Fear of Flying

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We've been on the plane for about five minutes, and Dean was already reading where all the emergency exits were. I couldn't help but laugh in my seat next to him. "Why don't you close your eyes and try to relax," I said calmly, taking the papers away from him and putting them back.

He looked over to me, fear evident in his eyes, "I don't think I ----" Dean was cut off by his own fear as the plane took off. Dean freaked out, closing his eyes and grabbing my hand for dear life. Damn, he's got one hell of a grip. Once we were in the air, he slowly opened his eyes one at a time but didn't let go of my hand. I went to let go of his hand once the shaking stopped, but that only made him grip harder. I looked over at him and couldn't help but laugh. He was so stiff and humming Metallica?

"Are you humming Metallica?" Sam asked from the seat next to me.

Dean barely looked at us, "Devyn told me to calm down. Well, this helps me calm down," He said, still clearly panicked.

I gripped his hand a little harder to let him know I was with him, "Look," I started softly, "try to stay focused, okay. Maybe that will help, focusing on the hunt."

He finally turned his head to me and nodded, "Yeah, okay."

"I mean, we got thirty-two minutes and counting to track this thing down before it takes down the plane," Sam stated.

I quickly turned my head to the dumbass sitting to my left, "Sam! Seriously, you're an idiot. Stop talking!"

Dean's grip on my hand tightened again. Okay, now it's starting to hurt a little bit, "Okay, don't listen to him. Just think about it this way. We find the person possessed and exercise it. Okay?"

"Yeah, like that's gonna be easy," Dean spat.

I squeezed his hand again and made him look at me, "Look, we will take it one step at a time, okay?" Dean looked at me for a second before nodding."Okay, good, so the demon is probably possessing someone with a weakness. Like someone afraid, maybe Amanda?" I suggested.

"Yeah, that would make sense. It's her first flight since the crash," Sam agreed.

Dean looked over his shoulder and spotted Amanda in the back, "Okay, she's back there. I'm gonna go talk to her."

I gave Dean a shocked look loosening my grip on his hand, which caused him to look at me, "Are you sure you can handle that?"

"Yeah, yeah, I got it. I need to stretch my legs anyway," he said, getting up and making his way to the back. As he was walking toward her, we hit some turbulence, causing Dean to grip onto the seats for dear life, then proceed to hit one of them.

"How are you so good at that?" Sam asked me.

I turned to him in confusion, "What?"

"I mean, you keep him so grounded. All he does is yell at me, but he's different from you. He trusts you. I would've never been able to calm him down as much as you do," Sam said.

"I never really thought about it before. I mean, after my parents died, we were always there for each other—especially him. I mean, he kept me from falling apart, still does. I think I owe it to him to help him out when he needs it," I explained to Sam.

Sam smiled, "You two are something else, you know that?"

"Why do you say that?" I asked

"I don't understand how neither of you sees it. The way you guys act around each other. It's like you've been married for ten years," Sam said.

"I'm sorry, I'm confused. What are you saying," I asked, really confused.

"I'm saying you two treat each other a lot more than just family," Sam emphasized.

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