Episode 6 : A Long Travel

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It is now very deep at night and the middle of a very sea, Ashton was there riding on a motorboat and he is starting to feel intense tiredness in him.....

Ashton: (feels drowsy) (blankly gazes at the sea) (yawns) sir? are we there yet?
Driver: (keeps tugging the engine of the motorboat)
Ashton: (feels confused at the driver) ugh sir.. I said, are we there yet at the destination????
Driver: (ignores Ashton)
Ashton: (looks confused at the driver's white thick suit) and sir... this is a tropical place, that looks uncomfortable in my eyes.. just saying... (lies his back on the bottom of the boat) (takes a deep breath) fuck! I finally made it away and... (looks around) hopefully this is way too far from the public exposed life.... is it sir?
Driver: (ignores Ashton)
Ashton: (yawns widely) so you really won't gonna be talking to me huh??? (grabs his backpack from his back) wait.... (hugs his backpack) (looks all over the boat) ugh sir? why are my stuffs not complete??? can we go back to the beginning? I must have left it in the car.....
Driver: (keeps ignoring Ashton)
Ashton: (taps the driver) sir?! (feels annoyed) I know we are both tired but... we shouldn't have travelled if you will be weak to serve me here......
Driver: (falls on Ashton's lap)
Ashton: (feels terrified) what the fuck?! I fucking knew it... you are sleeping... what the fuck?! (shakes and pushes the driver up) keep this boat moving please.... you do not have to sleep right now, you have a costumer sir! sir!!
Driver: (out balances and falls on the boat to the water) (splashes and immediately sinks down)
Ashton: (shouts) (feels frightened) sir!!!! help yourself!! (feels nervous) (starts to panic) what should I do?? (looks around) sir?! are you fine down there???? (tries to locate the driver on water) fuck it!!! all I want is a fucking vacation and nobody can give me a proper one? yeah! I am fucking close so why mishandle this?!!
Ashton: (looks around) nobody seems to hear me from here and I wanted this.... to be alone so... I have to help myself... I can only help myself... (walks near the engine) (tugs the engine of the motorboat) so is this how you do this????
*the motorboat pushes and moves hardly*
Ashton: (holds the boat) shit... that was not well..... does pulling it intensely gonna speed this up???? (looks around) but what about my baggage??? (takes a deep breath) I think I have to work on that tomorrow.... I will stay here anyway... hopefully... (tries to view the resort from distance) but where is the resort? why is it all dark??? (yawns) (tries to pull the motorboat intensely)
*the motorboat rapidly moves on the sea*
Ashton: (holds on the boat) (shouts loudly) that was too fast! too fast!! Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!

After a few minutes of tugging and driving the motorboat alone, Ashton finally found his way to the resort......

Ashton: (steps off the boat slowly) finally! (feels exhausted) I am so fucking tired after a long ass travel and I hope this feels worth it.... (looks around the place) but why is this closed??? it should be open by now..... it doesn't even close... (takes his backpack from the boat) (feels pain in his arm) fuck!! (holds his arm painfully) (cries hardly) my body is painfully weak.... (shouts in pain) anybody help me please! lifeguards???? staffs??? hello??? (falls on his knees) (takes a deep breath) hello? (feels very drowsy) I hope nobody would mind me sleeping outdoors because nobody can help me anyway... (puts his backpack on the sand) (lies his head slowly on the backpack) (lies his body on the sandy floor) (immediately falls asleep)
*a tweet of a crow occurs*

It is now a sunday morning at the resort and unexpectedly, Art, Carrie, Damon and Charles were travelling a boat to the resort and they are almost on the shore......

Carrie: (puts on her straw hat) finally... we are here!!! (takes a photo of the view of the resort) are you guys excited for what comes next in this place????
Damon: I am looking forward for it but your hat is not it.... aren't you embarrassed that you bought the wrong hat... this is a farmer's straw hat... not a beach hat.... we are not going agriculture... we are having sand.. sand!!
Carrie: my God Damon.. why are you so grumpy????
Art: (hugs Damon) do not mind him... he just forgot his coffee.....
Charles: (hugs Carrie) well... my girl is gorgeous no matter what she wears.... and she is revolutionary because she can make unnecessary fashion relevant!!
Damon: whatever.. (taps the driver) sir... can we now land? I would gladly love to walk on water from here..
Driver: sorry sir but there'a sea urchins on where we are landing.. better be very close on the land.......
Art: I still cannot believe that this resort is more than what we thought... they have this temporary stay resort at the beginning of this place and this feels like a premium one.....
Charles: and worth it than Spotify and Netflix...
*the boat stops on the shore*
Damon: that was a great reference until you mentioned Netflix.... Netflix was never premium stupid... you have to pay for it at the beginning... (steps out of the boat)
Carrie: he has to eat actually...... but anyways... (jumps out of the boat) good fucking day to this resort! (raises her hand)
Charles: (walks out of the boat) (smiles) (hugs Carrie) stop cursing when you are happy....
Carrie: I just fucking love you... and I am fucking sorry!
*Charles and Carrie kisses each other hardly*
Damon: (feels disgusted at Charles and Carrie kissing) yuck! (looks away)
Carrie: so.... (looks at the tall modern fused tropical building) are we checking in or are we checking in????
Art: (takes off his shades) (smiles) I think we should... (notices a man sleeping on the shore of the resort) wait... (feels confused) isn't that??? Ashton? the popular guy???
Damon: (notices Ashton) he is here? why???
Carrie: (shrugs)
Charles: check on him Art.....
Art: (feels nervous) (approaches Ashton) ugh.. hello? did you pass out here or are you really sleeping here?? (kneels down) (shakes Ashton) hello?
Ashton: (snores) (slowly moves) (wakes up softly) (yawns) who is there????
Art: (smiles) you passed out here???
Ashton: (eyes widens at Art) hello?
Art: ugh hi? (feels confused at Ashton)

Oh God... this is so mysterious, funny and cool.... what more to this first day on the resort? Tune in!

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