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When we got to the hospital Dean looked healthier, and Sam was beaming in excitement. He didn't see the man though. A worried look was plastered on my face, same with Dean. It worried me he looked better, I mean what the hell did that creature do to him?

"So you feel better," Sam asked, happy with the outcome.

"I'm fine, Sam," Dean replied, seeming to be deep in thought.

The doctor then walked in and said, "There seems to be nothing wrong with your heart, there never was. Not that a man your age should be having heart problems. It's strange though because it does happen."

"What do you mean strange," I asked.

"Well, earlier today a young man, twenty-seven, came in with a heart attack. He was athletic, ate healthy. I don't know," She explained.

My eyes flew open wide and I shared a concerned look with Dean as he said, "Thanks Doc." Dean then turned to Sam and said, "That's odd."

"Maybe it was just a coincidence. I mean peoples hearts give out all the time," Sam tried to explain.

"No they don't," Dean said harshly.

"Look, Dean, why can't we just be thankful the guy saved your life," Sam asked confused.

"Because I can't shake this feeling, I just don't know, feel wrong. I know that Devyn felt it too," Dean explained.

"What are you talking about," Sam asked, still confused.

"Dean's right. There is something else going on here, and it has nothing to do with the Lord," I backed him up.

"I felt cold," Dean continued to explain his experience, "And for a second I saw this man."

"If there was something there, I mean I would've seen it too. I've been seeing an awful lot of things recently," Sam said.

"I saw it," I quickly said. The boys looked at me, and Sam looked confused. "Yeah, it was an old withered man, and he stood right behind the guy who healed Dean the entire time. The entire time we were in that tent I had a horrible headache. Nothing about this feels right at all."

Sam huffed and said, "Okay, so what do you want to do?"

"I want you and Devyn to check out the heart attack guy, and I'm gonna go visit the Reverand," Dean said.

"Wait, are you sure you should go alone," I asked Dean concerned.

"Look, I know you're worried, but you have this gift. You can see and feel things we can't, so I'm gonna need you to use that right now, okay," Dean said, grabbing my hand and squeezing it.

I nodded my head and let out a breath, "Okay, but be careful and no more flirting with other women, got it."

Dean gulped and said, "Got it."We shared a quick kiss, and we all went our separate ways.


Sam and I made our way to the gym that the young man worked out at.

"So.... when am I gonna get the whole run down on this gift you have," Sam started awkwardly. I tensed a little in my seat, I forgot I never really explained any of this to him. I was too mad at him, and then he ran away so I guess I never had the chance to. Sam saw how I reacted then joked, "Look, I just want to make sure you're not trying to one up me."

I laughed and said, "I'm not. I just forgot I never really told you about it. I mean I was mad and then you ran away for a bit, so I never had the opportunity to explain."

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