New Plan

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We finally made it to the small diner, and I noticed that Sam started to move around awkwardly as he pulled at his pants. I looked to Dean as we waited for our food, and he was just chuckling to himself.

"Is something wrong,' Dean asked as he observed his brother.

Sam looked up at him as he picked up his food from the window and said, "No, nothing. I'm fine."

Dean and I shared an amused glance with each other before Dean said, "Alright, so keep going. What about these Tulpa's."

Sam walked shifting slightly as we made it to the table as he started, "Well there was this incident in Tibet in 1915, a group of Monk's visualized a golem in their heads. They meditated so hard, they brought the thing to life."

Dean looked up to Sam in confusion and said, "So?"

"That was twenty Monk's, imagine what ten thousand web surfers could do," Sam pointed out.

I raised my eyebrows at the information and asked, "So, all of these people who see this made up story, that isn't even real, are fueling it into being real?"

"Exactly," Sam said, a little too enthusiastically. He startled to wiggle in his chair again, shifting around a bit.

"Okay, well people believe in Santa Claus. How come I'm not getting hooked up every Christmas," Dean asked.

"Because you're a bad person," Sam shot back. I leaned back in my chair enjoying my coffee, amused by these two bickering like always. "And because of this," Sam continued showing us his computer screen, "it's a Tibetan spirit symbol written on the walls of the house. Craig said they were drawing these symbols from a theology textbook. He probably drew this one not even knowing what it was."

"I mean this would explain why it keeps changing," Dean said sipping on his coffee, Sam shifting in his seat again.

"Right as the legend changes, people start to think about different things, so Mordechai changes," Sam explained in simpler terms, "It's like a game of telephone, that is probably why the rocksalt didn't work."

"Okay, well how the hell are we supposed to kill an idea," Dean asked.

This entire time I've been quiet just examining Sammy. The longer this conversation went on the more he started to squirm in his seat, and grimace in discomfort. I couldn't help my smile at his misfortune as I sipped my coffee. I winced in pain as I shifted in my seat pretty much not listening in on their conversation anymore, as a headache started to form in my head.

I was really hoping these headaches were gone for good considering I haven't had one since last night. Which has been the longest amount of time I've gone without one. I groaned in annoyance to myself, and searched through my purse for my pain meds, and poured two into my hand. I looked up to the boys and noticed they were looking at me now.

I gave them a confused look as I took my medication, "What?"

Dean looked at me and asked, "When was the last time you had your pain meds?"

I rolled my eyes at his stupid question, "Well, considering I ran out last night and you didn't get me new one's till this afternoon... I think you can do the math."

Dean and Sam both looked at me in surprise at my sarcastic remark, and then went back to their conversation. I rolled my eyes. I knew they were noticing the positive and negative changes in my behavior, and they are too damn nosy to not say something about it or look at me weird. I know I told myself I would talk more today, but every time they look at me when I do it makes me want to go back to being my mute, quiet self again. At least then I wasn't receiving looks from them that suggested I was crazy or something.

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