po smiled and waved as they passed by and went back to work.

"Po, I need you to get the supplies in the back," Mr. Ping said.

"Okay, dad," Po replied. As Po went to the back, Monkey spoke to the goose.

"Mr. Ping, there's something about Po I don't get," Monkey said.

"What's that?" Ping asked.

"Well, Po's never really talked much about his love life before he became Dragon Warrior. Though, I imagine he wasn't very lucky with the ladies," Monkey said out loud. Viper smacked him over the head with her tail.

"Monkey, that's mean." Viper scorned.

"I'm just saying, haven't you ever thought about it! With all this praise he's gotten, you would have thought he would have a better shot. But that's not what I'm getting at. I'm wondering what his life was like before he was Dragon Warrior."

"Well, it was actually a lot better than you think. Po had a lot of friends that were girls, even some best friends," Mr. Ping replied.

"Oh, so he was the ladies man," Monkey grinned. Tigress and Viper glared at him. Monkey shrunk a little at their glares.

"Well, no. Because Po is very friendly and nice, he does get a lot of friends, but they usually come and go as normal friends do. But with girls, Po's always a listening person, as well as a blabbermouth from time to time," Mr. Ping chuckled.

"So, Po has never had a girlfriend," Tigress guessed. Mr. Ping thought about it. Then his face lit up.

"Well, he did have one girlfriend," Mr. Ping said absentmindedly, "Oh, but that was long ago."

"Wait, he had a girlfriend," Viper piped up completely interested.

"Yes, a sweet little snow leopard girl named Mai. She was very kind and caring. I actually thought that they would get together," Mr. Ping said.

"What happened to her," Crane asked.

"She moved away. Po never told me about it. I could only guess that they split up. It was a shame, though. It would have been nice to see them together." Mr. Ping replied. He went to the back to help Po with the supplies.

"Yeah, nice together," Monkey repeated with a devious smile.

"What are you thinking, Monkey," Crane asked, fearing the worst.

"Why don't we find this Mai, get her and Po to meet together and see what happens?" Monkey suggested. "It would be the perfect thing for Po."

"I like it! He'd be so excited to see her again," Viper said, excitedly.

"It would be nice to know more about this girl in Po's past life," Tigress added. No one noticed the kind of tone she was saying this with.

"Guys, they broke up. I'm pretty sure they don't want to meet each other again. They probably just want to go on with their lives," Crane protested.

"Oh come on, Crane. You know you're curious as well. Plus, who could break up with Po and not at least still be a friend to him? It's impossible," Viper reasoned.

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