80. Wish you were happier

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Silence echoed through the dining hall. The two of them denied making any noise. But Han dared. "Why isn't anyone coming? I'll try contacting them." Han picked up his phone from the table and tried. After trying a few times, Hyunjin spoke.

"Drop it. We are robbed." He said in a tone as cold as ice. "There's no way. Besides us, only the invited board members know about this- Wait a minute, could it be that someone stole them from us? All of them?"

Hyunjin nodded while his eyes were on the table but his mind wasn't. "Of course, he can. Someone has been waiting for this moment for so long." Han gulped at the sight in front of him.


"Thank you for coming. Drive safely." The man smiled and bowed to the wealthy woman sitting in the car. He kept looking at the disappearing car as someone suddenly tapped on his shoulder.

"Mr. Cha!" He smiled. "Now Hyunjin is gone, the company will be Jeongin's. You are his uncle, we can count on you to take care of this." Kang chuckled. "Yes, Yes. We always got each other back." He smirked a little.

The cars went by in front of him. Once the final car was gone, he turned around and saw a new car. A tall figure was leaning on it. It was dark, he couldn't see his face but he could figure out he was looking straight at him.

Kang narrowed his eyes to recognize who he was. The man started walking toward him. As the light of the restaurant flashed on him, Kang remained shocked. "M-Mr Hwang. What a coincidence!"

"No coincidence. I am here for you." Kang chuckled awkwardly. "You need anything?" Hyunjin glanced at the five-star restaurant for a second and turned to face him again. "I think you must be very clear about why I'm here. Or, you wouldn't call on so many board members."

Kang laughed weirdly again. "Mr. Hwang, you misunderstood. I have two days off this weekend. So I just invited some friends. Had some meals, drank some wine, and hung out." Hyunjin scoffed while smirking. "With such terrible table manners don't you dare act like a gentleman in front of me."

Hyunjin chuckled darkly and continued, "You think you can kick me out of the company with some board members? You... are no match to me." He pointed at the man in front of him.

"You think all these years, I haven't touched you people, just because I'm not strong enough? You think that the tricks you and Areum played can keep me blind till now?"

Kang gulped looking away. Hyunjin reduced a step between them. "If things like today happen again, I'm sorry what was your age, again? Forty-three, I guess, if I'm not wrong. You have half of your life to still survive, uncle. Don't want it to be miserable, right?"

He smiled at him and he didn't say a word. Hyunjin smirked at him confirming his victory and went towards his car.

"What are you planning to do now?" Han asked while his eyes were still on the road. "Since this won't work, I'll find better ways. There are only a few days left in a one-week limit." He closed his eyes tightly. "I will work overtime, go straight to the company."


Y/n entered the company with a bag in her hands. She just passed the escalator when she heard a similar voice. "And then go to the director for confirmation-" She was unnoticed by him as he was busy talking to an employee.

"Mr. Han." She called out. Han turned around and saw her and a reflex smile came to his face. "You can go now." He said to the employee and got himself to her. "Why are you here?" She showed him the bag in her hands. "Are you free right now?" He nodded. "Yeah, I am. Why?"

"Can you give this to Hyunjin? He forgot it at my place." Han opened his mouth. "Actually... I can't. I just remembered that I have something urgent to deal with. It would be better if you do it yourself." Han tried convincing her. She tilted her head. "You know he has been in a bad temper lately. I better not go." Another excuse came out of his lips. "Wait-"

"I will go now." He smiled and quickly escaped. Y/n sighed and lazily looked at the bag. "Come on! It's like on the sixty-seventh floor!"

The knock was heard by him but he didn't bother looking at the door. "Come in." She walked in, silently as if playing hide and seek. She caught a glimpse of the frown he had on while working.

As soon as Y/n took a step toward his desk, he recognized the fragrance. Immediately looking up, a small smile appeared on his lips as his frown faded away. "Here." She kept the bag on his table. "Your clothes."

He leaned back on his chair and stared at her. "Sorry, I was busy and I forgot to call you last night. You didn't wait for me, did you?" She looked away. "N-No. Why would I? I ate well and slept well and didn't think about you at all." Hyunjin bit his lower lip to control his laugh. She tightly closed her eyes.

*Wtf Y/n!*

"I gotta go now." She said quickly and bent herself towards the door. "Hold on." She took her time to face him. "I want to ask you a question." She wasn't sure if she was ready but she nodded. "If I'm not the president of this company, what will you do?" She raised her brow in confusion. "But you are."

"But what if I'm not?" He asked again. "Would you be disappointed?" She looked up thinking. "I don't think that would be a problem. Like what does it have to do with anything you are? You are you. And even if there would be a change, it would be your personality. Maybe you'll be a little happier."


"Yes, Happier. You always have that frown on your face, that cold aurora, I don't know if you noticed but you always stress on small things. If you would not be the CEO, I can imagine you to be much more happier. But you are and I'm sorry to say but your life is fucked up." He stayed silent.

"I can't even imagine if I were in your shoes, how would I? After so many efforts, no one notices your hard work, your patience, your situation, your mental health, but they all notice your mistakes."

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