88. The Turtle

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His eyes flew open breathing heavily. Mr. Hwang approached him immediately. "Finally you're awake. You're sweating, Hyunjin. Did you have a nightmare?" Hyunjin sat up. "Where is Y/n?" Mr. Hwang frowned.

"Seriously? She deleted your memories and you're still asking for her?" A sudden realisation hit him. "Wait... Why do you still remember her?" He said pointing at his son."Of course I remember her. I remember everything now. Dad, why didn't you clear this earlier?" Mr. Hwang gave him a perplexed look. "Clear what?"

"I've always been unaware of how mom died because of my memory. I've been blaming you my entire life." Hyunjin looked away from his father. "Turns out if it weren't for me, she would've been alive....." They remained silent. "Why don't you blame me?" Mr. Hwang walked away from him and back faced him.

"Hating me, is much better than hating yourself." He faced him again. "How did you remember it?"

"It's because of Y/n." Mr. Hwang sat on the seat beside his bed in frustration."What's wrong with you? Stop talking about that woman." Hyunjin ignored him. "Why did you lie and let me hate you that much? Why did you let the media depict you as a bad guy who got his wife killed?"

The old man sighed. "You were just five, and you lost your mom. How could I tell you something such cruel? Sometimes, you have to cover a bitter truth with a lie. Because, people are not as strong as they think."

Hyunjin looked down the whole time. "I suppose..." Mr. Hwang gave his full attention to Hyunjin. "There's also a cruel truth about Y/n."


"You didn't lose your memory!" Hyunjin rolled his eyes. "Cut the chit-chat. Why did she do that?" Jeongin kept struggling to get out of the tie. "Do you really think tying me up will work?"

Hyunjin started cracking the knuckles of his hand, in a fist. "Okay, Okay. I'll tell you. N-No violence." Hyunjin waited for him. "Uh..It's just that you're not from the same world. Even I'm different from her. How do I explain..."

"She's an Alien?" Jeongin sat up and looked at him. "You knew?" Hyunjin nodded. "How can you be so calm? I freaked out!" Hyunjin sat beside him. "I remember everything. I know how she saved me. I saw it." Jeongin looked down. "Now that you know it, should we respect her decision?" Hyunjin smacked his head. "Oww. What was that for."

"Can't you figure it out. She could've gone way earlier but I think she can't go back. If my guess is right, she lost her annunciator."

"Now what the hell is that?" Hyunjin sighed heavily. "I'm not explaining it to you. I'm tired. The thing we have to focus on is that we need to know where is her annunciator and help her. And I think I know who can tell that." Jeongin looked at him confused. Hyunjin got his hand into his pocket and took out a green thing.

"It's Y/n's turtle. How is it with you?" Hyunjin smirked. "Do you think that kiss was unnecessary?" It took some time for Jeongin to understand it. "You are a genius. But, how is this turtle gonna help? "

"Haven't you seen Y/n talking to it? I'm sure this isn't a normal one." They saw the turtle wiggling four limbs here and there. Hyunjin looked at the turtle in the eyes.

"This is stupid but I'm gonna give it a try. So, hey...Turtle? You heard us right? Now if you talk back to us it will be really helpful." After few seconds it suddenly spoke. "You're rude." Jeongin widened his eyes. "It talked..."

"We're trying to help her and if you think I'm rude, you're right and it won't take me a second to throw you out of the window." Hyunjin said sarcastically.

"She doesn't want me to. I'm not going to betray her." Hyunjin was getting frustrated and Jeongin was trying to hold onto his laugh. "I will not hesitate to do what I said before."

"Do it then. You know that I'm the only way you can know where it is right?" Hyunjin stood up. "Ugh! You-" He calmed himself down. "Bro, let me handle it." He took the turtle in his hands and started. "Don't you also wanna go back? If you could tell where is it we can help you."

"You're a little nice." Jeongin gave Hyunjin a proud smile as Hyunjin looked away, poking his inner cheek. "Do you want me to be direct or should I tell you indirectly?" Somi said. "Why does that matter?" Jeongin asked. "Because it's at a place you wouldn't have even imagined. "

"Be direct. How bad could it possibly be?" Jeongin was ready to listen to it. "Okay as you wish. It's inside Hyunjin's heart."

"Okay, that was bad."

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