82. Three minutes for love

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"Hyunjin, I don't think it's working." She said sadly. He smiled a little. "It will." She sighed and sat on the couch and stared at the ceiling of his living room. How was such a beauty ignored by her?

She finally came to her senses and said, "It's useless to resume the perfume project. Perfume is just used to attract someone they like." It was like Y/n's words made his brain start functioning. He quickly seated himself beside her. "Wait... did you just say that perfume is just used to attract someone?" She nodded while turning the pages of the file in her hand. "Yes. Just like a human's hormone."

"Hormone?" Hyunjin questioned. "Yeah. When I first came here I had no resistance to male hormones. As long as I smell that flavor, in three minutes, it's like being drunk. I know it's crazy. Don't ask." She shook her head. He gazed at the perfume test tubes on his kitchen counter.

"Right. Three minutes." Y/n raised her brow. "Huh?" He walked to the counter.

"In three minutes, let people fall in love with others as they are drunken. After three minutes when the fragrance disappears, they'll come back to their senses again. But it gives each other a chance to love. Don't you think it's a good plan? If we make a perfume like this, it will explode like a bomb in the industry. But, it's impossible for a company to make a magical perfume like this." He started thinking again.

"Who said?" Hyunjin looked in her direction. "I can make it. Let's start." She rolled up her sleeves. "Are you sure? There is not much time left." She stood up enthusiastically. "I'm ready, are you?"

They spend the whole night working on their project. It was currently seven in the morning. Hyunjin's body was aching from sitting all night in the same position. He finally closed his laptop and stood up.

After stretching a bit he turned around to look at Y/n as a smile automatically appeared on his face. She was sleeping with her head supported on the counter. She had a glass tube in her hand.

Hyunjin pulled it away and called out."Y/n." She moved a little and then opened her eyes. He waited for her to sit up straight and then said, "Go inside and have some rest." He pointed to his bedroom.

"You're done?" She rubbed her eyes lightly. He didn't say anything and simply nodded. Y/n took the paper in front of her and showed it to him. "This is the first list of ingredients I made. But it hasn't been tested by lab researchers yet. I don't know what the effect will be." He read a few of them.

"I'll take this to the company today and test them." She yawned. "You can go and freshen up. I'll go back home after I clean up. We'll meet at the company." He nodded and went to his room to take a nice, warm shower.

Twenty minutes passed as Hyunjin came out of the shower. He went to his closet and choose his suit for today. After changing he went to the living room only to find silence all around. "She left."


Hyunjin walked out of his gate as he saw a white car in front of him. He sighed when he saw the car he was familiar with.

"Ms. Jiho." She pulled out her black sunglasses from her eyes. She opened her mouth to say something but he didn't let her. "If you're here to talk about the marriage, I can answer you right now." Jiho patiently waited for his answer. "Kim Jiho, don't take yourself as a business again, okay? You should take care of yourself."

"What do you mean?" Hyunjin hesitatingly brought his hands to grab her arms. "Look at yourself. You're smart and independent. You have your own career. And the most important thing now is that you are worth finding someone who loves you. Don't use me to tie yourself anymore."

He pulled back his hands. "Let me go and watch all the things being solved by themselves. I believe that you'll find your true love in the future." He said and walked to his car. He opened the door and turned back to look at her. "Thank you, for loving me." He smiled.

Hyunjin arrived at the company and went to Han's seat first. "Has Y/n arrived yet?" Han shook his head. "I thought she was with you." He frowned and pulled out his phone from his pocket, dialing a number.

"Hello? Chan Hyung?" Chan smiled through the phone. "Oh, Hyunjin, how are you?" He asked. "I'm good. Uh, I called because I wanna check if Y/n was home." Chan stopped working. "But Y/n hasn't come back since yesterday. I thought she was with you." Chan said concerned. Hyunjin knew it worried him.

"Oh, there she comes. I guess she came directly to the company. Sorry for disturbing you." They said their byes and ended the call. "Where could she be?"

"Must be wandering around. Don't worry too much. Think about the meeting first." Hyunjin was deaf at the moment. "I have to find her." Hyunjin ran off his floor and went to Jeongin's. After asking here and there, he saw a man he knew.

"Changbin." He called out. Changbin came up to him and bowed. "Have you seen Y/n?" Changbin nodded. "I saw her like thirty minutes ago. She went to the lab." Hyunjin didn't waste his time and went to the lab.

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