Episode 34 : Whatever The Plan Is

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It is now the next day and still at the Room 34, Art and Damon were having a talk together..... at the dining Arwa...

*Art and Damon stares at nothing*
Damon: ugh Art?? if there's any way that I can help out... maybe we can also finally move.... and by saying that, I can inquire and look at the insides.....
Art: but don't we know already what those room contains???
Damon: (drinks coffee) well yeah but... I am planning where to put my stuffs on our new place.... and you can come with me so you can look in yours......
Art: (nods) (drinks coffee) I will consider that but I think you can go first.... (smiles) and I see you also want to be independent.....
Damon: I can go independent as long as I am still following the same way as you.... we are like brothers going the same path....
Art: yeah haha... but that is kinda ironic.....
Damon: well... I am sorry but disregard irony... we can stand alone but at the same time, we rather be united.....
Art: (nods) (continues to drink his coffee) and so you know Damon... about what happened last night.... the thing you told me....
Damon: (feels sad) I know it was a mess..... I betrayed Carrie and now I feel restless about it..... especially that Charles is actually not helping......
Art: maybe Charles actually do like you.....
Damon: but it is all bad timing... do you really think that its right to date a guy who is an ex of your friend???
Art: (about to speak)
Damon: (cuts off Art) it is bad and the worse is, we made out while dating Carrie so how fuck up can it be?!! (slaps his face) (feels stressed) I shouldn't have done it.....
Art: you shouldn't actually have but at the same time, I do not wanna blame you because you have been in love with Charles the whole damn time.... so... what are you gonna do?
Damon: I have to admit but I have to find time strengthen myself..... whatever happens this time, as long as this is done.. even if Carrie doesn't forgive me..... I did this so I better face the consequences.......
Art: (smiles) go take your time Damon..... always remember that I am here....
Damon: (smiles at Art) thank you so much Art.... I am happy that I am not doing this alone....
Art: (strokes Damon's hair happily)

It is now the middle of the afternoon and at the main hallway of the resort, Kibo just finished eating at the food court...

Kibo: (walks out peacefully of the cafeteria)
Damon: (walks out of the elevator) (notices Kibo) oh hey Kibo! (waves hi)
Kibo: (notices Damon) hello Damon... long time, no see.... I guess that you were pretty busy lately.....
Damon: (approaches Damon) I was actually about to say the same to you because I am always at the area you are living but you are not around.... the house doesn't even feel like there are people......
Kibo: (blushes down) I am sorry if that concerned you but its me usually wanting to keep things silent because that makes me focus on my hobby.....
Damon: hobby?? I was about to ask if you were on some adventures alone because if you are, you do not have to be doing it alone.. I can join you.... I know places....
Kibo: (nods) thanks and I would actually consider that but yeah.. for now, I have to do my hobbies.... so ugh... wait... unless you are interested on what I am doing....
Damon: (smiles) tell me about it.....
Kibo: let me show you... follow me! (walks away)
Damon: (smiles and follows Kibo)
*Damon and Kibo left*

After a few minutes, in front of Kibo's apartment...

Kibo: so ugh.. (unlocks and opens his door) let me have you wait for a second.. just gonna clean up some mess... (enters his home)
Damon: (waits patiently) no worries... I will be here patiently....
Ashton: (walks out of his home) (peeks outside) (notices Damon) oh hey Damon.. what's up!
Damon: (notices Ashton) oh Ashton... I am doing a little bit great and.... (feels shy) I am just here making new friends with your neighbor....
Ashton: oh... that is so cool.... never caught a glimpse of what he is like because he is like a quiet guy but glad to see him having friends...
Damon: but one thing.... (points the other apartment on Ashton's opposite side) is that occupied???
Ashton: (looks at the empty apartment) those two rooms are empty still... why???
Damon: (shakes his head) nothing much... just wanna ask....
Ashton: (nods) sure!
Kibo: (approaches Damon) okay... you can now enter....
Ashton: (notices Kibo) oh hey there.... nice to meet you....
Kibo: (notices and waves at Ashton) oh hi... I cannot believe I am neighbors with an actor.... I am kinda happy....
Ashton: (smiles down) yeah thanks.....
Damon: (smiles shyly) ugh.. shall we Kibo???
Kibo: we have to... see you Ashton... I am Kibo, by the way...
Ashton: (waves at Kibo) nice to meet you once again haha...
*Kibo and Damon enters the room*

Inside the living room of Kibo's apartment....

Damon: (eyes widens at Kibo's paintings on the wall) oh my God... you should have told me earlier that you are an artsy person like me.....
Kibo: you are... (smiles at Damon) I was scared that you will be turned off....
Damon: oh Kibo.... (smiles at Kibo) artists like us deserve love... it is a loss if they fuck us up....
Kibo: (stares romantically at Damon) (blushes down) yeah.... glad you like it......

It is now night and at the floor of Kibo's bedroom, Damon and Kibo were enjoying drawing and painting together....

Kibo: (stares seriously at Damon) (patiently draws Damon)
Damon: you know what... (rips his sketch paper) although we are artist, I am more interested to know what else are you like.... a life story, I guess.. (throws the ripped paper at a trash can) so what do you else do for a living and why so alone? (snuggles and sits next to Kibo)
Kibo: (nervously looks at Damon) (feels shy about his drawing)
Damon: wait... (notices Kibo's drawing about him) you draw me without me having any idea... (grabs and looks at Kibo's drawing of him) (smiles)
Kibo: I am sorry if I did not ask you foe permission..
Damon: this is so cool and I am fine with it and nobody drew stuffs about me before.... (looks at Damon's eyes) always drew people who wouldn't like me....
Kibo: (nervously looks at Damon's eyes)
Damon: (romantically look at Kibo's lips)
Kibo: (feels enticed to kiss Kibo)
*Kibo and Damon grabs each other and make out hardly*
Damon: (grabs Kibo's waist) (desperately kisses and licks Kibo's lips and tongue)
Kibo: (moans softly) fuck... (lies on the bed) (pulls Damon kissing his neck, cheeks and lips)
Damon: can I? (about to take off his shirt)
Kibo: (takes off his shirt) (nods) you should....
Damon: (takes off and throws his shirt away) (leans over Kibo)
Kibo: (kisses and desperately travels his tongue to Damon's mouth)
*Damon and Kibo feels horny making out with each other*

I think this is the first ever make out or sex scene with 2 people who barely knows each other.. is this a good thing for them or not? Tune in!

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