Episode 46 : The Plan

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The next morning and at the laundry area of the whole resort, Kylie was there hanging out alone......

Kylie: (yawns widely) (stretches her arms) (stares at the washing machine washing her clothes) (in her mind) this will take long and I think... (keeps looking around) nothing else is open... nobody is still awake......
*Kylie's phone rings*
Kylie: huh??? (hears her phone ringing) (looks at her phone) (feels nervous) now who is this?? (grabs and notices Andrei calling him) (feels nervous) should I? (stares at the answer call button)
Kylie: (looks around) (feels guilty) (answers call) hello?? Andrei???
Andrei: (on the line) finally.... we had a proper call now..... who were you with before and why didn't I got to properly talk to you????
Kylie: Andrei... a woman like me has to enjoy her life and it is not my fault that nothing would be proper for an urgent thing like you.....
Andrei: at least you know it is urgent but based on everything that has been happening lately.... based on the days you were gone... Grant was MIA..... I think it is starting to not feel like that... do you remember why you were going places???
Kylie: just like what I said Andrei.... whatever you want... it is not my main priority and it still depends on me... I can refuse to follow you.... why are you anyway but somebody who clings onto Ashton's fame.......
Andrei: and now you are trying to sound like Ashton huh? why?? are you there with him?? did you really find him????
Kylie: (feels speechless)
Andrei: but do you know.. are you aware that you were just popular because of Ashton???? maybe you are and you are starting to stand by him... because you are nothing without him and....
Kylie: (tears fall on her face) Andrei.. shut the fuck up! I have no time to deal with....
Andrei: (cuts off Kylie) you have the full time.... it is morning... who are you trying to fool????
Kylie: (feels nervous)
Andrei: but your silence means guilt and a yes so..... I think you are there with Ashton.....
Kylie: and you do not know where we are... get over him Andrei... he is living the life he wants....
Andrei: I can accuse you of kidnapping... my family is powerful enough to do that.....
Kylie: (feels nervous)
Andrei: but Kylie... I really do not think I need you... the keyword is powerful... I can bring Ashton back to the life he has to be in and you... you will become irrelevant..... (ends call)
Kylie: I do not care Andrei... (notices Andrei ended the call) (feels nervous) (feels stressed) (looks around) (feels exhausted) why did I just remember that?? but what would I do??? (feels worried)

It is now the middle of the afternoon and at the hangout area of the personal apartments, Charles was there gathering up his friends for a plan......

Grant: (looks around) I am sorry if Kylie and Carrie are late... you know... girls! hahahaha.....
Charles: it is fine.. they will eventually know and they are more smarter to get where this is going without announcing...
Bailey: but what is this for anyway Charles???
Damon: yeah! (looks annoyed at Charles) is this even necessary to gather all of us here????
Charles: (nods) it is necessary Damon for me and I hope you will be happy about what I am going to say....
Damon: and what is that thing you are going to say!!! (shouts annoyingly at Charles)
Art: ugh haha.. (holds Damon's shoulder) I think.... I think you should calm down Damon.....
Ashton: I think you should tell them already... no need to....
*Kylie and Carrie approaches everyone*
Kibo: (notices Kylie and Carrie) oh here are the girls......
Carrie: I knew you all would be waiting for me... so who brought us all up here????
Kylie: isn't it Charles? you just said it before we stepped out of our apartments......
*Carrie and Charles awkwardly looks at each other*
Charles: so ugh.... (looks awkwardly at everyone) haha... I think we should contribute something here... we already did by making this bigger and personal apartments right? we helped in this.....
Grant: so it is a construction then??
Damon: Charles... this is not City Ville where you just build and....
Charles: (cuts off Damon) that is why you and I will have a proposal!
*everyone looks confused at Damon and Charles*
Carrie: proposal?? you all can do that? (looks confused at Charles and Damon)
Charles: no Carrie.. it is like a plan proposal...
Carrie: that is what I meant... what were you thinking???
Damon: (looks down) (feels guilty)
Kibo: (watches Damon being silent)
Ashton: ugh guys... the main point of this is that..... we are going to request and also help in building that floating restaurant....
Damon: floating restaurant?? (eyes widens at Charles)
Ashton: ugh... (looks guilty at Charles) I think you were the one to say that.....
Charles: it is fine so yeah... just wanna brag to you all my plan... anything else you would like to do???
Carrie: are you sure Charles? you suddenly got ambitious....
Charles: I always been.. (slightly smiles at Damon)
Damon: (notices Charles looking at him) (keeps looking away)

It is now dark at night and still at the same spot, Damon is sitting and hanging out alone.....

Damon: (lies his head on the table) (yawns)
Kibo: (walks out of his apartment) (notices Damon) ugh... hi!
Damon: (notices Kibo) hey... were you out here to have a fresh air too???
Kibo: yeah but... you cool with somebody?? (walks to Damon)
Damon: why not... (smiles away) as if we did not...... ugh... (looks awkward at Kibo)
Kibo: haha.. (feels awkward) (sits on another seat) but yeah... Gab moved in huh???
Damon: forcefully... (rolls his eyes)
Kibo: by force?!! so... you do not want.....
Damon: (cuts off Kibo) but who am I to refuse??? he has been around my life for such a long time and now.... now he is trying to sound so heroic for... for starting that plan... haha.. silly Charles...
Kibo: what do you mean heroic???
Damon: (shrugs) the floating restaurant... never thought he would do such thing... I just cannot look at him right now....
Kibo: why do you think he wanna do that? who is he wanting to be a hero for??
Damon: (looks awkwardly at Kibo) not sure... but he is Charles... and he loves what he does....
Kibo: (smiles slightly at Damon)

So excited for how this story goes... we are diving deep to Charles and Damon.. tune in!

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