Episode 60 : Risking It All

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A couple of minutes have passed and at the sea, Ashton is almost at the end of the finish line with his friends following him on the way.......

Ashton: (keeps on balancing himself on the surfboard) (notices the wave lifting him up)
Bailey: (tries to control and his surfboard away from Ashton's wave) bro!!! (notices Ashton balancing on the wave) you are doing great!! Art will be proud!!
Ashton: yeah?? (looks back at Bailey)
Charles: (tries to balance himself on the surfboard) Ashton..... lets make our boyfriends happy!!!!!
Grant: (eyes widens at Charles) boyfriend??? (tries to balance himself on the surfboard)
Bailey: (looks confused at Charles) you..... and Damon are now together?????
Ashton: (focuses on the finish line) (notices Ashton and Damon following them at the audience area) (smiles down)
Charles: to be honest... doing this is a scary thing do to because you have a tendency to drown and die..... but with that being said... (feels an incoming wave lifting him and his surfboard) I am ready to fucking risk it all!!
Bailey: here we go!! (balances himself on the incoming wave)
Grant: hahahahahahahaahha! hold on guys! goodluck Ashton! (happily surfs on the big wave)
Ashton: (confidently surfs on his surfboard) this is for my boyfriend!! to make him happy then making him worried!!!!

At the audience area of the southern beaches.......

*Damon and Art catches up and watching Ashton, Grant, Bailey and Charles*
Art: (eyes widens at the huge wave lifting all the boys) look at them!!! they are all nailing it!!!!
Damon: (watches Charles enjoying surfing) I am so happy that this is happening.....
Charles: (notices Damon from the sea) (waves and watches Damon) Damon!!! come meet me at the end!!! please!!!!!!
Damon: (looks shyly at Art)
Art: (notices Ashton happily surfing) I wanna see that happy face of Ashton closer! let us go there and congratulate them!!!
Damon: (nods) (hold Art's arm) let's go!!
*Art and Damon runs away together and left*
*Kibo, Kylie and Carrie tries to catch up with Damon and Art*
Carrie: why are we following them anyway???? (feels tired and stressed)
Kylie: yeah... (feels confused at Kibo) you all of the sudden drag us 2 when you know we have issues with some of the boys......
Kibo: (smiles at Carrie and Kylie) we are here to celebrate and to enjoy!!! set aside the issues and be happy! (looks at the boys at the beach)
Carrie: you like Damon, do you?? you two had a thing???
Kibo: (looks at Carrie) no filter Carrie... I liked Damon.. I think I still do..... but all the while, I was only hooked with Damon's side of his story with another man.... because obviously.. like you said, I had a history with him... a little......
Carrie: (sadly listens to Kibo)
Kibo: but seeing Charles doing everything until the point that he annoys Damon with it..... his effort was all worth it.... Damon has to acknowledge it and I find it beautiful.... that somebody is working hard to have somebody...... and with that... I felt enlightened....
Kylie: (nods sadly)
Carrie: (looks down sadly) sometimes.... I also noticed that with Damon towards Charles.....
Kylie: (holds Carrie's shoulder) but yours is different..... you and Charles are in a relationship.....
Carrie: (tears fall on her face) this is not even about me and Charles anymore... I was so frank with Damon and I admit each bit of what I said.... but I start to wonder... is it worth it to end my friendship with Damon????
Kylie: but Carrie... that is not how......
Carrie: (wipes her tears) (cuts off Kylie) I think I do not want to get left behind still just because of this..... because I know Art and Bailey would stick with Damon and so does Charles.....
Kibo: but Kylie is right... (looks concerned at Carrie) are you sure about what you are going for right now???
Carrie: (nods) (holds Kibo and Kylie's arm) I am sure about it... lets go!!
*Carrie, Kibo and Kylie enters the western beach*

At the finish line area of the competition, Art and Damon were together watching for the boys to arrive.......

