Suprise Call

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Once we returned, Sam and I immediately began to explain what we both saw.

"Wait, a vision?" John interrupted us halfway through.

"Yes, and I had another one on the way back here. I saw a woman in w room burning on the ceiling," Sam explained.

I looked at him confused, "You had another one?"

"Yeah," Sam nodded. I furrowed my eyebrows as Dean grabbed my hand a squeezed it.

John looked between us and said, "Hold on, you think this woman is in trouble because...?"

"It's how it works-"

"Everything that happens in these visions always comes true," Sam continued for me.

John rubbed his face in concern as he continued to examine Sam and me.

Dean got up from his spot next to me to grab us some more water, "It started as nightmares, and now it happens when he's awake. And because of Devyn's gifts, she connects to him when it happens. We don't know why."

"Yeah, and it's excruciating," I explained.

"And the closer we get to this demon, the stronger the visions get, too," Sam explained.

I scoffed, "No kidding."

"All right, when were you gonna tell me about this," John asked in annoyance.

I rolled my eyes at the man as I leaned back on my elbows. Dean turned back from the sink and said, "We didn't know what it meant, and it's not like you answer the phone anyway. I've called you about a hundred times since you went missing, so don't give me that bullshit!"

My eyes widened in surprise at Dean's outburst towards his father, and I shared a look with Ryan. I looked back towards Dean and couldn't help but smile because he's finally seeing through his dad's crap.

John sighed and said, "You're right." Again I looked around in surprise. What is actually happening with these men right now? "Even though I don't like this new tone you're taking on. You're right."

Dean took a step back in shock as we shared a look before he focused back on his dad, and Sam said, "Look, visions or no visions. We know for a fact that the demon is coming tonight, and this family is going to go through the same hell we've gone through."

"ANd no one deserves that," Ryan pipped up.

"No one," I agreed.

"You guys are right. No one will because we kill this thing tonight," John said, looking back at Ryan and me.

Before anything else could be said, Sam's phone started to go off. He answered it and asked in confusion, "Who is this?" After a few moments, his body tensed as he muttered the one name I never wanted to hear again, "Meg."

I tensed as fear and anger swam through me. My hands started to shake as flashbacks of what happened last time flashed through my head. I looked up to Dean, and he quickly made his way to me and wrapped a protective arm around me in comfort.

"Last time I saw you, you fell out of a window," Sam sneered. He was silent for a moment as he listened to Meg on the other side. "Just your feelings. That was a seven-story drop." Sam looked back towards John and then said, "My dad. I don't know where my dad is."

I glanced up at Dean, fear evident in my eyes. Why would she be calling now? This demon must be using her as a distraction so he can get to this baby tonight.

"This is John," he said as he took the phone from Sam.

The room was beginning to fill with heavy tension, especially since Meg knew we were all together.

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