Episode 63 : Not Enough At All

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It is still a gloomy day at the sea and back at the resort that Ashton and Art just left, Ashton finds himself back to the seashore after sinking down the ocean from the large waves as Art ignores to help him......

Ashton: Art.... (keeps talking while sleeping on the seashore of the resort) Art... please.... I am..... I am sinking... (feels sad) Art... please Art... please...... help me.... why... why don't you want... don't you want to help me????
*Damon, Charles and Bailey confusedly looks at Ashton nervously talking while sleeping*
Damon: should we wake him up???? (looks worried at Ashton)
Charles: (looks seriously at Art) at this point... I actually do not know what to do with him??? should we???
Bailey: (looks around the whole dark beach) (feels disappointed) do not dare wake him up... or else... (tries to look around for Art) I do not think he would be in a fine place like where the hell Art is......
Damon: yeah... (sadly looks at the sea) he has Art right????
Ashton: Art!!!! (hears Damon talking about Art) (shouts worriedly and wakes up) Art!! I am sinking!!!!
*Bailey, Damon and Charles eyes widens at Ashton waking up*
Ashton: Art?? (looks around) (notices himself out of the sea) Art???!! (stands up) (notices Charles, Damon and Bailey) Charles... Damon... (approaches Damon) Damon... Art!!?
Charles: Art is not here...... (feels internally pissed) (clenches his fists)
Ashton: he was there.... (points at the sea) he was there at the sea.... he was there with me and... (feels frustrated)
Damon: (sadly looks disappointed at Ashton) aren't you suppose to be with him?? but you are here....
Ashton: (notices Damon looking disappointed) but he ignored me.... I got caught by the waves and sunken.... (cries softly) he was there and....
Bailey: (angrily walks and punches Ashton's face) and what an asshole are you for leaving him alone for danger!!!!! (cries angrily while continuing to attack Ashton) well all trusted you with him Ashton!! now where is he????
Ashton: he did not save me!!!! (slams to the ground from Bailey's punch and tries to defend himself from Bailey's attack) he was giving up on me!!!! (keeps crying) he ignored me...
Bailey: because you did not risk it all!!! (keeps on attacking Ashton) and I do not believe anything you say anymore Ashton!!! he did everything and you probably disappointed him for him to act that way......
Damon: (looks worried at Bailey continuing to attack Ashton) Charles.... do something...
Charles: (keeps angrily looking at Ashton being attacked by Bailey) Bailey.... stop... (holds Bailey and pulls Ashton up to him)
Ashton: (feels painfully hurt) (keeps crying) (sadly looks at Charles) Charles.... I risked it all.... help me with him......
Charles: we all trusted you... (angrily looks at Ashton) I do not know what I am going to do with you Ashton if Art gets in trouble.... (shouts angrily) so go away!!!!! (throws Ashton back to the sea)
Ashton: (slams painfully to the sea) (cries hardly) (looks at Damon) Damon.....
Damon: (tears fall on his face) leave Ashton.... find him and do not return here without him... your brothers are here anyway... you do not want him to get you......
Ashton: why can't you just help me!!! (confusedly shouts while crying)
Damon: tell us about giving up but here you are leaving him alone in a very dangerous situation.....
Ashton: he ignored me!!!? (shouts angrily) how many times do I have to tell you that??!! I sunk....
Bailey: then I wish you died......
*a must suddenly surrounds the whole beach*
Ashton: (feels emotionally attached by Art)
*Bailey, Charles and Damon disappears from the mist*
Ashton: (eyes widens nervously at Bailey, Charles and Damon disappearing from the mist) guys??? Damon??? (keeps crying) Bailey?? Charles??? (feels alone) Art?? (looks back at the sea)

It is a gloomy afternoon and still at the ward of where Ashton happens to be confined, Kylie was there hanging out on the bench......

Kylie: (sadly stares at Ashton's body unconscious on the hospital bed) Ashton.... (smiles slightly) I kinda understand now why you would run away... (looks around) even your family won't visit you here all the time.... (notices a book next to her) (feels curious and familiar with the book) wait.... (grabs and looks closely at the title of the book) YOU-niverse???? I remember this book....

A flashback shows when Ashton and Kylie were boarded up in the airplane and Ashton decided to read a book while the airplane takes flight...

Ashton: (watches the view on the window) (in his mind) same old airplane flying home but work is still waiting there.. (touches his painful arm) when will this stop??? (remember the book he bought) wait... I bought something... (grabs Art's book from his pocket) (looks happily at the book) hope this one is good....
Kylie: (notices Ashton opening a book) wow... I did not know you bought a book huh? that is good....
Ashton: (puts on his earphones) (opens and smells the pages of the book)
Kylie: (feels disappointed) oh yeah.. (nods) tired... rest easy Ashton... (puts on his earphones) (notices the title of the book) YOU-niverse.... (feels curious)

Back at present...

Kylie: (looks at the name of the author) Art Cruz?? (feels curious) (reads the book)
Ashton: (still feels unconscious on the hospital bed)

It is now night and at a food park, Art, Damon, Bailey, Carrie and Charles were having a dinner together...

Art: (sadly eats his dinner)
Carrie: babe... (holds Charles' hands softly) do you want to roam around the place after this???
Charles: (seriously looks concerned at Art) (accidentally ignores Carrie)
Carrie: babe?? (looks confused at Charles)
Bailey: (taps Charles) (drinks juice from a glass) Charles... Carrie is talking to you.....
Charles: ugh... what? (looks confused at Carrie) why babe??
Carrie: oh ugh... (looks concerned at Art) (notices Damon looking concerned at Art) nothing..... is Art fine????
Damon: (sadly looks at Art) (shrugs) yeah Art.... I do not even want to sugarcoat it anymore but... are you feeling well???
Bailey: (holds Art's hand) Art... we are here okay? for you....
Art: (smiles slightly at everyone) yeah... I will be okay.... I promise....
*Damon, Carrie, Bailey and Charles sadly looks at each other*

We are almost there.... Do you know when will Ashton going to wake up?? Tune in!!! Tune in!! Tune in!!!

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