Jack: (voice only) here we go!!! the first of the surfing competition is almost done and I see the boyfriends are ready to congratulate them.....
Art: (gushes and shakes Damon) God Damon.... you better give your boyfriend a kiss....
Damon: we are not even together yet..... (blushes down)
Ashton: (notices Art and Damon at the finish line) (smiles down) (in his mind) lets finish this!! (surfs and passes the finish line confidently)
*a lot of people claps and cheers for Ashton*
Jean: oh my!!! (voice only) a boyfriend is looking so proud huh?????
Ashton: (walks and shyly approaches Art) so.... surprise baby?????
Art: you looked so good out there and you really won!!! (runs and hugs Ashton tightly and happily)
Ashton: you happy????
Art: an Ashton.... despite hating to be an actor..... I am so happy that I had a boyfriend who I always looked up for... I always wanted.... I thought I would never have.... (looks at Ashton) (cries softly)
Ashton: but I am here... and anywhere you go... I will always be here!! and I will always do things like this for you..... all of this for you!! (cries happily) (hugs Art)
Art: that sounds like my line Ashton... haha... that I will always be here.... (keeps hugging Ashton) but I am honored to have you around......
Damon: (looks so happy for Art and Ashton)
*Kylie, Kibo and Carrie slightly approaches everyone*
Charles: (surfs to the finish line) (shouts happily) yes!!!! finally!! (immediately runs and hugs Damon)
Damon: wait wait... (suddenly gets hugged by Charles) Charles! that was so cool but I did not expect an immediate hug from you!! but congratulations...
Carrie: (watches Damon and Charles) (smiles slightly)
Kibo: (happily watches Damon and Charles)
Charles: (blushes) I did this for you.. kinda not original for what Ashton is going haha... but.... thank you! but... is that all I'm getting????
*everyone slightly laughs at Damon and Charles*
Damon: (shakes his head) I think I am fine risking it all.... even if life antagonizes me... (reaches and kisses Charles romantically)
Charles: (feels surprised) (feels very happy) (holds Damon's cheeks) (kisses Damon) shall we risk our long time friendship?
Damon: do not worry haha... you'd do anything out of love Charles... I know you won't mess it up... hope you don't...
(tears fall on his face)
Charles: (keeps kissing Damon) I won't baby... I won't......
*Bailey and Grant reaches the finish line and approaches everyone*
Bailey: enjoyed the surfing so much.... I had to slow down.......
Charles: is a good reason to say that you lost Bailey.... especially after being competitive..... hahahahaha.....
Grant: (notices everyone) but it seems like we are having a reunion here huh????
*Jean and Jack approaches everyone*
Jean: oh my Gosh! I saw the whole racing and it was so fun seeing my favorite people trying out and celebrating with us!!
Art: (smiles down) that is the best thing we can do, right???
Damon: and we are grateful to be one of your first ever people in this resort....
Jack: we are more grateful because your ideas boosted up the whole resort and look at the people coming here!! I really wanna be here not just to give this... (gives Ashton a medal) medal to Ashton because he won the first game but also to thank you all for everything around here...
Ashton: oh my God... (takes the medal) thank you so much... you did not have to.......
Jean: actually... we have more to give Ashton..... and we are so happy with this coincidence for you..... (looks around)
Ashton: what do you mean? (confusedly look at Jean looking around)
Art: (hugs Ashton) Ashton.. this is so exciting... there is more.......
Jean: (notices Aldrich and Aster approaching everyone) here they are... I heard... they were your brothers Ashton.....
Kylie: (looks nervous and surprised at Aster and Aldrich) (in her mind) shit!! (looks concerned at Ashton)
Ashton: (eyes widens nervously and furiously at Aldrich)
Aldrich: (evilly smiles at Ashton) I knew that you will just be here sticking with Kylie your girlfriend......
Kylie: (shouts angrily at Aldrich) we are not together and I did not bring you here... (looks concerned at Ashton) Ashton... I have no idea.....
Art: (looks worried at Ashton) Ashton???
Aster: (about to approach Ashton) Ashton? I missed you so much....
Ashton: (holds himself to not cry) this should not be happening.... you guys shouldn't be here... I do not want you guys here...
Jack: (looks confused at everyone) what is happening????
Ashton: (looks at Art) Art.. they should not he here...
Art: but they are here... I think that's just....
Aldrich: (cuts off and shouts at Ashton) you cannot just throw us away.. and who the hell is this nobody? would he get away from him?? we wanna talk....
Art: (holds on Ashton) (seriously looks at Aldrich) I am your brother's boyfriend.... and I am not leaving his side because I know everything.......
Ashton: (slowly moves away behind Art)
Aster: (walks and hugs Ashton) didn't you miss me Ashton? (sadly looks at Ashton) Ashton... we are somehow complete again and later... you can see mom....
Ashton: no.. (moves away from Aster) (pushes away Aster from him) this doesn't feel like you Aster... you hate the same thing I hate about this family..... and you will never be here with a person like him.... (looks seriously at Aldrich)
Aldrich: (approaches Ashton) what do you mean by a person like me?? (about to approach Ashton)
Art: (tries to push Aldrich and Ashton away from each other) would you two just shut the hell up right now!!
Kylie: (worriedly shouts at Aldrich) Aldrich... stop making a mess!!!
Ashton: (shouts angrily at Kylie) do not act like you are not part of this because I am not believing you anymore Kylie!!! (cries hardly) I am not....
Aldrich: (tries to push Art away from Ashton) would you just stop being involved.....
Ashton: (accidentally shoves Aster and punches Aldrich hardly) do not dare fucking touch my boyfriend... (keeps attacking Ashton) (cries hardly) stop ruining my life! stop taking me back to my old life!!
Aldrich: (accidentally falls to the sandy ground) (tries to cover himself from Ashton's attack) you have to return Ashton!! I am your older brother here and you have to follow... (tries to fight back at Ashton) what I say!!!!!
*Charles, Bailey and Damon tries to pull Ashton away from Aldrich*
Aster: (sadly watches Ashton and Aldrich fighting)
Charles: bro.. calm down now.... let us just talk this in a harmless way.......
Bailey: Charles is right.... (looks sadly at Art) Art... bring him somewhere away from here... you guys should have rested instead......
Ashton: no... (breaks free away from Charles, Bailey and Damon) I am not staying here if they will be here...
Aster: (cries softly) Ashton.. I came a long way....
Ashton: (shouts at Aster) and I fucking came a long way and at the same time... hurt!!!! (cries hardly) choked!!! you do not understand that do you!!
Grant: (approaches and holds Aster) do not say that to your little brother...
Ashton: (keeps crying) (looks at everyone) I am not staying here sorry... if they will be here! they leave or I will leave!
Kylie: so you will just abandon your brothers here????
Ashton: because you brought they here!! (keeps shouting)
Kylie: I did not!!!!!! (angrily shouts at Ashton)
Ashton: I do not believe you anymore.. (shakes his head) (keeps crying and panicking internally) (hands starting to shake from fright and emotion)
Art: (holds on Ashton) (cries softly) Ashton..... do not leave me.....
Ashton: (looks at Art) you are not leaving me....
Damon: (tears fall on his face)
Ashton: like I always asked... leave with me.....
Art: but what if we can't!! (keeps crying)
*a storm suddenly arrives*
*a thunder occurs*
*everyone looks at the sky*
Carrie: you guys just cannot leave.... it will rain.....
Ashton: therefore..... I will do the same thing Charles just said earlier.... do this out of love.. I am ready to risk it all!!
Art: (worriedly shouts at Ashton) you do not know what we are coming for Ashton!!!! (keeps crying)
*the rain starts falling from the sky*
Kibo: (sadly looks at the sky raining)
Ashton: (teary looks at Art) just one thing Art and I would die not doing this with you.... run away and leave with me....
Art: (looks worried at Charles, Bailey, Damon and Carrie) (looks back at Ashton)
Ashton: because I have no choice... I made up my mind... (walks away sadly) (left)
Aster: (cries hardly at Ashton leaving) Ashton!!!
Aldrich: (angrily watches Ashton leaving)
Charles: I think you should go......
Art: but isn't that gonna harm us more?? and it would feel... impossible......
Carrie: (shakes her head) do it Art.... Ashton makes it the most with you......
Bailey: and do not worry... we will still be here following you guys soon...
Damon: (looks down sadly) (tears fall on his face)
Art: (notices Damon crying) (hugs Damon) be a boyfriend Damon... be a good boyfriend....
Damon: (hugs and cries on Art) be a good and brave boyfriend... Ashton needs you!!
Ashton: stay here okay? I will do my best... to keep all of together...
Damon: (nods at Art)
Art: I shall go... and follow him.... while I have time... (smiles at everyone)
*everyone waves bye at Art*
Art: (waves goodbye at everyone) (keeps crying)
Damon: (hugs and cries on Charles)
Charles: (sadly looks at Art leaving) (hugs Damon)
Bailey: (wakes Art leaving) God.. only he knows........

