Episode 43 : Starting It

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It is now the next day and at Ashton's personal apartment, Ashton and Charles were there having a normal morning together talking about what happened last night in the party....... at the living room.....

Ashton: (looks at the clock) do you think that Art is now awake??? I wanna make him breakfast with my favorite food....
Charles: you should have slept with him again....
Ashton: I do not want to be too much of a boyfriend.... that is why I can't over everything with him.....
Charles: (looks at his baggages) well..... (relaxes on the sofa) you are so proper and I respect that but if I were you..... a boy like Art??? I will shower him with being annoyingly cute.. I will spoil him... I will be involved because that is what a brave boyfriend would do to a cute boy like him..... but I am not saying that you aren't brave......
Ashton:  you think..... he would be fine with that???
Charles: well.... this is what you came for... why hold back with him if he is willing to be your everything... you should feel the same.....
Ashton: is he?? (smiles widely)
Charles: oh yes.... we still talk in the groupchat even if we haven't seen much of you two for weeks.....
Ashton: (blushes down) (nods) and you... you are saying this as if you have been so into Damon huh??
Charles: do not take it weird... I love Carrie... I did.... I just realized that it i possible.... that with Damon... there was this feeling I thought was.... it was just like that but... I realized.. there can be more... there was more for me to figure out....
Ashton: (nods) it is all about realization and being sure huh????
Charles: so much things I figured out in this place.....
Art: (knocks on the front door) good morning babe.... (opens and enters the room) (notices Charles and Ashton) and I knew you were here....
Charles: (stands up) (jokingly feels nervous) I am not hitting with your man.... we are just living together for now....
Ashton: more like staying because I have no choice Charles....
Art: do not worry... I am not here to suspect because I know your type... (hugs Ashton from behind) I know who you like now.... (winks at Charles)
Ashton: (blushes) (feels guilty)
Charles: oh.. (shakes his head) I know what you two talked about in that whole week.....
Art: do not worry... I knew all along......
Charles: but do you know anything about Damon, Art???
Art: oh Charles... you have to work for it... aren't you a brave top that I have been hearing from outside??
Charles: (blushes at Art) do not be personal... you know so much.....
Ashton: well... I suggest.... why not be roommates with Damon.... not that I hate you being here but.......
Charles: (cuts off Ashton) but as long as you become roommates with my boy Art.... be more to him... be everything to him and be involved in his life.... how about that Ashton????
Ashton: (looks shy at Art)
Art: well... (blushes) Charles is actually right?? I would.... I would love to be your everything only if you want to be involved in mine too.... I would be willing to...
Ashton: (smiles widely at Art) (holds Art's hand wrapping around him)
Kylie: (knocks on the door) (peeks and notices Art, Ashton and Charles inside the room) ugh hi.... (drops a paper bag in front of the doorway) Carrie said you left some little stuffs that you forgot to take with you... (looks awkwardly at everyone)
Charles: oh ugh... (approaches and picks up the paper bag) thank you Kylie.... thank you for taking care of... Carrie huh? glad we met you....
Kylie: I am so glad to be part of a friendship like you two where.. everything seems fine... even after a break up......
Ashton: (looks seriously at Kylie)
Kylie: (notices Ashton looking at him) ugh.. (feels shy) I gotta go... (left)
Ashton: (watches Kylie leaving)

It is now the afternoon and at the front of the indoor hot springs, Kylie was there heading inside......

Kylie: (takes off his shades) (about to enter the indoor hotsprings)
Ashton: (immediately approaches Kylie) hey ugh... (feels awkward) Kylie!
Kylie: (notices Ashton) (stops walking) ugh hi??? (feels confused) did not expect a day you would run to me huh???
Ashton: are you... ugh... (feels shy) fine? I just... I just wanna ask you about something..... not to suspect you but just wanna ask something weird...
Kylie: sure... (looks at her watch) no scheduled session anyway... what is it???
Ashton: do you know my.... ugh... (feels nervous and confused) I do not know the name of my brothers all of the sudden...
Kylie: wait what!?? (eyes widens at Ashton) but how?? (feels confused) you love one of them and.....
Ashton: (cuts off Kylie) and I hate the other one.... but... I cannot remember who they are... (feels confused) is it bad??
Kylie: (shrugs at Ashton) what do you think???
Ashton: (keeps feeling confused)

It is now sundown and at some beaches, Damon was hanging out alone at the seaside.....

Damon: (stares at the waves flowing) (takes a deep breath)
Kibo: (enters the beach) (notices Damon hanging out alone) (about to approach Damon)
Charles: Damon! Damon! Damon!! (runs to Damon) Damon!!
Damon: (looks annoyed at Charles) would you stop shouting my name?? it is starting to get dark... everyone is resting....
Kibo: (suddenly stops approaching Damon) (sadly watches Charles and Damon together)
Charles: and are you too??? cause if you are... can I join???
Damon: (nods) (sits on the sandy ground) (looks at the water reaching his feet) as if I have a choice.....
Charles: (sits next to Damon) this is the place where the excess bamboos were removed right??? why keep going back here????
Damon: (rolls his eyes) this is not about you...
Charles: and I did not say anything about me..... you are so guilty... (pinches Damon's cheeks)
Damon: (tries to not smile and gush) stop it.. (covers his cheeks) you are so annoying...
Charles: okay whatever... you want me to be serious??
Damon: (looks confused at Charles)
Charles: I wanna start it.... (stares at the sea) I really wanna start it???
Damon: what do you mean? (feels worried) what are you talking about????
Charles: (smiles at Damon) I wanna take the risk..... I want to... (winks at Damon)
Damon: (feels nervously confused at Charles)
Kibo: (sadly keeps watching Damon and Charles) (left)

This is turning out smoothly and excitingly... tune in!

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