Crazy Pants

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We made it back to our motel room, and I sat on the bed rubbing my arm. My muscles were sore from being so tense earlier. I don't know what the hell that reaper did to me earlier, but it hurt like hell and I would like to avoid having it happen again.

"So Roy is an actual believer," Sam asked from his sitting position on the other bed.

"I don't think he has any idea what his wife is doing," Dean said, closing the shades then walking over to sit by me.

"Well Devyn and I found this hidden in their library. It was written by a priest who went darkside. There is a binding spell in here for trapping a reaper," Sam explained handing the little book over to Dean.

"Must be a powerful spell," Dean said sifting through the book.

"Yeah, you got to build a black altar with some serious stuff. Like bones, and human blood," I explained from next to him. I placed a hand on his thigh as he grimaced.

"I mean to cross a line like that. Magic, murder..."

"She was desperate," Dean interrupted Sam, "her husband was dying. She would've done anything to save him. She was using the binding spell to keep the reaper away from Roy."

"So, they are cheating death literally," I said.

"So, why is she still using the spell," Dean asked curiously.

"It doesn't matter, what we need to do is break that binding spell. From what you were saying earlier, Roy is holding a private session tonight and we need to stop this before then, especially if you made his wife angry earlier. You are probably going to be her next target on the murder list," I said quickly.

"You're right, we need to leave soon," Sam agreed.

"Look, Roy's wife, I think her necklace is the thing that binds the spell. We get that, we break the binding spell. Let's go," Dean said, already walking to the door.


Dean quickly pulled up into the driveway that is used as a parking lot for these ceremonies, and we jumped out of the car. We quietly walked around the tent in a hurry because Layla was already here for her special ceremony. There was a cop car in the front, so we had to be careful not to get caught.

We peered through the back of the tent and saw that the ceremony had already begun, and we all knew we had to act fast.

"What about the cops," Sam asked Dean.

"Look, you go find Roy's wife, and I'll deal with the cops," Dean replied.

"What about me. What do you want me to do," I asked.

Dean grabbed my hand and said, "You're coming with me. There are two cops. I'll need help."

I nodded as we walked toward the two cops that were walking out of Roy's house with fresh coffee.

"Are you ready to put that fear of God in me," Dean taunted them.

I smirked as they started to run after us. Dean and I split up so we would each have one cop to deal with. The taller of the two charged after me. I have really short legs so I had to be strategic about what I was gonna do.

I moved quickly around a truck and then climbed under it to confuse the cop. I found a shovel nearby and picked it up quietly. I stalked quickly and quietly behind the confused cop, and hit him hard on the head knocking him out upon impact.

The big lights surrounding the tent outside started to shut off one by one, causing it to be hard to see. I started to walk back the way I came in hopes to find Dean again, and nearly screamed when a dog started to bark from inside an RV. I put a hand over my chest in an attempt to calm my racing heart.

"Dean," I whispered out. Hopefully he's nearby and can hear me.

"Devyn, over here," I heard Dean whisper back. I followed the direction his voice came from and he grabbed my hand. "You okay," He asked me.

"Yeah, you," I asked him back.

"I'm fine, where's your cop." He asked looking behind me.

I smirked and said, "I knocked him out with a shovel."

Dean smiled and kissed me on the lips, "That's my girl. Now let's go."

We started to make our way back to the main area in front of the tent to see how Sam was doing, but stopped when we saw the reaper right in front of us. The reaper was looking directly at Dean.

"Oh, no," I said, fear spreadiing through me.

"Damn it, Sam," Dean whispered in a panic, and tried to turn around and run away.

The reaper appeared infront of him as he turned, and he put his hand on Dean's head. Dean started to groan in pain, and his eyes started to turn grey.

"No," I screamed, running to stop it, but I stopped dead in my tracks remebering what happened last time I touched it.

I looked around frantically for anything I could use as Dean fell to the ground yelling out in pain. I turned to the tent and saw Roy's wife holding her necklace chanting something. I ran toward her and ripped the necklace off her and threw it on the ground breaking it.

"No," She screamed.

I turned toward her and yelled, "You are not a God. You have no right to decide who lives or dies."

The reaper then appeared infront of her and put his hand on her face, killing her quickly. The reaper turned to me and smiled, which caused a shiver to run down my spine. He disappeared and I ran back to Dean.

"Dean," I yelled, seeing him still laying on the ground, "Dean are you okay."

He groaned in pain as he rolled over to look at me, and I grabbed his face, "You saved me, sweetheart."

I laughed and kissed him passionately, "Don't you dare ever try to almost die twice in three days ever again."

He laughed and said, "I don't plan on it."

He swayed a bit on his feet, and I quickly wrapped an arm around his waist. He blinked a few times before we made our way back to his car, where Sam was standing waiting for us.

"Dude, where the hell were you," Dean asked.

"Crazy pants locked me in her creepy cellar. I'm sorry," Sam apologized.

"Well crazy pants is dead, and the reaper is gone, so we can leave this place," I said in a tired voice.

We were all looking down at the ground for a moment. A smirk overtook my face as I asked innocently, "Could I drive the car?"

Dean lifted his head and smirked back at me, "Well... since you did save my life I guess you could, but just this once."

I smiled widely and laughed, "Really!"

Dean chuckled and reached into his pocket handing me the keys, "Really."

I jumped in the air, "Yes!"The boys chuckled at me and we all got into the car, and I drove us away from this place for good.

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