23. Monsters

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She coughed. "I beg your pardon." He again looked straight. "I don't like to repeat the same thing. I'll give you time to think about it." He started the engine and dropped her home. The colors of her face drew away.

*What does he mean by " I'll give you time to think about it " it's obviously a No! *


"What!?" Hyunjin nodded at Han. "Didn't you tell me to be in love with her? I told her how I feel." Han facepalmed. "I did suggest that. But My Dear President Mr. Hwang, you don't watch dramas, do you?" He drank his beer and said. "I'm busy. I don't have time for this meaningless stuff."

"Dude, trust me it's not meaningless. Listen, woman is a very complicated capricious creature. Only if you spent enough time, money, and energy then you can progress your love to her. After that, you also have to spoil her, help her and break her heart. When necessary, you have to seduce her."

He blinked a few times looking at the man in front of him. But Han ignored his expression and continued. "When she becomes addicted to it then you can ask "Would you be my girlfriend?" Got it?"

"Be a handsome man and have enough money. Isn't that enough?" He asked. "I mean yes you can say that but think carefully. She loves your money, not you. Is that the kind of relationship you want? No right? So, the next step is to pursue her. Let her feel the love from a bossy president."

"Bossy president?" Han zipped his lips into a thin line controlling his laughter. "Right. I mean like in the dramas, send her flowers, luxury handbags, and gifts. Do types of things like, have dinner with her, go to the movies, go travel with her. Go shopping. Let her see a totally different side of you."

Hyunjin made a stop sign. "Let her just fall in love with my money!" He smirked-laughed and left the living room while shaking his head.

"You'll regret this Hyunjin. I'm telling you." He sighed.

She came into the restaurant thumping her feet in anger. The customers gave her weird looks. Mrs. Bahng and Chan pulled her into the kitchen and showered her with questions. "What happened Y/n? Why are you so angry?"

"Hwang Hyunjin! This guy is pissing me off. How can he confess his love to me?" Mrs. Bahng suddenly shouted. "He proposed you!" She nodded. "How can he be so licentious?" Chan said. "I know right!"

"What do you mean licentious? How brave it was! Y/n, you haven't turned him down, have you?" She made a disgusted expression. "It all happened so fast. I forgot to turn him down." Before Mrs. Bahng could say anything Chan started. "I mean Y/n, I think he is a good man. Besides being rich, he treats you well. He even helped us remember?"

"It's so casual, for you Earthlings to choose spouses." Both mother and son looked at each other. "Is that casual? So what's your opinion?" Mrs. Bahng asked. "Match type. Put all our data into the database. Then according to our height, personality, and weight....all this data to determine the disagree of matching between us. And then we will-"

* Oh no! What did I do? how can I forget that I can't show my real self? ugh! My partner is determined by the organization! I can't fall in love with him. *

"I am joking. Look at your reactions." She started laughing. "As for Hwang Hyunjin, No." Mrs. Bahng put her hands on Y/n's shoulder. "Then what about Hwang Jeongin?" A smile formed on her face immediately. "Jeongin, yeah he is handsome, plus cute."

Chan laughed."So you turned Hyunjin down because of Jeongin? Whatever it is, you can't just directly say no to him. It will maybe hurt his ego or maybe he will lose his self-respect. How about just showing him cold shoulders for a few days? He'll know the answer himself." Y/n liked his idea. "Guess that's the last thing left to do."


"Mr. Han, did Y/n contact you?" Han shook his head. "No sir. Please be patient. It's not that easy. And yes, this is from director Alan from the research department." He handed Hyunjin a black file.

"It's about sapphire projects which you asked them to investigate. According to Director Alan, these sapphires are quite special. They are substances that have never been found. It has a peculiar magnetic field of its own. Mr. Hwang, our group may find a new unprecedented substance. Let them keep digging into the case. It's best to find a way to make this kind of gemstone." He explained.

In the laboratory

"The bluestone keeps shining. We tried many tests on it but still nowhere close to sapphire. Then why is it shinning? It looks like crystal glass. "

"Somi, I-I sense something." She closed her eyes and concentrated. "I sense my annunciator!" She moved in the direction. "Are you leaving me behind?" Y/n quickly picked up her turtle and put her in her coat pocket. Starting from the little street she went all the way from a park, passed many buildings, and now on the middle of the road.

It was empty at first until the light turned green. The cars started moving. She was frightened. The cars were monsters for her. She covered her head with her hands and sat down on her knees.

"Mr. Han. Is this the way to Tropical Restaurant?" He asked. Han, who was driving the car, replied "Yes....Mr. Hwang, you have been thinking about Y/n these days. Is there anything wrong?" Han smiled at his tease. "Nothing. I am just...." Han was looking forward to something else but instead, his reply was. "Just a bit hungry." Hyunjin ended.

"But, you just had your breakfast." Hyunjin looked at his watch. "It's 10'o clock, let's just eat something for lunch." Hyunjin was looking out of the window when he noticed something. "Stop the car!" Han hurriedly stopped the car at the shout. Hyunjin opened the door and ran towards her. She was still there, sitting down covering her head.

"Y/n." He picked her up. "What are you doing? You should look at the signal lights when crossing the road. Don't rush forward rashly. Are you listening!?" She kept staring at him. She wasn't even aware of what was happening around her. He sighed noticing she wasn't listening and grabbed her hand. "Come with me." He dragged her to the roadside with him safely.

"Did you hear what I said?" He paused for a second and then called out her name. "Y/n! What is wrong with you?" She came to her senses. "What?" He poked his cheek by his tongue. He took a deep breath to calm him down. "I said that look at the signal light while crossing. And don't be afraid. If you feel afraid then ask someone for help. Got it?" She looked down and nodded.

*Why does he look so handsome today?*

Without looking at her, he slid his hands inside his pants pocket. "Do you...like.....have something to say to me?" He asked.

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