Episode 47 : The Proposal

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It is now the next day and at the dining room in Damon's personal apartment, Charles was eating alone at the table......

Charles: (peacefully eats)
Damon: (secretly watches Charles from the outside of the dining room) (feels shy)
Charles: (rolls his eyes) I am pretty sure you are watching me for about 10 minutes already.... (slightly looks at Damon) what is up with you??
Damon: (gulps deeply) ugh... (walks to Charles) ugh.... I just woke up, I am sorry... and I am just new to you staying in my place..... that's what keeps me staring and looking at your frequently....
Charles: well.... you have quite the duality to avoid me and also look at me huh??? such an interesting thing about you......
Damon: (nods) (feels shy)
Charles: but if you really do not want me here... I really am going to find some own apartment because.... well.. I think that I am cancelling out the point of this place being a personal apartment....
Damon: no Charles.. ugh... (feels guilty) who am I to kick you out? you should have just said that you wanna be in.... the time you asked to join me in resting... I thought it was literal.....
Charles: (nods) but yeah... I am sorry if I had to make myself do annoying just to make my way here.... but... I can make breakfast for you everyday... I can do anything for you.... I will even make that floating restaurant like we observed how we can use excess woods and bamboos....
Damon: oh yeah... (takes a deep breath) so... (sits on a dining chair) this.... this floating restaurant of yours.... I.... (feels confused and nervous) I... I do not.... I do not even know how to speak about it.....
Charles: ask me... ask me if I like you....
Damon: (eyes widens at Charles) you joking or not..
Charles: I wish I was but I joked enough already... I just wanna say that I am ready to risk it all.... and I am already creating a huge mess that I am preventing to happen but..... this is genuine.....
Damon: for how long? (looks away) (tears fall on his face)
Charles: ever since I felt yours... not too long ago and...
Damon: I just cannot.... (feels stressed) I just cannot absorb how things go fast.... and now you are building something to show whatever....
Charles: (holds Damon's hand) I like you... and if I figured this out earlier.... I think I always did like you... I just never thought I would make this possible......
Damon: but do you think it would be possible??? you sure about it already????
Charles: (stands up) but it is up to you... love is not one sided... only I could wish it will not be that way..... but I respect you like I always respected you Damon.... and in this new life that we have.... a new chapter.. a new beginning... I can wait.... or even if we won't ever be... like Carrie.... I will never leave you... hope you feel the same way too... (walks away)
Damon: where are you going????
Charles: (smiles at Damon) done eating... I already made yours... hope I can do more someday.... without reminding you it is yours....
Damon: (looks at the food on the table)
Charles: I will just be making the proposal..... cause it would be a long day for it... I am not an expert hahaha (left)
Damon: (sadly watches Charles) (feels guilty)

It is now the afternoon and at the outdoor rocky hot spring pools, Art, Ashton, Bailey, Kibo, Grant, Kylie and Carrie were together hanging out at warm pool together.....

Grant: (dives from the highest rocky platform) (splashes himself to the water) cannonball!!
Kylie: (takes a photo of herself) guys.... I wish Charles and Damon were here... we could have been complete....
Bailey: that is true but they said that they have been here before......
Carrie: really? (weakly speaks) ugh... were they together???
Bailey: (shrugs) I do not know but they are friends like we are... so why not???
*Ashton and Art sadly looks at each other*
Kibo: ugh... (plays with his feet underwater) but what if they were together? would that concern you Carrie???
Carrie: (looks sadly confused at Kibo) ugh.. haha.. why would I???
Art: (looks worried at everyone) ugh... Carrie... shouldn't you be happy because we are here and you invited us here???? and if you are unhappy then let us make you happy... (pulls Carrie down to the pool)
Carrie: what the hell... hahahahaha! Art... fine!! (swims with Art underwater) but... as far as I know... you do not know how to swim.....
Bailey: oh c'mon Art... you still are not good at swimming.. (dives with Art and Carrie)
Art: that is why I am going down... I ain't here to swim but to drown you....
*Art, Carrie and Bailey laughs loudly*
Kylie: (watches Art laughing with Carrie and Bailey) look at your boy.. I think I get it why you like him.. he is just.... he can never be problematic.....
Ashton: he is my reason and hope... he is here and I am here and with that... I have to stay.... I will... I want this life Kylie... I really do.....
Kylie: (nods guiltily) but Ashton.. how about.....
Ashton: how about what??? (looks curious at Kylie)
Kylie: ugh... (stands up to the poolside) (shakes his head) I do not wanna be a headache to you... never mind! it is just a situational question... (left)
Ashton: (looks curious at Kylie) (in his mind) what does she mean????

It is now night and back at Damon's apartment, Charles and Damon were at the living room sleeping peacefully.....

Charles: (sleeps peacefully) (moves his position slightly) (accidentally wakes up) (feels confused) what time is it? (notices the TV open)
Damon: (suddenly falls to Charles' lap) (keeps sleeping)
Charles: (eyes widens at Damon falling on his lap) huh?? Damon??? (notices a note on the coffee table) (grabs and reads the note) (eyes widens at the note) proposal?? did I make this?? (in his mind)
Damon: (keeps sleeping on Charles' lap) (holds on Charles' lap)
Charles: (smiles at Damon sleeping) (strokes Damon's hair) sorry if I made you feel guilty... I made you involved in my plans that I am working for you the most......

This is so sweet! I am starting to feel like Charles and Damon are flawlessly progressing....

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