25. Fake it till you make it

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"Mr Hwang everything is ready. You see, these are the recent drama lists about a bossy president's love. "My amazing boyfriend E-1" The drama was being displayed on the tv screen. "And these....These are some love novels. And this... is the recommendation for gifts to give to girls. I opened the website for you."

He scrolled through the tab. "Good work. Now you can go. I think I have to......study it first." Han laughed out. " lYes bro, study well." He patted Hyunjin's shoulder and left his house. After Han left Hyunjin picked up a book. "President's sole favourite." He started reading it.

An hour later

"He holds her down on the bed two meters wide. I've been in love with you ever since I saw you at the café." He closed the book and went into deep thoughts. He kept playing with his fingers. An idea slipped through his mind. He Looked at a round and long pillow on the couch and picked it up.

He threw it gently on the couch and hovered above it. "Woman, you will be mine, sooner or later." Then he smirked. He got away from the pillow and hissed. "No." He thought for a while. "Maybe like..."

"I've been in love with you since I first saw you in the café -wait we have never gone to a café together. No Hyunjin, get yourself together. I've been in love with you since I first saw you. Woman, you'll be mine, sooner or later." He started leaning closer to the pillow. He closed his eyes and pulled the pillow closer. When his lips were about to touch it, he threw it far away. "God. I don't know what am I doing." He ran his hands through his hair.

"But it's still not right."


"Why can't I feel it?" Y/n was trying to find her annunciator since morning. "Y/n, It's time to serve!" Chan called out. "Coming."

"Here is your order." The couple thanked her and dug in the food. Suddenly, the tinkling of the door decoration started to be heard again. She moved herself to look at the door, waiting for the customer to come in. She remained shook at what she witnessed. Hyunjin came in with a big bouquet in his hands. He smiled once he noticed Y/n standing not so far from him.

He walked to her and smiled brightly. This was the first time Y/n saw such a big smile placed on Hyunjin's face. He gave the bouquet to her. "What is this for?" She asked. "For you. By the way, are you free today?" Y/n paused for some time. She remembered she had deliveries to do. "No, I'm not. What's up."

He breathed out and grinned. "Nothing." He said with a fake smile and straight away left the restaurant without giving a last glance to her. "What's up with him? Is he sick?"

He sat down in his car and closed the door with a big 'Bang' sound. Han got startled. "Why did you come back so quickly? Didn't you make any other appointment with her, or take the chance to talk to her, exhibit concern for her or something else? Mr Hwang, you thought until midnight last night, and this is what you came out with?" Hyunjin made a poker face. "I'll let her come to me herself."

Han raised his eyebrows.*No one can help this man. *

Y/n smelled the flowers. It had such a nice fragrance. "No, Y/n. You can't get soft-hearted towards him." She took the flowers and threw them in the dustbin. "Y/n?" Her lips curved upwards when she saw who was there. "Jeongin! Why are you here?" She saw the painting material in his hands.

"Listen, the thing you said you are finding, tell me everything about it. How does it look? I'll draw it and name it ' Lost and found ' If maybe someone has seen it they will contact us. "

"I can't sense the energy. But let's still give it a try." He opened all the painting stuff. Y/n explained every single detail of the annunciator and Jeongin kept drawing it according to the instructions given by Y/n.

Later that evening

"Mr Han, I want you to place an order from Y/n's restaurant for me." He nodded and was about to call but then stopped. "Wait, is this what you mean by letting her come to me herself?" He shook his head chuckling. "You don't understand. If you want to stir a woman's heart, the first step is to help her when she needs help. Her restaurant is in slack season. I want to help her increase sales, she will come to say thanks. Hurry up."

* That is a weird idea. But whatever why do I care, let's order.*

"One thousand!" She yelled. She called Mrs Bahng. "Mrs Bahng, someone ordered one thousand coffee cups. What should I do?..... What? Hello? Mrs Bahng, Boss....." Y/n hung up. "Did you get an order of one thousand coffee cups?" She nodded."Chan and Mrs Bahng are gone shopping and she said she'll not be back till night. I'm screwed."

When Jeongin heard this he started packing his stuff. Y/n looked at Jeongin and grabbed his arm. "Jeongin......You are a good friend of mine right? Please help me." He was trying his level best to ignore her but in the end, he had to agree.


Double update!

Note: don't be shy to leave your thoughts in the comment <3

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