Episode 44 : To Rather Stay

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It is now the next day and at the bedroom of Damon's personal apartment, Damon was sleeping at the other side of the bed alone......

*sounds of frying occurs outside*
Damon: (sleeping peacefully) (hears sounds of frying) (feels confused) (tries to touch something behind him) (touches nothing) huh? (stretches his arms) (accidentally falls hardly to the ground) fuck!! (feels slight pain) shit.... (slowly stands up) (looks around) (slightly smells food being cooked) what the??! (looks around) hello???? (looks at the messy other side of the bed) (in his mind) (walks to the other side of the bed) is somebody here? why was I pushed to the corner and... (shouts seriously) hello??? somebody stayed here and why don't I fucking know......

At the kitchen of the apartment, Charles was there busy cooking for Damon....

Charles: (cooks peacefully) (puts seasoning on the scrambled egg)
Damon: I said... who is here and who the fuck left the stove.... (enters the kitchen) (eyes widens at Charles cooking without a shirt) (shouts in surprise) ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!
Charles: (feels frightened by Damon's shout) (jumps away) (accidentally almost slipped) (holds the counters and control himself to not fall) what the hell.... you just fucking startled me!!!! (looks confused at Damon)
Damon: I should be saying that!! (looks around) the fucking audacity... you deserved to slip down by my scream!!!!
Charles: and I am cooking you... I mean.. cooking for you and that is what I am going to receive???
Damon: but you startled me and I do not know you were here...
Charles: and you did as well to me... I did not know you were awake.....
Damon: as if I know you will be here..... why are you here anyway??? (keeps annoyingly shouting)
Charles: (shouts annoyingly) why are you even still shouting?
*Damon and Charles awkwardly feels speechless to each other*
Damon: ugh... (looks down guiltily) (takes a deep breath) let us take it from the start.. why are you here??? how did you get here and why did you sleep on my bed??? I fell down...
Charles: it was a better option than waiting for you to wake up and you will shout right next to me by surprise....
Damon: either ways.. I will shout.... but why are you here???
Charles: we talked about resting and I asked if I can join you and you said.. (mocks Damon's voice) "as if I have no choice"..... so I took that as an invitation...
Damon: to sit next to me... not....
Charles: (cuts off Damon) keyword... to rest with you and I did... I slept next to you... that is what you get for not locking doors......
Damon: (feels speechless) (sits on a high chair) but... but.. (feels shy) (hugs himself) do not tell me you slept that way???
Charles: I did.... and I wish you could have taken it off... 
Damon: (throws a trash at Charles) fuck you! you are so disgusted... you still smell heterosexual... I don't like it... (rolls his eyes)
Charles: (shrugs) well... it is really hard to please bottoms so... (gives Damon a pan of scrambled egg) just make them eat...... I will take a bath.....
Damon: and now the shower! (eyes widens at the scrambled egg)
Charles: I cooked for you.. now let me do my thing... (left)
Damon: (keeps staring at the egg) (smile slightly) (shakes his head)

It is now the middle of the afternoon and at the bedroom of Ashton and Art, Ashton and Art just finished having sex.......

*Ashton and Art catches their breath*
Art: (leans above and looks down on Ashton) how was it??? are you getting tired asking for this everyday??
Ashton: are you??? (reaches and kisses Art) (holds Art's waist) I feel like I have won with you... no shit.....
Art: (strokes Ashton's hair) but despite of... despite of us being together.. what do you label yourself again? bisexual???
Ashton: is there a sexuality where you have only been attracted to one person in your life??
Art: are you kidding?? (lies and hugs Ashton from the side) you like me so much???
Ashton: why? does it still feel unbelievable?? and why do you assume I am bisexual??
Art: because aren't actors labeling them that way if they are..... not to invalidate but they play safe with it.....
Ashton: and I hate being an actor.... you are seeing the realest of me.... and you know that because you understand me like no one else.....
Art: (blushes) (keeps staring happily at Ashton) so... it will always be me? not to doubt.. just an assurance?
Ashton: okay fine.. (rolls his eyes) I think I get it... I bet you saw me with Kylie yesterday???
Art: (nods) (plays his fingers on Ashton's chest)
Ashton: and with that.. I think that I have to admit what has been bothering me lately....
Art: (listens silently and carefully)
Ashton: I just... I just suddenly cannot remember my brothers anymore.... and I still cannot and that is weird because I asked for Kylie to let me know about the names of my brothers... but I got distracted and described them instead...
Art: what are they like???
Ashton: my little brother is what I see myself in.... the kid that I get along so much..... and I am bothered because I think... I miss him so much.... (looks at Art)
Art: then why not go see him.. contact him... meet him..... I will wait here.. that is your family anyway.....
Ashton: but I cannot... (shakes his head) I do not remember them..... (feels sad) and my other older brother..... I do not wanna see him anymore.. another reason that worries me... he may approach me and find me.... and that is what... I am worried.... he destroys everything I am now.... (feels worried) (cries softly) and I do not want him to get close to me... nor you.... (panicking looks at Art)
Art: oh no... (feels worried) calm down.. calm down... (holds Ashton's hand)
Ashton: (hugs and cries on Art) and that is why I rather stay here.. I do not wanna risk it is all.. I am done with it and I am happy with you.. I Am.... (keeps crying)
Art: (sadly keeps hugging Art) (tears fall on his face)

It is now night and at Carrie's apartment, Carrie, Grant and Kylie were hanging out together...

Carrie: (keeps watching movies sadly) (tears fall on his face)
Grant: do not tell me... (looks concerned at Carrie) you are not into leaving him after all???
Carrie: or course I did not want to... (wipes his tears) but a woman has to be strong.. even in her weakest points... (keeps crying) I just do not understand why... what would make us break apart???
Kylie: (sadly listens to Carrie) (looks at Grant)
*Kylie's phone rings*
Grant: (looks around) who's phone is that????
Carrie: I think it is mine.. (grabs and answers Kylie's call) (answers call) hello??? who is this???
Andrei: wait... who is this??? (on the line) you are not Kylie.... this is Andrei... are you Kylie???
Carrie: I do not know any Andrei..... do you?? (looks at Kylie) (looks at Kylie's phone) wait... this is your phone....
Grant: Andrei? (looks nervous at Kylie)
Kylie: (feels nervous at hearing Andrei's voice)

This is getting suspenseful.. tune in! Tune in! And before I end this episode... worrying Ashton is the best Ashton..

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