1. Six pack guy

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Thunder crashed outside, and the dark road was briefly illuminated by a flash like a strobe light. The sky was currently grey, but far in the distance, loomed an ominous black mass. He was driving on a pitch dark road. The fog held the whole sky. He respired. Suddenly his phone started jingling. He took a glimpse of his phone and then answered "Sir, it will start raining soon. Please come home as shortly as you can, otherwise-"

"It's ok assistant Han. I'll be safe, don't worry about me." He hung up the call and turned to look at the grey clouds. When he turned back, he found an arched road in front of him. He instantly tried to handle the steering but failed and ended up crashing down in the woods.

The car was a mess, its auto components were badly disturbed. He made out of the car with blood all over his forehead, ripped shirt, and fractured arm. He yanked himself to a wood log. Feeling a water droplet on his arm, he looked at the sky. His head started hurting. "Not now!" He spoke under his breath. As each moment passed by, he was feeling more of the dizziness.

In that dense forest, he saw a black figure coming towards him. Tried saying something but, he was too injured to deal with his condition and passed out.

The girl came towards him. She saw him and then tilted her head. Bending down, the first thing that caught her sight was his toned abs. She gulped while her brain was controlling and taking her hand to the path of his six-packs. Touching it from the bottom she went up till his chest and detected his left-sided chest, where his heart was located. Suddenly, she sensed something behind her.

As she turned around she saw the car was on fire. She quickly stood up and stretched her arms and separated them. A big, blue-coloured shield appeared around her, that she controlled. The car exploded like a shot. She held the shield with all her power and not even a spark of the fire touched him. A few moments later, she was too uneasy to do that anymore. The fire got more aggressive. Enough to push her into the river just one or two meters away from them. All her power was used in saving him and now she was deep inside the intense water.

1 week later

He woke up and stood near the big windows in his room. The curtains automatically opened. An old man knocked on the door. "Oh, Good morning Dr Choi." The man approached him. "Hello, Mr Hwang. how are you feeling now?" The old man smiled. "Much better"

"Well, then it's good. Do you remember anything about the accident, a week ago?" Mr Choi asked him hoping for a good response."I.....No nothing." He sighed. "It's ok Hyunjin. Now I have to go, rest well." He then patted Hyunjin's shoulder a few times and then left the room.

One hour passed by a click, he called his assistant to pick him up. "Mr Han, please cancel the afternoon meeting, I will visit Seungmin"

"Okay, sir." Hyunjin nodded and looked out the window. "By the way, Mr Han, was I in a relationship with any girl before the accident?" Hyunjin asked in curiosity. "Fortunately, no sir. Are you still afraid that you will break another heart?" Hyunjin just sighed and didn't say anything.

She sat near a seashore. Eyeing an old man, she scanned all the details she required. The people spoke Korean in the place she landed. She searched all the data which was gonna help while her eyes were still fixed on the old man. "Somi, the people here speak Korean. I have downloaded the data, you should also do it." she looked here and there but she did not find her secretary .

"Done" a voice spoke near her lap. She was shocked. "Somi! What have you become?" She asked amused. The little thing walked on her four legs and went to stand on her lap. "It's a turtle. It is an animal found on earth." She giggled "You look cute though."

She sat on a bench with a paper and pencil along with her so-called pet. She picked up the pencil and her hands automatically moved as she started to sketch some lines on the paper. Eventually, she finished and looked at it. "I only remember his body, not his face." She stared at the sketch made by her. "But this will not help, I mean look at it, it seems that you are getting lust."

Somi said. The sketch she made was only covered with curved lines of his body and a question mark on his face. "How am I gonna find him when all I remember is his abs!" she tore up the paper and sighed heavily. "I can't give up. I'll find that 'Six packs guy' even if I have to go through the whole Seoul."

"But how? He won't go half-naked on the streets, will he? Guess you have to start searching." Y/N looked at Somi."What do you mean by ' you have to start searching? Ain't you gonna help me? I am pretty sure he has my annunciator."

"Sorry, I forgot that I am your secretary." She shook her head and stood up from her place taking Somi in her hands and started searching for it.


Note :
annunciator - signal used to call a UFO from her planet


This story is inspired by the Chinese drama ' my girlfriend is an alien ' I have translated the drama in my words with the help of the subtitles and worked on it for more than 7 months. Please do not report my story for copyright issues because I worked hard on it.

Thank you for your understanding. Hope you enjoy the story <3

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