Episode 16 : Who's Leaving?

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It is very early in the tuesday morning and the sun hasn't rose up yet...... at the room 35, Art was there sleeping near the bedroom door of Ashton.....

Art: (sleeping peacefully) (lies his back on the bedroom door)
Ashton: (slowly opens his bedroom door) (notices Art leading on his bedroom door sleeping) (eyes widens at Art) (in his mind) what is he doing here????
Art: (keeps sleeping) (doesn't feel the movement of the door)
Ashton: (kneels down) (looks at Art's eyes) (feels sad) (remembers something)

A flashback shows the time Ashton finally reached the resort and he was sleeping peacefully on the middle of the sand.....

Ashton: (silently sleeping under the hot sun)
Art: (feels nervous) (approaches Ashton) ugh.. hello? did you pass out here or are you really sleeping here?? (kneels down) (shakes Ashton) hello?
Ashton: (snores) (slowly moves) (wakes up softly) (yawns) who is there????
Art: (smiles) you passed out here???
Ashton: (eyes widens at Art) hello?
Art: ugh hi? (feels confused at Ashton) (looks away)
Ashton: (smiles slightly)

Back at present......

Ashton: (stares at Art's eyes) (takes a deep breath) (whispers) I might sound hurtful to you and everybody but I am so genuine about not bothering you.... even if I want to be close with somebody new....
Art: (keeps sleeping)
Ashton: (carries Art slowly and brings him to the sofa) (keeps looking at Art's peaceful sleep) (softly lies Art on the bed)
Art: (comfortably moves and continues sleeping)
Ashton: (kneels down) (watching Art sleep) (whispers) you are right.... this is a vacation full of happiness and I am not acting like one so... I think I might not fit here... (looks at Art) nobody can help me and it is not your fault... but I am sure this would help you..... (remembers something)

A flashback shows yesterday when Ashton and Art were arguing....

Art: (tears falls on his face) Ashton...
Ashton: and about happiness.... I cannot see it in your face and it is because of me and I am sorry! (enters his room)
Art: are you sure you do not need anybody? I will always be here and I promise, this is about what's now......

Back to the present.....

Ashton: (breaks out and cries) but I cannot believe people are still willing to help so thank you... (wipes his tears) thank you Art for trying... (strokes Art's hair)
Art: (keeps sleeping)
Ashton: (stands up) (sadly looks at Art) (takes a deep breath) I do not wanna bother you anymore... (walks out of the room) (left)
Art: (wakes up) (feels sad) (watches Ashton leaving) (shakes his head) (in his mind) Ashton... you can do this... I know you hate doing this...

It is now the middle of the morning.. At the main hall of the resort, Kylie was there at the lounge having a nice conversation with Ashton......

Ashton: (in his mind) I have to find a new room... I really need to separate from them to not have my life bothering them....
*Kylie and Jack are happily talking to each other*
Ashton: (notices Kylie) (in his mind) I am pretty sure this woman has a reason why she is here..... (approaches Kylie angrily) Kylie!!
Kylie: (notices Ashton) oh hi Ashton! a day missing and action huh?
Ashton: and I want to be missing in action more and I cannot do that with you.... (angrily speaks)
Kylie: (looks concerned at Ashton) what are you talking about?! Ashton?
Jack: is there a problem here Ashton? are you two having a quarrel... like, a love quarrel????
Ashton: with all due respect Mr. Jack... can I have a conversation with Kylie... (grabs Kylie's arm) and he is not my boyfriend......
*Jack and Kylie feels confused at Ashton*
Kylie: (tries to shake her arm away from Asthon) get away from me!!
Ashton: (pulls Kylie away from the main hallway) I want to have a clear conversation with you!
Kylie: what about?
*Kylie and Ashton left*

Outside the resort, Ashton and Kylie were talking under a very gloomy and stormy weather.... at the beach entrance of the resort....

Kylie: (shakes herself away from Ashton) Ashton... you are hurting me!! (shouts angrily) what is your problem? can we please go back because it seems... (looks at the sky) it is gonna rain....
Ashton: (shouts angrily) this is where we will all end anyway.... one of us should!
Kylie: (starts crying) what are you talking about? you have been acting crazy since I came here and...
Ashton: (cries hardly) (angrily shouts) I know... I know... but let me ask you something because I am the one who called you out here......
Kylie: what?! 
Ashton: why are you here? are you taking me back?
Kylie: I have no idea... I am here for me... I am here but not for you if that is what you want to hear...
Ashton: then give me what I want to hear next..... leave this place because you are making things worse for me!
Kylie: it is not my problem! I just came here and you are making me leave! I did not do anything to hurt you or anything else, maybe your anger started here with them but you are blaming it all onto me! make up your mind!
Ashton: (angrily grabs Kylie) do not dare speak about them because I came here and had this in me before I was here... (cries and shouts) so you are part of it and they are not! do not speak them that way!
Kylie: (keeps crying)
Ashton: and you are a threat! a fucking threat! so please, leave me alone...
Kylie: no Ashton... especially you said it all, you do not have to be alone...
Ashton: and I do not want you here! (keeps crying) its either you leave or I will leave...
Kylie: no Ashton! (holds Ashton's hand)
Ashton: (pushes Kylie away) yes Kylie!!
Kylie: (falls on the sandy ground)
Grant: (approaches Ashton angrily) (punches Ashton hardly) what the fuck are you doing Ashton? you are losing your sanity!
Ashton: (painfully falls on the ground) (angrily looks at Kylie and Grant) you all should go away or I will go away.... and yeah! I really lost my mind.. that is why I wanna get lost here..... (runs away) (left)
Kylie: (cries hardly watching Ashton leaving) Ash!!!
Grant: (sadly looks at Kylie)

4 heart to heart episode... can this crazy beginning stop?

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