89. Sacrifices

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"Doctor, is it really irremovable?" He said coming out of the room. Jeongin ran over to them. "No. It has been a miracle that the foreign matter hasn't killed you yet. Taking it out by force is too risky. Even if our best professor comes to perform the surgery, the success rate will be lower than thirty percent." The doctor said looking at the x-ray. "You mean it can work by thirty percent."

"Are you crazy!?" Jeongin yelled at him. "Don't you know what thirty percent means? Are you wishing for death?" The doctor looked over at Jeongin.

"Persuade him." He said and left them alone. "Listen, there is gotta be another way. We can go home and think about it calmly." Hyunjin shook his head.

"There is no time. Don't you remember Somi told us that she can only stand by her superpower? We saw her before, she could barely stand. I'm gonna do this surgery no matter what happens."

"I've analyzed the surgery plan. It's dangerous-" Hyunjin was getting frustrated. "If you're unwilling to perform, I can arrange other doctors for this." The man sighed.

"Mr. Hwang, your life is my responsibility and we can't let the surgery take place without preparing anything. And in your case, it might take more than five months. I can't do the surgery."

"How about me then?" A voice came from Hyunjin's back. They all turned around. "Professor Gao" The doctor bowed. "I thought you weren't coming back until next week." They shook hands.

"I wasn't, had to change plans for this young man." He looked at Hyunjin as both the brothers stood there perplexed. Soon, a lady entered the room. Hyunjin smiled a little. "Why did you come here?"

Jiho smiled brightly. "Why wouldn't I? I heard about you. Luckily, Uncle Gao was free and can help us." Gao gained Hyunjin's attention.

"Mr. Hwang, let's discuss the details of the surgery together." Hyunjin nodded as Mr. Gao was the first one to leave the room. "Thank you." Hyunjin smiled at Jiho.

"After the success of the surgery, don't forget to treat me a dine." Hyunjin let out a chuckle and nodded. Jeongin didn't speak anything. Hyunjin turned to Jeongin and patted his shoulder. "Wait here." and with that, he left the room, followed by the other doctor.

"Are you crazy, Jiho? This surgery is very dangerous. I was thinking about how to stop him and you- aren't you afraid that anything can go wrong?" Jiho looked away from him. "Of course. After all, I used to love him."

"Then why did you-" Jeongin was out of words. He felt like he was getting panic attacks. "Rest assured. I've consulted with Uncle Gao. We won't force him to take it out. Besides with Hyunjin's character, his decision cannot be reversed."

Jeongin leaned on the shelf behind him, in relief. "I didn't expect you to be so helpful at a such crucial moment."

"I'm quite charming when I'm not carried away by love." There was a second silence between the two until Jeongin let out a chuckle, as Jiho did the same.


Y/n came up running to the door, panting heavily. "How long has he been in!?" Jeongin and Jiho were shocked due to the sudden loud noise in the ecoing corridor. "H-How did you know?" Y/n's legs were giving up.

"Quite a while," Jiho replied. "Stop the surgery right now!" She shouted. Jeongin came up to her hand and held her into his arms. "Y/n, calm down." He whispered.

"Jeongin, Somi..... is also in there right?" They pulled away as Jeongin nodded. "Open the fucking door!" She kept banging on the door rapidly. Jeongin held her back. "Y/n, stop! Calm down."

"I can't!" She yelled. She came closer to Jeongin and whispered in his ear. "Did she say she will help in the surgery?" She asked. "Yes, Yes she did." There was nothing to be hidden. Suddenly everything stopped.

She looked at Jeongin's frozen face and turned around as tears escaped her eyes. She placed her hands on the door she was banging on a few seconds ago and closed her eyes.

*Somi. Somi, can you hear me? If you can, stop being so willful!*

*You're such a fool Y/n. I just finished taking it out.* The curtains opened as Y/n could see the view inside.

"Somi, Stop! I beg you! Please!" She shouted her lungs out.

*I will not give up Y/n. I will try my best to protect him. Just a little more, Y/n.*

"Stop!" She cried herself out. She couldn't help. She could do nothing. "Let me do it! You can go back safely! Somi, Please, open the door! Open the door!"

*Look at yourself. Crying and whining, you don't wanna go back to our planet being this disgraceful. Collect yourself together... It was nice being your assistant, GCQ-CC, number seven.*

She started doing her job again. "No!" Y/n looked at the lying body and the monitor back and forth. The annunciator was slowly and steadily coming upwards. Her tears couldn't stop scrolling down her face.

The annunciator was finally at the end of her heart. Somi took a deep breath and gave her whole strength and power as the annunciator blow out of him. Blood started to flow outside from Hyunjin's mouth. Somi walked up to his heart, lifelessly.

*Thank you so much, for everything.*

Soon a purple light surrounded him. A big explosion came across the room. Y/n closed her eyes. "No." She whispered as she was being betrayed by her legs.

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