62. Elevator romance

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"Uh..." Just taking one step backwards she stopped. She suddenly felt herself being pulled by her arm and within no seconds, she was standing right beside him as their arms touched. "Am I hideous?" She shook her head. "No." He let go of her arm. "Why didn't you tell the reason to her?" She stared at the wall beside her. "Because I don't want her to know your issues." She replied simply. "Why?"

"Cause it's personal." She still didn't look at him. "But you know it. What does that make you?" She remained silent not knowing what to reply. "I really want to get distinct from you now. Every woman whom I break up with, once they got what they want, we would be over in a friendly way. But why are you different?" He looked at her as she did the same.

He fully turned to her. "Whenever I get close to you.." He took his step towards her. "I become sick?" He looked down at her with dark eyes. She walked towards the wall beside her, distancing herself from him. "I'll get sick if I get close to you." She said bravely, rolling her eyes. But she felt all of the bravery going out when he came close. His chest area touched her arm and his breath tickled her ear. "Then do you dare to look at me?"

She gulped as she encouraged herself in her mind while fighting the fear. She turned to face him and looked him in the eyes. "There." He smirked a little. "I want to know our past. This attitude..... No wonder I liked a woman like you." He almost whispered the last part. The electric sound came. She widened her eyes and hid her hands behind her.

He scanned her whole face, from her sparkling eyes to her nose but stopped at her lips. He didn't hesitate to bring his face closer to hers. But it didn't go as he wanted. She pushed him with one hand. "Stay away from me. Every time you get close I lose control." While talking she accidentally touched the wall of the elevator.

The lights went out in the whole building. The elevator stopped. Hyunjin quickly pulled Y/n into his arms as he knew what will happen next. The wires loosened as the elevator dropped down at a high speed. It was hard to balance themselves. "Are you ok, Y/n?" He said stuttering still trying to balance. She pushed him again.

"Stay away!" She sat down on the floor. "Why did it become worse than ever? What should I do?" Her hands were shaking as the blue energy was visible. She kept her hands on the floor. The elevator stopped sinking.

He bent down at her level and placed his hand on her back. "Stay away! Are you deaf?!" She yelled but her gaze suddenly softened. "Hyunjin, please. I request you..stay away. Just find a way to get yourself out as fast as possible. I can't hold it for long. The elevator will drop down soon." She pleaded.

It was too late. The elevator again continued to fall. She quickly grabbed a corner and blew on her hands. Hyunjin took out his phone and called someone. The man quickly picked up. "Mr Hwang-"

"We are trapped in the lift. Find out the cause immediately and fix it." Han looked at the workers. "The technician is working on it. Please hold on for a few minutes. We'll solve it soon." He hanged up and went closer to her. Seeing her whole body in panic he asked, "Do you have Claustrophobia?"

"Stay away Hyunjin! Don't you understand at once!" He embraced her into his arms tightly. "Hyunjin, don't!" She started struggling to get himself away but his tight grip was avoiding doing so. "Don't be like this Y/n!" She gathered her whole power and pushed him away which made his arms lose. "I'm a bane, Hyunjin. I'll destroy you!"

Hyunjin didn't respond in a confused way. "Even if you are a bane, I'll be your lucky star. I won't die..Nor will you."


"Strange...The safety switcher has connected in and the relay also does, then why does it not work?" The worker said as Han was having panic attacks. "Hurry up! There's life in there!"

*Y/n, you have to do something.*

She closed her eyes and tried to control her hand. She breathed. "Come on Y/n, you can do it." She mumbled to herself and gave her all. She looked up at the round handle of the lift on her right side. Hyunjin kept looking at her to make sure she was ok. She grabbed the handle and forced herself to give power. She shouted in pain. "Y/n!"

The lights came in as the elevator started working but not properly. Stopping for some seconds, then again going up. The process is repeated every time in 5 seconds. "Listen Hyunjin, whichever floor the elevator stops, just get out." She said breathing heavily. "What? No! I won't leave you alone."

"Why do you care about me! You have forgotten me already! Then why!?" She said irritated. He bent down again. "Yes, you are right. In my eyes, I have no importance for you. But still, I don't know why, when anyone treats you badly, I become angry. If I were Jeongin, I would help you to slap back at them one by one. But I'm Hyunjin. I can't be so willful. I can only stand far away.....and look at you silently."

She stayed quiet for a while. She looked up at him with weak eyes. "You...Do you care about me?" Hyunjin noticed that her voice was not as usual. It was low and weak. She barely spoke. Her voice came out in a whisper. "You think?" She curved her lips upwards at his response. She closed her eyes and concentrated.

Dragged her hand to the wall, she absorbed her whole energy and then released it at once. The wall travelled the power to the wires and the system started working completely. The lift didn't stop again. Everything was back to normal except her. She breathed out. She felt her eyes growing heavy, soon, darkness filled her eyes.

"Y/n..." He cupped her face in his hands and shook her. "She fainted..." He quickly pressed the button of the ground floor. Seeing Y/n wearing black shots that almost covered her thighs, he opened his coat.

He covered her lower area properly with his coat and picked her up bridely. The lift soon led them to the ground floor. The door opened as he ran out of the elevator carrying her. Not caring much about who was watching.

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