17. Who is she?

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"It's raining. Mr. Hwang where are you." Han was worried sick and decided to go to Hyunjin's house and wait for him till he returns. He finally heard footsteps coming from the stairs. He ran towards him. "Mr. Hwang." He said in a worried tone. Seeing that he was all soaked he became more concerned "Are you ok?"

"Call Dr. Cha." He said calmly and sat on the couch. Han rapidly took out his phone and called the doctor. "What?.....Ok." He hung up. "Dr. Cha is out of station. He won't be home until tomorrow." Hyunjin nodded. "Did that happen to you again? Uh, how do I test it? Yeah!....That girl, Y/n. Do you remember her?" Hyunjin bends down his head backward. "This girl? I still remember her."

Han widened his eyes. "I remember everything about her. Han, I seem to have recovered from my amnesia." Han smiled widely. "That is great! But, do you think that Y/n might be related to your recovery."

"Except Y/n, I can't think of other reasons."


She came down to the restaurant . "Welcome future Mrs. Hwang." She heard Mrs. Bahng shout. "Mrs. Bahng, when did you come back?" She asked as she sat on the counter. Chan came out of the kitchen. "Before mom starts talking, Y/n don't listen to her. She is acting weird." He said and went back inside. "Don't listen to him. He is an idiot. So, Y/N. I love you." Y/n widened her eyes.

"What?" Mrs. Bahng chuckled. "I mean Y/n you helped us during our hardest times. You saved our restaurant. I can never forget this kindness of yours. As long as I am alive, I promise you that you will never suffer from hunger or-or" Y/n made a stop sign with her hands. "Wait, Mrs. Bahng.....Um, what is this all about?" They both heard the door opening sound. "I'll tell you later. First, let's attend the customer."

She said and turned around to greet the customer, but to their surprise it was someone known. "Mr. Hwang! Welcome, come in please." He looked at Y/n and then again to Mrs. Bahng. "I appreciate it but I'm actually here to see Y/n." Y/n raised her eyebrows at him. Before she could say anything Mrs. Bahng spoke, "Sure, you have her." She pushed Y/n in his direction.

They both sat on the chairs, opposite to each other. "Have you eaten?" He asked. Y/n shook her head in response. "No. I was busy serving tables." He nodded. "I would like to order." He shouted enough for the voice to travel through the ears of the ones in the kitchen. Y/n stood up. "May I take your order, sir."

Hyunjin took her wrist and made her sit down. Chan came out with a notepad and pen in his hands. "Sir may I take your order."

After he gave the order, he continued. "Do you have any plans today?" Y/n looked at him confused. "Serving tables." He smiled a bit. "Good plan." They both remained silent. "So......if you don't have other things, I'll get going."

"I want to know what happened yesterday." He asked. "You mean on the beach?" He nodded. Y/n started simply. "Yesterday, you brought me to the seaside, scolded me, and then hugged me." He rested his arms on the table. "Seaside.....it cannot be the reason." He mumbled. "Listen, Something can change me. For example, on my body, some unspeakable changes happened."

"What do you mean? I don't see any changes at all." She checked him all over his body. The food he ordered was ready to be served. "Enjoy your meal." She said. He looked at the plate in front of him filled with delicious food and placed it in front of Y/n. "You can eat I don't have an appetite." He got up, paid for the food, and left the restaurant. "Forget it. It doesn't have anything to do with her."

His phone started ringing. "Hey, dad."


He reached the garden but his footsteps stopped when he heard some laughing. He looked and saw his stepmom and dad talking with a girl. He went to them. "Hyunjin. You came back. I was just talking to Jiho about your date." He narrowed his eyes. "Who is she?" Jiho remained shocked. "Hyunjin, It's me Jiho."

"Have we met before, Ma'am?" He asked. Jiho stood up and looked at Mrs. Hwang's reaction. "Uh....actually we both quarreled the day before yesterday. I was angry and said we should never see each other again. So I guess he is just angry with me. Don't worry too much Mr. and Mrs. Hwang."

She was relieved that she handled the situation. "You took it too seriously I think." She looked at Hyunjin. Realization hit him as he smiled at her. "Sorry."

"We will get going then." Hyunjin and Jiho greeted the oldies and went to their cars. Jiho leaned on her car. "You just said we quarreled before."

"If not about the quarrel then why don't you know me." He looked away. She smirked and opened the door. "Or...." He again looked at her. "Did you get amnesia just after one night?" She said and got inside and drove away leaving Hyunjin shocked.

He took out his phone and quickly called Han. "Mr. Han, call Seungmin. And I want the data stored in name of Kim Jiho right now." He drove away to Seungmin's apartment.


"This is the first time you guys met. Look at it carefully Mr. Hwang." Han tried his best but Hyunjin shook his head. He took out some more photos and showed them one by one "This girl in this photo is the client you met last week. And this one is your female officer of the special secretariat." He ran his hands through his hair and leaned back to the couch. Han signed.

"It's ok. Now think about your recent memories. Except for Y/n, do you remember any other females?" He forced his brain to remember but after some time he replied. "Only Y/n."

"There must be an explanation to this. If you ask me, I think she is the one you're looking for."

"What do you mean?"

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