First Fight

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We finally made it to Zach's house, and Rebecca again questioned if what we were doing was okay before we walked into the house. We all assured her that everything we were doing was completely legal, which obviously is a complete lie, but she doesn't need to know that.

As we all made our way to the front door, which was taped out with caution tape, I started to become a little apprehensive. I didn't have a good feeling about what we were about to see. Dean and Sam stepped in first and I hesitated for a second before entering myself.

I couldn't help the gasp that fell from my mouth as I took in my surroundings. There was blood everywhere, and it definitely looked like there was a struggle. Rebecca was still at the door taking in everything for a minute before finally entering the threshold. I gulped before looking up at meeting the eye's of Sam and Dean. Dean sent me a look as if asking if I was okay, and I nodded back as a reply. He had to keep up the ruse that he was a cop, so he continued to look throughout the house, Rebecca following close behind him.

Sam walked over to me pulling me over to the side a bit and whispered in concern, "Hey, are you okay?" I haven't taken my eyes off of the living room yet which contained most of the blood. Sam gently nudged me again, "Devyn."

I looked Sam in the eyes and said, "Sammy, this - this is what my dream looked like earlier. The one about- the one about my brother in the car," fear evident in my voice, "Sammy, I don't have a good feeling about this."Sam's worried eyes were trained on me and tears started to prick at my eyes, "What if this thing has Ryan, Oh my God! Sam what if-"

"Hey, hey calm down! We don't even know if this is something we even deal with yet. You need to calm down," Sam cut me off, whispering to me reassuringly. No matter how much Sam tried to reassure me though I couldn't help the panic that started to rise inside of me. None of his words were getting through to me.

I noticed Dean and Rebecca enter the main living room again, still talking about what had happened here. Sam left my side at some point and was replaced by Dean.

"Hey sweetheart, what's wrong," His voice breaking through the panic slightly.

I looked at him, and shook my head, not able to stay in this house anymore. I held out my left hand, it slightly shaking from the panic surging through me, "I need the car keys. I can't be in here any longer."I took a deep breath, gulping away the excess saliva in my mouth and blinking away the tears threatening to fall from my eyes. Dean quickly took his keys out of his pocket, and handed them over. Before he could get any more words out, I was already out the door.

I hurried to the car, almost jumping out of my skin as the neighboring dog started to bark aggressively at the house.I quickly swung the back seat door to the car open and practically launched myself inside, slamming the door shut behind me.

I hunched forward breathing heavily, leaning my head against the seat in front of me thinking about the dream I had, just this morning. It started to get harder to breath as I thought about it more, so I leaned my head back all the way against the headrest, allowing more access to the air around me.

I jumped for the second time in five minutes as I felt a hand on my left shoulder. My instincts kicked in, I rotated the arm, earning a grunt of pain from the attacker, and straddled the person I thought was attacking, and pushed my arm against their throat.

As I finally made eye contact with the person, I immediately recognized him as Dean. I was close to his face breathing erratically, still holding him in this position. Once I saw him wince in pain I released my death grip, still breathing heavily in his face. "We got to stop meeting like this in my car. Damn you're strong," Dean said in a strained voice, wincing slightly.

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