Episode 3 : Bored-ed Up

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After a few more minutes in the waiting room of the passengers heading to Las Vegas in USA......

Speaker: (voice only) good day to all the passengers boarding for Las Vegas, United States..... finally, you all can now board in the plane but do not forget your tickets with you because if you don't have it with you, sadly you won't make it....
*everyone laughs*
Carrie: I love the way the announcer is so bubbly and doesn't stick to the formal way to announce everything in this airport....
Art: so true...
Speaker: so hop right in because the airplane is waiting for you.... do not forget your bags and any of your belongings... once again, welcome to your ride and have a safe travel, thank you for choosing us... (voice only)
*everyone claps happily*
Kylie: (eats her popcorn) that was a nice lady out there... shall we go in Ashton?? (looks around) Ashton???
Ashton: (starts walking and falling in line to the entrance)
Kylie: (looks sadly at Ashton) goddamn, he is really not okay.....
*Red, Charles, Carrie and Damon falls at the beginning of the line*
Damon: (looks around) God, we are first.....
Carrie: I know right... (gives ticket to the attend) so that we won't have trouble finding our seats in a crowd... (enters the way to the plane)
Charles: (films the whole place) so guys.... we are now getting in the airplane.... (gives the ticket to the attendant)
Damon: (pushes Charles) just hurry would you!?
Charles: fuck Damon! (follows Carrie)
Damon: so Art..... how long will this ride be???
Art: 3 to 5 hours? I forgot...
*Charles and Art gives their tickets to the attendant*
Damon: it would be a long ride huh? you have an offline playlist...
Art: (hugs Damon) I got you bro!
*Damon and Art happily enters the way to the plane*
Kylie: (approaches and inserts herself behind Ashton) Ashton.. do you want to get in? we have privilege..... I do not just wanna fall in line for too long...
Ashton: (feels serious) (waits for his turn) and we fairly paid for tickets.....
Kylie: I know you are tired but are you okay?
Ashton: I am fine Kylie.... thank you for asking....
Kylie: (feels annoyed at Ashton)

After a few more minutes, everyone has got in their seats inside the plane and they were arranging their bags......

Charles: (closes the racks on top of the plane) so... anybody need a lift????
Carrie: (sitting next to Art) we are all fine but... can I have a favor???
Art: sure Carrie? do you need something?
Carrie: no.. (peeks behind her seat) (looks at Damon listening to his phonr) I need Damon to exchange seats with me so I can sit with my man.....
Art: oh.. (looks at Damon grooving to the music) don't you wanna sit with me today?
Carrie: I am sleepy and it would be awkward if... you know, I know you won't....
Art: oh... so... Damon?
Carrie: Damon??
Damon: (keeps grooving to the music)
Charles: (removes Damon's earphones) hey small kid... exchange places with my girl... she is sleepy....
Damon: what the? (looks annoyed at Charles)
Carrie: (puppy faces at Damon) please Dam! please! (shows Damon a praying sign)
Damon: yeah whatever!
Carrie: yay!!
*Damon and Carrie exchange each other's seat*
Damon: (sits next to Art) (feels sad)
Art: (whispers) sorry... I tried actually....
Damon: no worries.... I think you really are my date today... (puts an earphone on Art's ear)
Art: oh thank you!!
Charles: so we are done...
Ashton: (struggles to put his baggage on the racks) (feels his arms weak) (in his mind) not now!
Kylie: (sitting on the window view) don't you need any help?
Ashton: I am fine... (feels his arms collapsing because of the heaviness) (accidentally drops the baggage) (shouts in pain) fuck!!
Kylie: oh shit...
*everyone looks at Ashton*
Art: (looks concerns at Ashton) ugh Charles.. can you please help him?
Charles: oh sure... (walks and grabs Ashton's baggage) here... let me give you a hand.. (puts the baggage on Ashton's rack) did I put it right?
Ashton: (painfully holds his shoulder) yeah.. thank you! (notices Carrie, Art and Damon looking at him) (nods) thank you!
Art: (smiles)
Kylie: here Ashton.. go and sit on the window.. does it hurt??
Ashton: (sits on the window) no... I just feel tired and I have to rest.....
Charles: (returns and sits next to Carrie) I think he is not fine.... he seems tired... (whispers)
Art: yeah?
Carrie: so much for having weekly events... this is why me and Charles wants to be lowkey... (whispers to everyone)
Damon: poor Ashton.. (feels sad at Ashton)
Art: (looks sadly at Ashton)
*Ashton's phone rings*
Ashton: (sees a call from his parents) (feels stressed) (ignores the call)
Kylie: (notices the ignored call) hey... that is your parents.. why not answer it???
Ashton: then what? me being the cause of turbulence?
Kylie: chill... I was just telling and... the flight hasn't yet started.....
Speaker: (voice only) welcome everyone to the flight... go and wear your seatbelts and close your racks because we are ready for takeoff.....
Ashton: and now we are starting so.. too late! (looks away from Kylie) (looks away)
*everyone starts wearing their seatbelts*
Speaker: and consider turning off your phones so our pilot gets good signal for this flight..... thank you! (voice only) enjoy your day!
Ashton: (watches the view on the window) (in his mind) same old airplane flying home but work is still waiting there.. (touches his painful arm) when will this stop??? (remember the book he bought) wait... I bought something... (grabs Art's book from his pocket) (looks happily at the book) hope this one is good....
Kylie: (notices Ashton opening a book) wow... I did not know you bought a book huh? that is good....
Ashton: (puts on his earphones) (opens and smells the pages of the book)
Kylie: (feels disappointed) oh yeah.. (nods) tired... rest easy Ashton... (puts on his earphones)
Damon: (watches Ashton from the other side of the plane) (notices Art's book that Ashton is reading) wait bro... do you see what he's reading?  
Art: (watches Ashton closely) (eyes widens) wait... (smiles) he has one?
Damon: maybe he knows you...
Art: or he is about to know me.. (smiles at Ashton)
Ashton: (smiles while reading the book)
*the plane takes off*

This is already entertaining and we are 3 episodes already! more of this beginning! Cannot wait for relaxation!

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