At the southern seas of the whole resort, Ashton was there trying to make a jetski work.......

Ashton: (angrily tries to make the jetski work) (looks around and doesn't notice Art) Art... (cries hardly) Art!! I am gonna leave alone but this will hurt me so much!! (shouts hopelessly) Art!!!!
Art: (shouts and runs to Ashton) Ashton!!
Ashton: (eyes widens at Art) (cries happily) are you coming with me???
Art: (jumps and sits on the jetski behind Ashton) (hugs and cries on Ashton's back) are you ready?? because this may.... this may hurt the both of us..... the reality out there will just hurt the both of us!
Ashton: (holds Art's hands wrapping on his body) (looks at skies raining) (looks at the strong waves of the sea) I am prepared at anything..... but Art... would you really dare to risk this one?
Art: (nods at Ashton)
Ashton: (nods) (starts driving the jetski to to the strong waves of the sea) here we go!!! hold tight!!
Art: (holds on Ashton tight) I will always but please hold on!!
Ashton: (notices his parents staring at them and standing at the seashore) (eyes widens)
Art: (notices an incoming large wave towards them) (shouts) Ashton!! the wave!!!!
Ashton: (eyes widens at the wave coming towards him) hold on!!!!!! (shouts loudly)
*the wave crashes to Ashton and Art*

What a cliffhanger!!!! But that is how this season ends and this seems to be the saddest endings to a season and it would be sadder if you just know what the final season would bring us... yes! The final season is coming to YOU-niverse and it really hurts actually..... but this is how the story goes and I hope the final season is really the best for both Art and Ashton... I know I said this with the 3rd season but yes... I will say it again for the final season coming soon.... but I will also assure... this final season will hurt all of us before getting what has to happen in the whole series... but for now, thank you for supporting YOU-niverse's 3rd season and I hope this break would help you get ready for the 4th and final season... but for now.... I just wanna thank you and see you all soon!


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