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Slowly we made it back to the bar and scouted for an opening that wasn't the front door. I glanced up when we reached the back and noticed an opening at the top with a ladder going up to it. I hit Dean's arm to get his attention, pointing it out. Noticing we've stopped, the other three quickly joined us, and we made our way quietly up the ladder and into the opening.

I looked around and noticed how many vampires there were and saw they were all sleeping in make-shift hammocks. I stuck by Dean's side as we slowly walked between the sleeping vampires. I tripped over some bottle, though and bumped into one of them, and quickly backed away, reaching for my weapon. Fortunately for me, the vampire didn't wake up.

I shared a look with Dean as he reached for my hand and squeezed it. I nodded, signaling I was okay, and we continued with our search for the gun, the colt.

"Hey," I heard Sam whisper and made my way towards him. In front of him was a woman tied up and unconscious, blood smeared all over her body. I jumped when I heard a small bang from behind us. I looked back and noticed a cage with more people inside.

"THere's more," Dean said as he made his way to help them out.

I noticed a lock on the cage and searched for a key but found nothing. I shook my head towards Dean, and he picked up something from the ground and broke the lock. We looked around frantically, cautiously, to make sure we didn't wake any of the vampires up. A few of them stirred in their sleep, and once they stopped, we continued to open the cage door.

I heard the woman start to wake up and looked back at Sam, who was still trying to untie her.

"Hey, it's okay. We are here to help you," Sam soothed.

To our surprise, though, she started to yell out. Her screams sounding strange. I jumped into action as her yells woke the other vampires. I stared them down as I held my machete up and ready to use. These assholes turned this poor woman into one of them.

Before we had to do anything, I heard a smash from another room and John and Ryan yelling at us to run. Without thinking, I did just that—Sam and Dean right behind me. I whipped open the entrance doors and sprinted as fast as I could away from the barn. I didn't look back, knowing the vampires were probably right behind us.

Once we reached the cars, I bent over and took in heavy breaths, trying to calm down my breathing. I watched nervously for John and Ryan to appear. Moments pass before they do. I let out a sigh of relief.

"What the hell do we do now?" Dean asked, still out of breath.

"They won't come for us now, but tonight they probably will. Once they have your sent, it's for life," John explained.

"We need to find the nearest funeral home," Ryan explained.

I raised my eyebrows and asked, "And why is that?"

"It's the only thing that weakens vampires," John explained.

I glanced at Dean, and he nodded, "All right, well, Deyn and I will go get the blood then."

"I'll come with," Ryan said, walking towards us.

I shifted uncomfortably and said, "I'm sure it doesn't take three people to drain some blood from a corpse."

"No, it's fine," Dean said.

I shot him a look but didn't argue as I got into the front seat next to Dean. The car ride was silent the entire way to the funeral home nearest to us. I kept glancing back at Ryan and then at Dean, quickly feeling irritation creep its way up.

"Okay, I'll go get the blood you two stay here," Dean said as he pulled into a parking spot.

I quickly looked to him and asked, "Are- are you sure you don't need help."

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